

时间:2023-02-16 17:21:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A: Good morning, Miss Cai. Congratulations! You’ve passed the interview.


B: Good morning, Mr. Yang. Thank you very much. Can I work now?

B:早上好,杨先生。非常感谢您。我现在 可以工作了吗?

A: Oh. Take it easy. As I’ve said in the interview, once you are employed, we’ll give you a probation period of three months. And now we need to sign a draft agreement for the probation period.

A:噢,别着急。我在面试时就已经说了,如 果你被录用,我们会给你一个为期三个 月的试用期,所以我们要先草签一份试用期的协议书。

B: I am sorry, I am just too excited and forget it. Can I look it through?

B:对不起,我太高兴了,把这事给忘了。能 让我先浏览一下好吗?

A: Of course, here you are. And you can ask me any question.

A:当然可以,给你。你可以随时问我任何 问题。

B: Well, I am sorry that I have a question. There is no remuneration item in this a-greement. Can you tell me something about it?

B:很抱歉,我有个问题要问。在这份协议 中没有有关福利的条款。您能给我解释一下吗?

A: Well, according to the principle of our company, employees like you have no remuneration during the probation period.


B: But you didn’t tell me in the interview.


A: I am sorry, It’s not decided by me but by the company.

A:不好意思,这是由公司决定的,而不是我 决定的。

B: Okay, I can’t decide whether sign or not now. Can you give me some time to think it over?

B:对不起,我暂时还不能决定签约与否。 您能给我一点时间考虑一下吗?

A: Okay. Can you give me a reply tomorrow?


B: Yes. Thank you very much. Mr. Yang.


