【#英语口语# 导语】学英语,除了背单词以外,对于口语、写作等应用环境下,最最重要的就是词组和短语的掌握了,掌握好最基本的词组就是学好英语的基本功,以下“交际英语口语:宴会主持中常用的礼仪祝词”由®文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!
(2)Our distinguished guest:各位嘉宾。
这里的distinguish的动词是大家会比较熟悉的“区别、辨别、突出”的意思,在加上ed 成为形容词之后,则有“的、高贵的、尊贵的”的意思。
(3)Your/ His/ Her/ Honor Excellency:尊敬的阁下。
这里的Excellency 是阁下的意思。经常和Your/ His/ Her/连用,一般最为大使、总统的尊称。另外,如果你有看过《都铎王朝》或者是一些英国历史剧,那你一定听过这两个尊称了:Your/ His/ Her Majesty :尊敬的陛下、Your/ His/ Her/ Royal Highness 尊敬的殿下。
e.g. It is a great pleasure for me to preside at this dinner given by this company in honor of Mr. Smith.
(2)I would to express my deepest appreciation……表达深深的谢意
e.g. I would to express my deepest appreciation to the your company for warm hospitality and excellent arrangements of this event.
(3) On behalf of all the members of……代表全体成员
e.g. On behalf of all the members of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and the gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land.