

时间:2024-06-13 03:57:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语作为家喻户晓的英文学习教材,《新概念英语》在中国经久不衰,影响了好几代学习者。即使以今天的角度来看,这套出版于几十年前的教材无论是在编排体系,题材和题材,词汇还是语法上都有出彩之处,值得各个层次的人学习。©文档大全网为您整理了以下内容,仅供参考。希望可以帮助到您!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注©文档大全网!


If you're keen to earn a bit of extra cash while potentially saving this planet from alien infection, NASA has an opening for you.

The US space agency is looking to hire a Planetary Protection Officer who will both protect our planet from the Martians and make sure that humans venturing into space do not contaminate other worlds.

The job requires "frequent travel" but it does come with a salary of $187,000 (£141,000) a year with benefits, which isn't bad.

"Planetary protection is concerned with the avoidance of organic-constituent and biological contamination in human and robotic space exploration," reads the job description.

“Nasa maintains policies for planetary protection applicable to all space flight missions that may intentionally or unintentionally carry Earth organisms and organic constituents to the planets or other solar system bodies, and any mission employing spacecraft, which are intended to return to Earth with samples from extraterrestrial targets of exploration.”

The role will probably require involvement in NASA's upcoming missions, including a planned trip to Jupiter's moon Europa in the 2020s.

If you're interested in applying, NASA says you need at least one year's experience as a civilian government employee and an advanced degree in physical science, engineering or mathematics.

The space agency says the role requires “demonstrated skills in diplomacy that resulted in win-win solutions during extremely difficult and complex multilateral discussions”.

You also need to have "advanced knowledge" of planetary protection, which probably means more than just having read The Andromeda Strain whilst on holiday.











【篇三】英国呼吁:停止强 迫女性穿高跟鞋上班

Researchers have called for action to stop women being forced to wear high heels at work.

Academics at the University of Aberdeen who carried out a review of scientific studies into the shoes said more needs to be done to address the problem.

The research identified evidence that the shoes increase women's attractiveness to men, but also a wealth of studies showing they raise the risk of developing musculoskeletal conditions and the chance of injury.

Earlier this year the UK Government rejected calls for a ban on enforced high heel wear.

Ministers said existing laws are adequate to deal with discrimination following the case of receptionist Nicola Thorp, who was sent home after she refused to wear heels at work.

The London temp arrived at PwC in flat shoes, but was told she had to have a 2-4in heel.

She launched a petition which attracted more than 152,400 signatures asking for it to be made illegal for companies to require women to wear the footwear for their jobs.

Dr Max Barnish, who led the research, said: "From our review it is clear that despite the huge amount of evidence showing heels are bad for individuals' health, there are complex social and cultural reasons that make high heel wearing attractive.”

Dr Heather Morgan, a lecturer at the university, said: "Of course we are not trying to tell anyone that they should or shouldn't wear high heels, but we hope this review will inform wearers to help them weigh up the health risks with social benefits, as well as putting pressure on lawmakers to toughen up legislation so that no-one is forced against their will to wear them in the workplace.”


研究人员呼吁(政府)采取行动,停止强 迫女性穿高跟鞋上班。






她发起了一项请 愿活动,请求政府下令,如果公司要求女性穿高跟鞋上班,则视其违法,该请 愿活动收集了逾152,400个签名。


大学讲师希瑟·摩根博士表示:“当然我们并不是在试着告诉大家应不应该穿高跟鞋,但是我们希望这份报告可以让穿高跟鞋的人了解这一情况,以帮助她们权衡健康风险和社会效益,同时希望这份报告可以对立法者构成压力,使他们加强立法,以便使所有人不再被 迫违背个人意愿,在工作场所穿高跟鞋。”

