

时间:2023-03-12 15:39:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Next Week's Presidential Debate Could Make History
Americans are preparing for the first of three debates involving the candidates for president.
The first debate takes place on September 26. It will be held at Hofstra University in the city of Hempstead, New York.
The first debate will include the candidates of the two main parties. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is the nominee of the Democratic Party. The Republican candidate is businessman Donald Trump.
首场辩论将囊括美国两家主要政党的候选人。前国务卿希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)是民主党总统提名人,共和党总统候选人是商人唐纳德·川普(Donald Trump)。
The other parties will not be represented at the first debate. The Libertarian Party, for example, has nominated former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson as its presidential candidate. The Green Party chose Jill Stein, who also served as its candidate in the 2012 elections.
其它党派不会参加首场辩论。自由党提名了前墨西哥州长加里·约翰逊(Gary Johnson)为该党的总统候选人,绿党选择了吉尔·斯坦(Jill Stein),他也是该党2012年大选的总统候选人。
The moderator of the first debate will be television news anchor Lester Holt.
第一场辩论的主持人是电视新闻主播莱斯特·霍尔特(Lester Holt)。
The debate will be 90 minutes long. The three topics for debate will be America's direction, achieving prosperity and securing America. Each topic will be debated for close to 30 minutes.
Holt will begin each topic with a question, and each candidate will have two minutes to respond. Candidates will also have the opportunity to respond to each other.
Many think the first debate could make history by drawing the largest audience ever to watch an American political event.
History of presidential debates
American presidential debates and the media have a 56-year history. In 1960, Republican Vice President Richard Nixon debated Democratic Senator John F. Kennedy.
美国总统辩论和媒体拥有56年历史。1960年,共和党副总统理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)同参议员约翰·F·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)展开了辩论。

