

时间:2022-04-24 06:43:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】每年的五月一日是劳动节,每一个劳动者都是可敬的,劳动节是属于他们的节日,是全世界向他们庆贺的节日。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  Today is an important day - may day. Today is a festival for working people all over the world. On this day, we should work more, because labor is the most glorious.

  Early this morning, I looked out of the window. There were so many working people! In the community, the greening uncle is mowing the lawn, the cleaning aunt is cleaning the garbage in the community, and my parents are cleaning the floor, mopping and washing clothes. Busy. As a member of my family, how can I stand idly by? Yes, I also want to join the ranks of labor, think again and again, ha ha! I want to wash my parents' feet!

  In order not to be found by them, I hid in the bathroom and closed the door so that they could not hear the sound of running water. I took my parents' foot basin out of the cabinet, put hot water into the water pipe, and then put a foot towel on my shoulder. When everything was ready, I brought two pots of hot foot washing water to my parents in turn. Mother was surprised and joked, "Oh, where did the sun come from today? Our baby girl is so sensible!" Dad was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. He repeatedly said that I was a good child who was diligent and sensible.

  Hearing the praise from my parents, my heart is happy and sweet. It turns out that labor can also be so happy! After washing my feet, I helped my mother sweep the floor and hang the curtains. I did a lot of things within my power.

  Labor is the most glorious. Today is a happy Labor Day!


  Today is labor day. My father took us to the memorial archway square to play.

  There are many people in the memorial archway square, including children, adults and white haired grandparents. Suddenly, I heard a voice in the sky. I looked up and saw that there was a man sitting on the power umbrella. The power umbrella flew around in the sky like a free bird. I envy that man standing on the ground.

  On the stage, some art troupes are performing Cantonese opera. Most of the people watching it off the stage are the elderly, because the elderly like listening to and watching Cantonese opera.

  Go ahead and we'll see some military artillery and tanks. What attracts me most is "amphibious tank". Seeing these words, I feel very strange. How can a tank walk on the water? After reading the following words and pictures, I knew that this tank is high-tech and can walk on water. The father standing aside said, "if the PLA hadn't won the enemy with these artillery and tanks, we wouldn't have a happy life today."

  Back home, I think this may day is very happy, and I also learned some knowledge.


  Today is labor day. My mother and I are on holiday. I asked my mother, "Mom, can you take me out to play?" Mother said, "yes, I originally planned to take you to Jiyang lake ecological park." I said excitedly, "great!" We had breakfast, packed up and set off.

  My mother and I went to Jiyang lake ecological park. We first entered from the west gate and saw a golden beach. A group of lovely children were playing with sand on the beach. Some piled castles, some picked up stones and dug sand pits. They had a good time. We walked along the path paved with wooden boards and saw a large pond with many small lotus leaves on the water and many small fish swimming freely in the water. I put a small lotus leaf on my head, and my mother took pictures for me! We walked along the path and came to the square. How big the square is! The square was surrounded by colorful flowers. There are many people flying kites in the square. There are butterfly kites, Eagle kites and SpongeBob kites in the sky... These kites float around in the sky, up and down, which is very fun. After that, we visited water lily pond, single wood stone bridge, water ecological pond and other places.

  How time flies! It's already two o'clock in the afternoon. My mother and I forgot to have lunch. We reluctantly left Jiyang Lake Ecological Park and embarked on the journey home.


  On May Day this year, my mother took me and my family to visit the "3D Art Museum" in Xishi city.

  When we came to the art museum, we saw a monster on the wall playing chess alone. Next to the monster was a note that said: please take off your shoes and sit opposite the monster and pose to play chess with him. So I took off my shoes, sat on the chair opposite the monster, made a posture of playing chess with him, and then my mother took a picture of me. After taking photos, I put on my shoes and my mother showed me the photos. Ah! It's like I'm playing chess with a monster. No wonder it's called "3D"!

  Then we took many interesting photos, such as taking an elevator on the sea, being eaten by a python, a doll born in a shell, a big bubble blown by a little man's cough, and a fairy in a lotus... However, what impressed me most was the "magic room". He had a small mouth for you to take photos, and then two people went in and stood in two corners. Because there is a slope there, so it is high and low, so it will appear tall and small. When I was standing uphill and my mother was standing downhill, the picture was like this. 'although I was a child, I looked very tall. Although my mother is an adult, she still looks very small. This is the wonder of the magic room and the reason why I am most impressed by him.

  After visiting the art museum, although my brother and I haven't had enough, we still reluctantly left. We had a happy may day and an interesting may day.


  Today is the annual international labor day. I thought my parents would take me to play, but unexpectedly, my parents asked me to do farm work.

  That afternoon, I came to the river with my father, mother, grandmother, second aunt, second uncle and my sisters. I first took out the tool for beating rapeseed, and then unfolded the tarpaulin. The task of my sisters and I is to pull vegetables. The second uncle said, "Lan Lan, count and be the captain." With that, they were busy.

  My sisters and I started working, too. At first, we were all confident. Lin Lin, who is usually lazy, also works very seriously. For a while, he will "pull a thousand catties" and for a while, "pull down the weeping willows". He can work hard. However, the good times didn't last long. Before long, the hands and feet were soft and sweating. The previous excitement didn't know where to go, and the dead skin and rotten face. When dad saw it, he said with a smile, "come on! We'll buy ice cream after we finish our work." After listening to this sentence, our sisters suddenly got excited. Half an hour later, we finally completed the task. In order to help our parents finish eating the rapeseed ice cream earlier. When we got home, my mother took the money to buy us ice cream. When I eat this delicious and delicious ice cream, I feel really happy.

  Although this may day is harder than in previous years, it has benefited me a lot. I deeply appreciate the hardships of labor, but what is more difficult than hardships is the joy of labor.

  Unforgettable, my May Day!


  Labor day finally came. After I finished my breakfast, I saw my mother busy. Sweeping and mopping the floor... My mother is sweating. I couldn't help but go up and say, "Mom, do you want me to do some work for you?" Mother said happily, "OK! Today is labor day."

  First, I began to clean the furniture and glass. I carefully and conscientiously wiped the house from beginning to end and from top to bottom with a rag, which was covered with dust. I'm exhausted now. I'm sweating and out of breath. But I thought: the general cleaning is very hard, but if I can't hold on at once, isn't what I just did in vain? Do things from beginning to end. So I started sweeping the floor again. I didn't even let go of the corner. I finally cleaned it up. When I think about it carefully, I forgot to sweep the room. I went in, skillfully took the broom and swept it slowly. Just as I was holding the broom handle and pulling out the bottom of the bed, I found two dead cockroaches! You can see how dirty my house is.

  Finally, I filled a bucket of water, washed the mop, dried the water and began to mop the floor. Holding the heavy mop, I slowly dragged it from side to side, and then from side to side. When the water was dry, I washed the mop again. When I finish all my work and look at my home, it's a world away from before the cleaning!

     When I saw my mother, I was still a good child.

  After the May day cleaning, I learned that "as long as you pay, you will gain". This is also my May Day harvest.


  Today is labor day. When I got up together, I saw my mother sweeping the floor in the corridor. I saw the sweat on my mother's head. I ran to the room, took a towel, walked to my mother and said, "mother, you've worked hard, let me wipe your sweat!" After I wiped my mother's sweat, she smiled and said to me, "you are a good filial child."

  At noon, I saw my father also working. I was curious: my father seldom works. Why is he cleaning today? After thinking about it, I ran over and asked my father. My father replied, "today is labor day. Everyone is working!" I looked, ah! My father didn't lie to me. My neighbors' uncles and aunts are also working! As I watched them work, I thought: today is labor day, and I should do what I can! So I went to get a broom and swept the floor seriously.

  I saw that all the places were very clean and there was no dust at all. I immediately felt very happy. Also secretly thought: my mother will praise me. As soon as I finished thinking, my mother came up to me. Seeing that all the places were so clean, she couldn't wait to ask me, "Jingru, did you clean all this?" I said, "no, no, it's thanks to my father!" The mother said, "you are a good child who is filial and sensible."

  After my mother left, I said to myself, "it turns out that helping my father, mother and others will be praised!"


  Today is labor day on May 1st. The weather is fine, but it's a little hot.

  Our family came to black tiger spring. There are many tourists here. I squeezed into the crowd, lying on the side of the guardrail, watching the three tigers open their mouths and spit the spring water. Standing here, I also feel a lot cooler. I stood in front of the cave, the clear and transparent spring water was refreshing, and I filled the spring water with a bottle. After drinking the sweet spring water, it moistens my heart.

  Looking up, a tall city wall stands majestically in front of us. We go up the steps. The three big characters "Jiefangge" are very eye-catching. On the east wall, the names of the martyrs are engraved all over the wall.

  When I came to the Jiefangge and entered the Jinan campaign exhibition hall, I was called back to the war years by pieces of historical materials and black-and-white photos. I had been watching, listening and thinking silently.

  When I came out, I stood on the wall and looked down. The spring of Heihu spring was flowing into the park around the city happily, and the fountain on the spring city square was gushing. Tall buildings are rising.

  Jinan is becoming more and more beautiful.


  Today is labor day, which I look forward to. oh By the way, I also forgot a very important thing. Today, my father will take me and my mother to Nanhai in Guangzhou.

  We started from Yangjiang and arrived at our destination about an hour later. As soon as I got off the bus, I felt the grandeur of the ancient city. Although it was not as lifelike as the Forbidden City, I also felt a bit of style. As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a beautiful crane statue and many toys, including merry go round, bumper cars and fun water yo yo

  When we came to the zoo, we saw the fierce wolf at first sight, a lovely baby tiger... And finally two cunning foxes.

  We came to the boating place and chose a lovely kitten boat. We rowed happily to the middle of the lake. The lake water was clear, green and shiny, like a flawless emerald. Look back, ah! There was a long white ripple trailing from the stern. While having a good time, a strong wind suddenly blew. We quickly rowed the boat back to the shore and got on the shore. We stepped onto the overpass and looked down. Busy people came and went, and vehicles flowed.

  After crossing the overpass, I reluctantly went home. On the way home, I thought: I had a really good time today!


  Today is May 1. I followed my mother to Haishan Park in Dinghai.

  There are a large number of people here. Many children play there accompanied by their parents. Some are playing with kites, some are playing with gyroscopes, and some are fishing.

  I hurried to the goldfish pond. The water there is crystal clear, goldfish are big and small, colorful: red, orange and purple! I saw many people fishing, so I bought a fishing rod to join the fun.

  Soon, my bait was also bitten by the fish. I quickly pulled up the fishing rod and held the line with my hand. A live goldfish was caught by me. I carefully put the fish into the basin and was very happy! But this goldfish is too small. I want to hook a bigger one. But in the next few minutes, the fish always didn't take the bait, or the fish ate the bait, but it wasn't pulled up. I was so angry that I stared. The joy just flew out of the sky and shouted to go home. At this time, my mother told me to calm down and take your time when fishing. After listening to my mother's words, I put down the fishing rod again and fished patiently. Sure enough, I caught three more, and one was bigger than the other. So I took four goldfish and went home happily.

  Along the way, I don't know how excited I was, because I not only caught the big goldfish, but also learned such a truth: you can't be impatient, you have to be patient, so you can succeed!

