1、Strategic Planning: how to decide whether to purchase or rent company premises
2、阅读下列文章,回答Questions:Read the text below about the improved performance of a car company.
Choose the best word to fill each gap from (A, B, C or D) on the opposite page.
For each question 21-30,mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
There is an example at the beginning, (0)
Improved performance at Carter& Sons
There was good news in Carter & Sons’ annual (0) yesterday. Three years of restructuring (21) in an upbeat statement from the company in advance of the official announcement of its interim (22) due early in August. The chairman, David Carter, reported a “ strong start to the year”, which, although helped by a rather weak (23) period last year, highlighted the logic of refocusing the group on growth sectors. Three years ago the company (24) a review of all its operations in view of the serious financial difficulties that it was (25) As a result of this, its car (26) business was sold to an American group, and its car sales and repair divisions were (27) down so as to allow the company to (28) on the sale of vans and heavy goods vehicles. Three new showrooms have been opened in the UK and Ireland , and the sales (29) has more than doubled in the last two years.
Growth in business across the group has gone up by almost 12 per cent in the first half of the year. This should reassure investors that Carter & Sons is now on (30) to deliver increased earning in the years ahead.Example :
A report B Notice C account D information
听力题第13题答案为( )。
5、At what level do films operate?
6、Money might mean more valuable these days when it's not money at all. How to interpret this statement?
7、Questions 31—40
·Read the article below about how to set up shop on the Internet.
·For each question 31--40,write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.
·There is an example at the beginning,(0).
8、1.Write an answer to one of the question 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words.
Question 2:
You have recently attended the following one-day courses:
Developing Your Potential
Trends in Electronic Commerce
Managing People
Reducing Costs
Your company’s training Manager has asked you to write a short report about the training.
Write the report for the Training Manager:
.describing the two courses which you found most useful
.explaining how you benefited from them
.outlining the specific training courses your would like to attend next year
.giving reasons why these courses would be useful to you
Question 3:
Your manager has asked you to contact a local business school, inviting their students to apply for a three-month work placement in your company.
Writing a letter to the Principal of the business school:
.introducing your company and the idea of the placement
.describing what work the placement would involve
.explaining what skills and qualities the successful applicant should have saying how the placement would benefit the applicant.
Question 4:
The Sales Director of your company wants to improve customer service and believes that this can be achieved by extending the opening hours of the Sales Department. He has asked you to write a proposal concerning improvements in customer service.
Write a proposal for the Sales Director:
. sumnmarising current problems concerning customer service
. evaluating the Sales Director’s suggestion
. presenting one or two other measures which could be taken
. giving reasons for your preferred course of action.
2. Write an answer to one of the question 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words.
Question 2:
the Sales Manager in your company is looking for a venue where he can hold a three-day conference for sales staff. You have recently attended a conference at the Marston Conference Centre and the Sales Manager has asked you to prepare a report on the suitability of the Centre for his conference.
Write your report for the Sales Manager.
Describing your experience of the venue when you attended the conference there
Assessing the positive and negative aspects of the venue
Making a recommendation as to its suitability for your company’s conference
Question 3:
You are dissatisfied with the poor service that has recently been provided by the company responsible for delivering your products to your customers.
Write a letter to the company:
Informing them of the fall in the standard of their service
Explaining why you are dissatisfied
Describing the bad effect the service has on your business
Detailing what action your intend to take if the service does not improve
Question 4:
You feel that your company’s main product or service would benefit from better publicity. The directors have asked you to write a proposal putting forward your ideas.
Write your proposal for the directors.
Mentioning the product or service concerned
Stating the shortcoming of the current advertising
Outlining how your competitors publicise their products or services
Suggesting a different approach to advertising
3. Part one
Question 1
An international survey has recently been conducted, asking whether companies plan to alter their spending on information technology next year. The pie charts below compare planned expenditure on IT by European and South-East Asian companies in the coming year
Using the information from the pie chart , write a short report describing the differences between Europe and South-East Asia.
Write 120-140 words
Part two
Write an answer to one of the question 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words.
Question 2:
Your company opened a new branch a year ago and the Managing Director at Head Office has asked you to prepare a report on its progress.
Write your report for the Managing Director. Including the following information:
the reason for opening the branch
its successes
problems experienced
plans for the coming year
Question 3:
Your department recently moved to a new building, you are not satisfied with the way the removal company dealt with the move of your furniture and equipment and have decided to write a letter of complaint to the removal company about it.
Write the letter to the removal company, including the following information:
Details of the move and what was moved
What was unsatisfactory
What you had expected from the company
What you expect to happen now
Question 4:
The international organization you work for is considering the possibility of producing a promotional brochure to publicise the company abroad . The Managing Director has asked you to write a contribution for this brochure.
Write your proposal for the Managing Director, including the following information
Possible contents of the brochure
Ways to make it attractive
Benefits the brochure could have for the company