【#英语口语# 导语】考察应聘者的英语水平,尤其是他们的英语口语。与英语水平低的求职者相比,英语水平高的求职者更有机会被录用。因此,职场英语口语很重要。身在职场,相信都要学习对自己工作有用的实用职场英语表达。下面是®文档大全网准备的三种职场能用到的口语,快来学习吧。
Miranda: You've been working here for nearly a month. How do you feel about the job? 米兰达:你在这里工作快一个月了。你觉得这个工作怎么样啊? Jack: Not bad. Thank you for your help. I'm always busy with the job. I feel a bit tired. 杰克:还不错。多谢你的帮助。我一直比较忙。觉得有点儿累。 Miranda: I had the same feeling when I first came to work here, but after a period of time, I felt better. I'm sure you'll get used to the busy job. 米兰达:我刚来这里工作的时候也有这种感觉,但过了一段时间,我就感觉好多了。我肯定你也会适应这种忙碌的工作的。 Jack: I also feel that the work efficiency here is very high, and you all have strong working ability and professional skill. It seems that you know all. It's really wonderful! 杰克:我还觉得这里的工作效率很高,你们所有人的工作能力和专业技能都很强。你们好像什么都知道似的。真了不起啊! Miranda: You know the phrase, "the survival of the fittest". We have no choice. 米兰达:你知道“适者生存”这种说法吧。我们没有选择的余地。 Jack: That's right. I have to work hard. 杰克:说得对。我必须努力工作。
Secretary: Welcome to our company. 秘书:欢迎来我们公司工作。 New manager: I really love this kind of atmosphere. 新任经理:我真的很喜欢这种气氛。 Secretary: An impressive office is vital to the image projected by the company. 秘书:一个令人印象深刻的办公场所对公司的形象很重要。 New manager: There are people everywhere. What's that girl doing? 新任经理:到处都有人。那女孩子在干什么? Secretary: She's dealing with customers and drumming up new business. The guy next to her is in charge of the office computer network. 秘书:她在跟客户谈生意并争取新的业务。她旁边那个小伙子负责公司的电脑网络。 New manager: And what about that man there? 新任经理:那边那个男人呢? Secretary: He is our accountant. 秘书:他是我们的会计。 New manager: I see you have a coffee bar and a water cooler. The staff here must be very comfortable. I think it really helps morale when people feel supported by their employers. 新任经理:我看到这里有一个咖啡吧台和一台冷水机。这里的员工一定很舒服吧。我想员工得到了雇主的支持士气肯定会不错的。 Secretary: Indeed they are. Keeping the staff happy is the only way to keep them with the company. 秘书:确实是。让员工快乐是公司留住他们的方法。
Operator: Hello, this is ABC Corporation. May I help you? 接线员:您好,这里是ABC公司。我能帮您做些什么吗? Brian: Yes. I'm enquiring about your advertisement for a sales manager in today's newspaper. Is this position still open? 布赖思:是的。我想问一下你们今天在报纸上登广告招聘一名销售经理的事。这个职位现在还空着吗? Operator: Yes, but do you have any experience as a sales manager? 接线员:还空着,但是您有做销售经理的经验吗? Brian: Yes. I have a lot of previous experience in sales. I have worked for the sales departments of two companies since finishing my university. 布赖恩:有。我以前在销售方面有很多经验。自从大学毕业后我在两家公司的销售部门工作过。 Operator: That sounds fine. Please give me your name and phone number and I'll set up an appointment for an interview for you. It will most likely be in a couple of days' time. Is that all right for you? 接线员:听上去不错。把您的名字和电话号码告诉我,我给你约一下面试。很可能就在两三天之后。这个时间适合您吗? Brian: Yes. My name is Brian and my phone number is 5294870. 布赖恩:适合。我叫布赖恩,我的电话号码是5294870。 Operator: Thank you. 接线员:谢谢。