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摘要:外国语大学英美文学硕士开题报告A Study on Huang Yuanshen's Version of JANE EYRE from the Perspective of the Three Rules of Skopos Theory从目的论三原则看黄源深《简爱》中译本
  论文题目:外国语大学英美文学硕士开题报告A Study on Huang Yuanshen's Version of JANE EYRE from the Perspective of the Three Rules of Skopos Theory从目的论三原则看黄源深《简爱》中译本
  补充要求和说明:开题报告, 英语,字数4000-5000,参考文献不少于20,全日制硕士,导师是硕士生导师
  外国语大学英美文学硕士开题报告A Study on Huang Yuanshen's Version of JANE EYRE from the Perspective of the Three Rules of Skopos Theory从目的论三原则看黄源深《简爱》中译本
  I Introduction
  1.1 Research Background
  There is no doubt that literary translation has been playing a key part in cross-cultural exchanges. Because cultural exchanges are between different cultures, they are conducted by means of translation.
  Since Jane Eyre was published in December 1847,it had been widely read and known as one of the best in English literature. Jane Eyre has been translated into many other languages ever since. There are several versions of Jane Eyre in China, for instance, among which Huang Yuanshen's version is of the most popular one. After exploring the reasons, there are some serious problems which are worth thinking and studying. An important one is why the translator chooses the version and how he/she realizes their translation purpose. The emergence and development of skopos theory provides a new perspective for the analysis of translation. Skopos theory breaks through the limitation of the linguistic theories and enables the translation scholars to go deeper into the translation studies, and it is of great significance for translation practice.
  II Literature Review
  III Theoretical Framework
  IV Outline
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