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【#高考# 导语】海阔凭你跃,天高任你飞。愿你信心满满,尽展聪明才智;妙笔生花,谱下锦绣文章;冷静细心,发挥如鱼得水;心想事成,努力备考,考到理想院校!以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的 《历年高考英语阅读理解真题及答案【11-15】》供您查阅。



  Enough “meaningless drivel”. That’s the message from a group of members of the UK government who have been examining how social media firms like LinkedIn gather and use social media data.

  The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee’s report, released last week, has blamed firms for making people sign up to long incomprehensible legal contracts and calls for an international standard or kitemark (认证标记) to identify sites that have clear terms and conditions.

  “The term and conditions statement that we all carelessly agree to is meaningless drivel to anyone,” says Andrew Miller, the chair of the committee. Instead, he says, firms should provide a plain-English version of their terms. The simplified version would be checked by a third party and awarded a kitemark if it is an accurate reflection of the original.

  It is not yet clear who would administer the scheme, but the UK government is looking at introducing it on a voluntary basis. “we need to think through how we make that work in practice,” says Miller.

  Would we pay any more attention to a kitemark? “I think if you went and did the survey, people would like to think they would,” says Nigel Shadbolt at the University of Southampton, UK, who studies open data. “We do know people worry a lot about the inappropriate use of their information.” But what would happen in practice is another matter, he says.

  Other organisations such as banks ask customers to sign long contracts they may not read or understand, but Miller believes social media requires special attention because it is so new. “We still don’t know how significant the long-term impact is going to be of unwise things that kids put on social media that come back and bite them in 20 years’ time,” he says.

  Shadbolt, who gave evidence to the committee, says the problem is that we don’t know how companies will use our data because their business models and uses of data are still evolving. Large collections of personal information have become valuable only recently, he says.

  The shock and anger when a social media firm does something with data that people don’t expect, even if users have apparently permission, show that the current situation isn’t working. If properly administered, a kitemark on terms and conditions could help people know what exactly they are signing up to. Although they would still have to actually read them.

  73. What does the phrase “ meaningless drivel” in paragraphs 1 and 3 refer to?

  A. Legal contracts that social media firms make people sign up to.

  B. Warnings from the UK government against unsafe websites.

  C. Guidelines on how to use social media websites properly.

  D. Insignificant data collected by social media firms.

  74. It can be inferred from the passage that Nigel Shadbolt doubts whether _______.( B )

  A. social media firms would conduct a survey on the kitemark scheme

  B. people would pay as much attention to a kitemark as they think

  C. a kitemark scheme would be workable on a nationwide scale

  D. the kitemark would help companies develop their business models

  75. Andrew Miller thinks social media needs more attention than banks mainly because _______.( D)

  A. their users consist largely of kids under 20 years old

  B. the language in their contracts is usually harder to understand

  C. the information they collected could become more valuable in future

  D. it remains unknown how users’ data will be taken advantage of

  76. The writer advises users of social media to _______.( B )

  A. think carefully before posting anything onto such websites

  B. read the terms and conditions even if there is a kitemark

  C. take no further action if they can find a kitemark

  D. avoid providing too much personal information

  77. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?( C)

  A. Say no to social media?

  B. New security rules in operation?

  C. Accept without reading?

  D. Administration matters!


  Basketball Statistician Help Wanted

  The Athletic Department is looking for students to help assist staff during the Fall 2016, Winter 2016-17 and Spring 2017 semesters. Students in this position will be keeping live statistics during basketball games. Students must meet all of the following requirements:

  l Good computer skills

  l Available evenings and weekends

  l Knowing basketball rules and statistics

  Students interested in working for the Athletic Department should contact the Athletic Coordinator at their respective(各自的) campuses.

  l TP/SS Athletic Coordinator, Michael Simone,240-567-1308

  l Rockville Athletic Coordinator, Jorge Zuniga,240-567-7589

  l Springfield Athletic coordinator, Gary Miller,240-567-2273

  l Germantown Athletic Coordinator, GavriChavan, 240-567-6915

  21.When will the job start?(C)

  A .In May 2016B. In May 2017

  C.In September 2016D. In September2017

  22.Who is more likely to get job?(C)

  A.Sam,English major ,member of the college basketball team

  B.Judy,IT staff with night classes,children’s basketball team coach

  C.Ted,computer major, basketball fan,free on evenings and weekends

  D.Molly,part_time programmer,high school basketball player ,new mother

  23.Whom should you contact if you want to apply for the job in Rockville?(B)



  If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

  Dreaming about whether you would want to read minds, see through walls, or have superhuman strength may sound silly, but it actually gets to the heart of what really matters in your life.

  Every day in our work, we are inspired by the people we meet doing extraordinary things to improve the world.

  They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess: the power to make a difference in the lives of others.

  We’re not saying that everyone needs to contribute their lives to the poor. Your lives are busy enough doing homework, playing sports, making friends, seeking after your dreams. But we do think that you can live a more powerful life when you devote some of your time and energy to something much larger than yourself. Find an issue you are interested in and learn more. Volunteer or, if you can, contribute a little money to a cause. Whatever you do, don’t be a bystander. Get involved. You may have the opportunity to make your biggest difference when you’re older. But why not start now?

  Our own experience working together on health, development, and energy the last twenty years has been one of the most rewarding parts of our lives. It has changed who we are and continues to fuel our optimism about how much the lives of the poorest people will improve in the years ahead.

  24. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 refer to?(B)

  A. Your life style.

  B. Your life value.

  C. Your trouble in life.

  D. Your life experience.

  25. Why does the author say they are inspired every day?(C)

  A. They possess different kinds of superpowers.

  B. They have got the power to change the world.

  C. Some people around them are making the world better.

  D. There are many powerful people in their life and work.

  26. What does the author stress in Paragraph 5?(B)

  A. Learning more and contributing more to a cause.

  B. Rising above self and acting to help others.

  C. Working hard to get a bigger opportunity.

  D. Trying your best to help the poor.

  27. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?(A)

  A. The author believes the lives of the poorest will get better.

  B. Much more progress will be made in the near future.

  C. The work on health is the most valuable experience.

  D. People’s efforts have been materially rewarded.


  In the depths of the French Guianese rainforest, there still remain unusual groups of indigenous(土著的) people. Surprisingly, these people live largely by their own laws and their own social customs. And yet, people in this area are in fact French citizens because it has been a colony(殖民地) of the French Republic since 1946. In theory, they should live by the French law is often ignored or unknown, thus making them into an interesting area of “lawlessness” in the world.

  The lives of these people have finally been recorded thanks to the effects of a Frenchman form Paris called Gin. Gin spent five months in early 2015 exploring the most remote corners of this area, which sits on the edge of the Amazon rainforest, with half its population of only 250,000 living in its capital, Cayenne.

  “I have a special love for the French Guianese people. I have worked there on and off for almost ten years,” says Gin. “I’ve been able to keep firm friendships with them. Thus I have been allowed to gain access to their living environment. I don’t see it as a lawless land. But rather I see it as an area of freedom.”

  “I wanted to show the audience a photographic record touching upon the uncivilized life,” continues Gin. “I prefer to work in black and white, which allows me to show different specific worlds more clearly.”

  His black-and-white pictures present a world almost lost in time. These pictures show people seemingly pushed into a world that they were unprepared for. These local citizens now have to balance their traditional self-supporting hunting lifestyle with the lifestyle offered by the modern French Republic, which brings with it not only necessary state welfare, but also alcoholism, betrayal and even suicide.

  28. Why does the author feel surprised about the indigenous people in French Guiana?(A)

  A. They seldom follow the French law.

  B. They often ignore the Guianese law.

  C. They are separated from the modern world.

  D. They are both Guianese and French citizens.

  29. Gin introduced the special world of the indigenous Guianese as _________.(D)

  A. a tour guide

  B. a geographer

  C. a film director

  D. a photographer

  30. What is Gin’s attitude towards the lives of the indigenous Guianese?(D)

  A. Cautious.

  B. Doubtful.

  C. Uninterested.

  D. Appreciative.

  31. What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?(A)

  A. The modern French lifestyle.

  B. The self-supporting hunting.

  C. The uncivilized hunting.

  D. The French Republic.


  A warm drink of milk before bed has long been the best choice for those wanting a good night’s sleep. But now a study has found it really does help people nod off—if it is milked from a cow at night.

  Researchers have discovered that “night milk” contains more melatonin(褪黑激素), which has been proven to help people feel sleepy and reduce anxiety.

  The study, by researchers from Seoul, South Korea, involved mice being fed with dried milk powder made from cows milked both during the day and at night.

  Those given night milk, which contained 10 times the amount of melatonin, were less active and less anxious than those fed with the milk collected during daytime, according to the study published in The Journal of Medicinal Food.

  Night milk quickened the start of sleep and caused the mice to sleep longer.

  While the effect of cows milk harvested at different time has not been tested on humans up to now, taking melatonin drugs has been suggested to those who are struggling to fall asleep at night.

  Previous studies have also indicated that milk can be excellent for helping sleep because of the calcium content, which helps people to relax.

  Milk is also sugar-free and additive-free with nutritionists recommending skimmed milk as the best choice before bed as it is the least fattening. The more fat you take in before bedtime, the greater burden you will put on your body at night.

  32. According to the text, the mice fed with daytime milk_______.(B)

  A. started sleep more easily

  B. were more anxious

  C. were less active

  D. woke up later

  33. Which of the following is true of melatonin according to the text?(D)

  A.It’s been tested on mice for ten times.

  B.It can make people more energetic.

  C.It exists in milk in great amount.

  D. It’s used in sleeping drugs.

  34.What can be a suitable title for the text?(A)

  A. Night Milk and Sleep

  B. Fat, Sugar and Health

  C. An Experiment on Mice

  D. Milk Drinking and Health

  35. How does the author support the theme of the text?(D)

  A. By giving examples.

  B. By stating arguments.

  C. By explaining statistical data.

  D. By providing research results.

