
时间:2023-06-02 02:50:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#四六级考试# 导语】2023上半年大学英语四级听力常用短语是四级听力考试中必备的词汇和短语。®文档大全网为大家整理了相关资料,包括听力技巧、常用短语和练习题,帮助大家提高听力水平,顺利通过四级听力考试。通过学习这些常用短语,可以更好地理解听力材料,提高听力效率和准确度。

1.2023上半年大学英语四级听力常用短语 篇一


  1、提供。公司提供工作职位给学生就是offer a job。国外大学提供奖学金即:offer scholarship。所以大家一般称国外大学的全额奖学金为offer。

  I turned down the offer because it would mean frequent business trips away from my family. 我拒绝了这份工作因为它要求频繁的出差。

  They’re offering me a job after I graduate. 他们给我提供了一份毕业后的工作。

  2、帮助。offer to help others 乐于助人




  I haven’t received the furniture I ordered yet.我还没有收到订购

  How about the food I ordered?我订的饭菜如何?

  餐厅服务用语:Can I take / serve your order?

  3、秩序。 out of order 比较乱,其反意为in order。



  Did Henry paint the whole house himself?  整栋房都是亨利自己漆的吗?

  He had it painted. 他找人刷了油漆。


  Can you tell me the title of this oil painting? 你能告诉我这贴画油画的名字吗?



  How much time did you have for writing the paper?你写论文花了多少时间?

  What’s the teacher’s comment on the student’s paper?老师怎么评价这个学生的论文?

  Are you sure you have corrected all the typing errors in this paper? 你确信论文中所有打印错误都更改了吗?

  2、试卷。期中考试有mid-term paper,期末有term paper。因此,如果提到The paper was not as easy as we hope. 就是考试卷子没有想象得那么容易之意了。

  3、书面。与paper test 书面考试(笔试)相对的就是oral test(口试)。固定搭配on paper也即表示“以书面形式”。

  4、平装。a paper back book / paperback edition平装书,与hard back book / hard cover精装书相对。听力中会出现的情形是,在促销(on sale)期间,平装书和精装书一样的价格,这个时候大家当然会更愿意选择精装书了。

  Do you have the paperback edition of this dictionary? 这本字典有平装版吗?


  I’m calling about the three-bedroom house you advertised in yesterday’s paper.

  The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day.

  I’d like to place an advertisement for a used car in this Sunday edition of your paper.


  I am looking for quality paper to type my essay. 我在找高质量的纸来打印论文



  I spend so much time polishing my application letter. 我花了很多时间润色我的申请文书。

2.2023上半年大学英语四级听力常用短语 篇二

  1.book review 书评

  2.novel 小说

  3.press 出版社

  4.publisher 出版者

  5.publication 出版;出版物

  6.biography 自传

  7.editorial 社论

  8.extra copy 额外的副本

  9.subscribe to 订阅

  10.out of stock 脱销

  11.best seller 畅销书

  12.hardcover edition 精装本

  13.paperback edition 平装本

  14.out of print 已绝版的

  15.read selectively 选择性阅读

  16.get through a novel 看完一本小说

  17.be addicted to the book 对书入迷

  18.plough through 费力地坚持读(看)完

  19.read extensively 广泛地阅读

3.2023上半年大学英语四级听力常用短语 篇三

  1.take the course 选课

  2.credit 学分

  3.register 注册

  4.drop the course 退课

  5.introductory course 初级课程

  6.advanced course 高级课程

  7.rank 排名

  8.syllabus 教学大纲

  9.curriculum 课程

  10.seminar 讨论会

  11.elective/optional course 选修课

  12.compulsory course 必修课

  13.drop-out 退学

  14.makeup exam 补考

  15.psychology course 心理学

  16.physics 物理学

  17.computer course 计算机课

  18.computer science 计算机科学
