A: So it is nice to have you here, Mr. Guo.
B: Pleased to be here for your kind interview.
A: What is your full name again?
B: Ifs Guo Xiong.
A: You have an english name, I guess?
B: Yes. My students call me Park.
A: Well, according to your application tetter, you are very interested in our bank work. How is it?
A:嗯,照你的求职信所言,你对我们的银行 工作很感兴趣。为什么?
B: Er, l‘m thirty now, I have been, as you can see in my letter, in many fields, trying at new things and drawing more experience. I have been telling myself to learn as much as possible, to get widely experience, and to find a position that best suits me in my major and challenges me. Now, after trying all the jobs I have been on, I find banking would be most interesting, refreshing and challenging—you deal with money, with people and with computer, and you are managed and you manage!
B:这个嘛,我现在已30岁。你在我的求职 信中可读到,我在不同行业里干过,尝试 新职位,广泛经历不同事物。我一直都 告诫自己,要多学一点,多一些经历,要 谋得一个既最能发挥我专业特长,又能 激励我不断提高的工作。经过各种尝试 之后,我发现银行工作最有趣、最新鲜又 最富挑战性一因为你要与钱、与人还要 与计算机打交道,当你被纳入管理,同时 也从事管理!
A: That is right. So you are interested in management, too. What is it that makes you interested in management?
A:说得有道理。那么你对管理也感兴趣 吧。管理中有什么使你感兴趣呢?
B: You know, in management, you make plans, organize human resources and other resources. What attracts me most is you see work is done and done effectively.
B:如你所知,管理就是制定计划、安排人事 和其他事情。最使我感兴趣的是要确保 工作有人做,而且做得有成绩,有效率。
A: Well, interesting. Now what would you do if you are busy working at your counter and a man comes in and asks you to brief him about how to apply for and use a credit card and you don’t know much about it.
A:嗯,很有意思。现在请你告诉我,遇到下 面这种情况怎么办:你正坐在柜台里面 忙于工作,一位顾客走进来,请你给他简 单介绍一下怎样申办和使用信用卡,而 你对此也知之甚少。
B: It depends on the time and what I’m working at. Generally, I will try my best to be most helpful. Like I’ll ask him to leave me a phone number and then I’ll call him after I learn well about the card when l,m less busy.
B:那要看在什么时间,还要看我当时正在 忙什么。总的来说,我将尽力帮助他。 比如我让他留下电话号码,等我不忙的 时候搞清楚问题,然后给他回电话告诉 他。
A: Well, good answer. Now tell me, Mr. Guo, what do you think was the toughest problem you have ever met in your past experience and how you came around it?
A:嗯,你回答得很好。郭先生,能否告诉我 在你过去工作中,你所遇到的最棘手的 问题是什么?你又是如何解决的?
B: The toughest problem I’ve ever met, I think, is some of my colleague are not so much motivated to learn. Actually, I don't like it. I came around the problem by giving them a hard time.
B:我想我所遇到过最棘手的问题是我的一 些同事非常欠缺学习动力。说实在的, 我很不愿意看到这种事儿。我的解决办 法就是不让他们轻松。
A: What do you mean by giving them a hard time?
B: Well, I ask them to do it repeatedly.
A: Ah, I see. Well, Mr. Guo, this has been an interesting interview. Ifs been nice to get to know you. I hope I'll see you again, that is when you are a colleague of us. Wish you good luck!
A:呵,懂了。嗯,郭先生,这次面试很有趣。 认识你很高兴,希望能再见到你,那时候 你就是我们的一个同事了。祝你好运!
B: Thank you. I have been most grateful. I hope I can join you soon.