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【#英语资源# 导语】感恩是用一颗充满爱的心来感受,是用一颗宽广的心来体会,使用一颗感谢的心来对待。以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Gratitude is a virtue. There are too many things in the world to be grateful for.

  First of all, I would like to thank the farmer uncle, just as the poem said, "One grain of millet is planted in spring, and ten thousand seeds are harvested in autumn.". It is they who use their hard sweat to make us eat rich food!

  Secondly, I want to be grateful for the sunshine. Because the sun shines warmly on the earth, it allows all plants to thrive, increases more oxygen in the world, and makes our life more fresh!

  Then, I would like to thank the scientists, who have developed various tools and circuits, which can make people no longer light the torch; The airplane, it can let us fly freely in the once mysterious sky

  Next, I would like to thank my parents, which is also the most important. It is they who let me come to this world and take care of me every day, regardless of spending money for me. One day, I will let them enjoy themselves!

  Finally, I would like to say a word: "Thanksgiving is a virtue, let's learn to be grateful!"


  Thanksgiving is something everyone should learn.

  First of all, we should learn to be grateful to our parents. It is our parents who gave us bright eyes, let us observe the world, gave us hardworking hands, let us create the world, gave us smart brains, let us create... It is our parents who gave us precious life, so should we also repay our parents with sincere filial piety? For example, when parents come home, we pour them a cup of tea and make them a sumptuous dinner

  Secondly, we should also thank the teachers who taught us knowledge. The teacher has taught me a lot of knowledge, so that we can become educated teenagers. Teachers love us more than their children. At school, we should study hard and repay our teachers with excellent results.

  Then we should also be grateful to the nature, which has given us blue sky, silver grey earth and green grassland... We should also protect the environment, not litter, but use environmental protection bags... But we should protect the nature with a heart of conservation.

  Finally, everyone should learn to be grateful. If everyone gives a grateful heart, the world will become a better place.


  After reading the book "Learn to be grateful", I learned the truth of Yongquan newspaper. Let me feel the world's sour, sweet, bitter, hot, evil and kind, happy and sad.

  In this world, we enjoy gifts from relatives, teachers, lovers, colleagues, bosses and customers. Even setbacks and failures are created by ourselves.

  When we have a grateful heart, we will have a seed of peace. Gratitude is not a simple reply, but a spiritual realm of self-reliance, self-respect and the pursuit of sunshine.

  After reading, I finally fully understand the truth of Yongquan Newspaper. We should be grateful to others for their help. Help us when I am in trouble. So we should thank others. When we help others, we should not ask for return. After reading "Learn to be grateful", I understood the true meaning of life. We should understand the wisdom of life and harvest a different life.

  Let us always have a heart of gratitude to thank the little things in life, which will let us gain more.


  Everyone has their own parents, who love their children, and my parents also love me.

  When I was young, although our family was not rich, my parents tried their best to satisfy me. They always gave me the food at home. Among the children in our school, I had the most toys, but I repeatedly contradicted my nagging mother, always wanted to break away from my father's ties, and did not know how to thank them at all.

  Now I have grown up slowly, and gradually realized the hard work of my parents. I try to learn to be grateful, share the pressure of life for my parents, and try to support a corner of the family as a small pillar of the family.

  Last year, on Women's Day, my mother was tired for a day. I remembered my promise to do something for my mother during the festival. Just before going to bed late, I saw a public service advertisement for washing my mother's feet. So I called a pot of hot foot washing water and brought it to my mother's face to wash her feet to help her relieve fatigue.

  My father is a heavy smoker. My mother tried to persuade him to quit smoking many times, but he never listened. I tried to help my mother, but failed many times. This semester, we are going to write a composition about talking, and I want to use this opportunity to help my father quit smoking. I moved my father thoroughly with my words from the bottom of my heart and tears on my homework. From then on, except that he had to smoke as a guest, Dad never smoked again.

  Thank you, Mom and Dad. I must repay you with practical actions.


  People often say that you should be grateful for everything that has helped you. A smile of encouragement and a word of comfort can make people feel happier than ever before.
  We should thank them for the spiritual encouragement and comfort they gave us when they were alone. We should even thank them for their existence, which has created the world and made us feel the warm beauty! Perhaps, some people will think that the world does not need to be grateful. It is enough to manage your own life and what others do. On the contrary, we don't have to thank others. Isn't it a saving effort?

  However, this world is so nostalgic because it has warmth and gratitude. People help each other, the world will have today's magnificent. Let's learn to be grateful and say "thank you" to everyone.

  Then, instead of losing anything, you will get more people's affirmation and praise! Know how to be grateful and learn to "thank you"!


  Gratitude is an eternal topic, and gratitude is a virtue that everyone should have, because only when everyone is grateful, can we find the world is so perfect and life is so happy.

  We should be grateful to our parents. Parents are always concerned about our growth, our health, our study and life. When we are ready to go to school, can you hear the warm and kind words from your parents: "Look at the car when crossing the road, and study hard at school..."?

  We should be grateful to our teachers. The teacher's guidance has turned us from ignorance to erudition. The teacher moistens and dries up like water, paves the road for us like stones, warms our hearts like the sun, caresses our cheeks like the warm spring wind, burns himself like a candle to illuminate others, and sows knowledge like a gardener.

  Gratitude is a noble virtue, and everyone should learn to be grateful. If everyone faces life with gratitude, they can find the source of happiness. Come on! Let everyone on the earth have a grateful heart and learn to be grateful!


  What is the most precious emotion in the world? It is maternal love. It is our parents who gave us life and brought us to this beautiful world. Without the love and careful cultivation of parents, there would be no us now. Maternal love is great. She is willing to selflessly pay for her children, even pay her life, and her mother never complains. Motherly love is indestructible and powerful. Mother is like the soil that protects flowers. We are flowers moistened by soil. It is the fertile soil that nourishes the flowers. Mothers are like burning candles. We are children illuminated by candles. Unknown candles give children hope.

  My mother makes money to make me live better. Mom is very tired when she comes home every night and can't lie in bed. She doesn't want to move. When I learned that my mother ran around the restaurant every day and worked hard, I decided to pinch my mother's feet as a reward. I know my mother's kindness to me, and I can't repay her in my life. I must do my duty as a child to repay my mother. I gently put my mother's foot on my leg, and I gently pinched her foot, and soon she fell asleep sweetly.

  Maternal love is great and selfless. Everyone should be filial to his parents. Here, I want to say to my mother: "I love you!"


  One beautiful spring Sunday, I was reading on the balcony. I was deeply attracted by the story of Meng Mu's Three Movements. The story is about Mencius' mother, who was very poor, moved to her home three times for Mencius to study in a good environment. She first moved from the cemetery to the market, and then moved to a school. Because of Mencius' selfless love, Mencius became a great scholar later.

  In retrospect, what's wrong with my mother! I remember one time, my mother had to work late to go home, and my father was not at home, but I couldn't do one homework problem, so I had to wait until my mother came back to teach me. I waited and waited. My mother finally came back. As soon as she entered the door, I found her very tired. I think she must be very tired, but my mother still explained to me patiently, again and again, until I understood.

  Poor parents all over the world, which parents didn't break their hearts for their children? We should know how to be grateful. I will study hard, listen carefully in class, and work hard to complete all assignments to achieve excellent results. I will help my parents do what I can to repay them.


  Everyone has a heart of thanksgiving, because thanksgiving will have this colorful society, because thanksgiving will have sincere friendship. Thanks to gratitude, we understand the value of life

  No sunshine, no warmth; Without water, there is no life; Without parents, we have no ourselves; Without family and friendship, the world will be lonely and dark. In order to get rid of it, we need to know how to be grateful and have a grateful heart.

  Gratitude comes from the heart. As the saying goes, "The kindness of dripping water should be rewarded by the spring". What's more, parents, relatives and friends pay for us is not only a drop of water, but also a vast ocean. Do you give your parents a cup of warm tea after they are tired, hand them a home-made card on their birthday, and offer a word of comfort when they are lost? They have devoted their efforts and energy to us. How can we remember their birthday, experience their tiredness, and whether we are aware of the strands of silver and wrinkles. Gratitude needs your heart to understand and repay.

  Look at all the people around you with a grateful heart. Gratitude to those who hurt you, it is they who have honed your will. Be grateful to those who encourage you. It is they who make you confident. Be grateful to those who have given you knowledge. It is they who have illuminated your way forward. Be grateful to those who have nurtured you. It is they who have fed you well.


  Gratitude is an attitude to life, a state of mind, and a philosophy of life. Gratitude is a way to be a person. We should learn to know, be grateful, and repay kindness. Everyone should always have a heart of gratitude. We should be grateful for ourselves, others, and the society. It is impossible to be smooth in life. Everyone will encounter all kinds of setbacks, which requires us to face bravely and deal with broad-minded. We should be grateful for life and all that life has given us!

  Thackeray, a British writer, said: "Life is a mirror. When you laugh, it also smiles; when you cry, it also cries." Life needs a grateful heart to create, and a grateful heart needs life to nourish. It is precisely because life requires us to face it with a grateful attitude that we know the meaning of life. A person who knows how to be grateful will turn gratitude into a positive motivation; A person who knows how to be grateful will take gratitude as his life creed; A person who knows how to be grateful will regard gratitude as a spiritual realm of sunny life! Learn to be grateful, learn to understand and give love, and learn to embrace life with a broad mind. If your heart changes, your attitude will change; When attitudes change, habits change; Habit changes, character changes; Character changes, life changes! May the grateful heart change our attitude, may the sincere attitude drive our habits, may good habits sublimate our character, and may the healthy personality harvest our beautiful life!
