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【#英语资源# 导语】寒假是快乐的,又是十分的有趣的,学生们喜欢寒假,喜欢享受寒假的一切,下面是©文档大全网整理的《有关寒假趣事的英语作文范文》,希望对你们有帮助!

1.有关寒假趣事的英语作文范文 篇一

  The winter holiday is coming to an end. When we think of the embarrassing incident, our family can't help laughing.

  On the fifth day of the first month, my aunt's family will come to our house for dinner. My father and mother were going to the supermarket to buy fish. When they left, they handed me the task of washing vegetables. I am happy to accept the challenge and want to prove my strength. Just do as you say. A few tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers will be washed clean by me. I hummed a song in my heart and thought, "It's just so easy to wash vegetables." Next, I want to wash spinach. Put it in the basin. Wow, how can there be so much mud. After washing again and again, I found that the root gap of spinach was still not cleaned. I'm so tired. I want to have a rest, but I'm afraid of being looked down upon by my parents.

  Suddenly, I thought of the washing machine and thought, "The washing machine can wash clothes, and certainly can clean vegetables. Moreover, they will be shocked by my cleverness." I held the dish basin and poured it into the washing machine, and selected the function. At first, the washing work was completely automated. I sat proudly on the sofa and watched TV.

  My father and mother came back, and I told them excitedly. Mother frowned and hurried to look at the washing machine. Wow, the water turns green, and the vegetables turn to residue. I lowered my head in fear. A storm was coming... My parents suddenly burst into laughter, and I laughed with them. This is so interesting!

2.有关寒假趣事的英语作文范文 篇二

  The most unforgettable part of the winter holiday is the Spring Festival. Children can enjoy the most luxurious and interesting time of the year.

  Before the Spring Festival, adults and stuffing, steamed buns, steamed rice cakes, not too happy; We children are also involved in it. On the 28th day, I personally experienced steamed rice cakes and steamed buns, and deeply felt the charm of Chinese traditional customs.

  The process of steaming rice cakes is a little boring, and I was given a challenge as soon as I came up. Put the mold, pour the flour, trowel it, cover it, knock it, and put it on the pot... a total of ten courses. After working hard for a long time, I finished two drawers, and they were all in a mess. I felt a bit like to back off. However, after a second thought, I thought: Who swore yesterday that if you can't steam 25 drawers well, you won't be named Wang? There is no way. Who can let me boast? I can only achieve it by action. It is not my style to keep my word. So I braced up again to start work. Finally, with the help of my sister, I successfully completed the 25 drawers.

  In the afternoon, we began to make steamed buns. Dad picked up a small dough, pressed it flat, rolled out the edge with his fingers, and then took two spoons of filling, quickly wrapped the skin, squeezed the pleats, and a white and tender steamed bread was OK. Affected by the success in the morning, I am full of confidence. It really looks easy to make, but it's not as simple as steamed rice cakes.

  I took two spoonfuls of filling first, and then squeezed the pleats. Unexpectedly, Pier didn't cooperate at all and wouldn't put the filling in. It didn't cooperate, so I had to "violence" a little, and I just stuffed the stuffing into it. As a result, the "hateful" Pi Er made a unique move - breaking. First battle, defeat. If you lose, you will gain some experience. This time, I only take a spoonful and a half. Hey hey, Peel has to be obedient. The pleats are not pinched well, but it doesn't matter. The appearance is just floating clouds, and the connotation is important. The decisive battle, success!

  Although my practice was not very smooth, I tasted the sweetness of success. This Spring Festival is very unforgettable in my memory, and I will treasure it for life!

3.有关寒假趣事的英语作文范文 篇三

  A happy and short winter vacation quietly slipped away from us, and we ushered in a new semester. The interesting events that took place in the winter vacation are like the stars in the sky, which are countless and unforgettable in my mind. Every star is shining, and every past event is unforgettable.

  One day during the winter vacation, I looked at the composition selection with interest. Suddenly, a composition attracted me. The book said that tea can "turn" into ink. I was half convinced, so I decided to do this experiment myself. I found a bowl, a handful of tea, a cup of hot water, and the necessary rusty iron nails.

  The experiment began. I carefully put the tea into the bowl to brew according to the steps in the book. Gradually, the tea became deeper and deeper until it became yellow. I put the extremely important rust iron nails carefully into the yellow tea one by one. After finishing the experiment, we have to wait for the results. I looked at the bowl of tea from time to time. In the afternoon, I was not in a hurry to see the results, and I couldn't help exclaiming. "Wow!!" It's incredible that the tea in the bowl turned into ink. I took a few drops with my pen and began to write on the book. Each word came into my eyes. It's really the same as ink.

  I wonder? After reading the composition, I learned that there was a substance called tannic acid in the tea juice. When he met with rust, he would cause a chemical reaction, so the tea became "ink"

  How interesting life is! The impossible has become possible!

4.有关寒假趣事的英语作文范文 篇四

  Winter vacation - the day I have been looking forward to for a long time. It always comes hard, but goes in a hurry. So I will recall every interesting thing that happened during the winter vacation. In this winter holiday, the most unforgettable day for me is the New Year's Eve.

  My father and I spent the New Year in our hometown. That day, many guests came to my grandma's house, so I had many more good friends. We play hide and seek together and set off fireworks... The most unforgettable thing is that we set off fireworks together.

  We took out our own "killer mace". My "killer mace" is magic bullet. Look! I lit the lead and gave out colorful sparks: red, yellow, green, blue... If you see it, you will be amazed! They flew up into the sky one by one, as if the stars were blinking at me happily.

  At twelve o'clock, I hung the firecrackers and lit the lead. The crackle of firecrackers sounded, and he ushered in another new year, which heralded a better tomorrow for the motherland! As for me, I should also study hard and strive for the most beautiful flowers!

  In this winter holiday, the most unforgettable thing for me is the interesting things that happened on the New Year's Day.

5.有关寒假趣事的英语作文范文 篇五

  A happy and short winter holiday quietly slipped away from us. The interesting things happened in the winter vacation are like the leaves on the tree, and thousands of them are countless.

  The most interesting thing in winter vacation is to wash white sugar.

  One afternoon I was watching TV at home while my mother was cooking dinner. I heard my mother roar, followed by the sound of the plate breaking. I rushed into the kitchen and asked my mother what had happened. My mother said, "I wanted to make you a plate of sweet and sour pork ribs, but the plate with white sugar broke and the white sugar scattered all over the ground." I rushed to see that there was white sugar everywhere on the ground, and these white flower elves are now dirty. I had to go out and buy it. My mother gave me 20 yuan and said to buy a kilo of white sugar, and gave me the rest. As soon as I heard this, I was so happy that I didn't hear what my mother was saying, so I quickly went downstairs to buy white sugar.

  Walking on the road, I have been thinking: I will buy delicious food or toys with the rest of the money. Soon after I arrived at the supermarket, I bought a kilo of white sugar as my mother said, and then I bought two bars of chocolate, and the money was spent. On the way back, I walked while eating. Unexpectedly, I stepped on a banana skin and was hit by a "dog gnawing mud". Although I was not injured, I scattered the white sugar in the soil. I immediately put the sugar back into the bag and ran to the faucet in front of my house, remembering my mother's cooking and rice washing. Pour the water into the white sugar and wash it, thinking that the white sugar will turn white immediately, but look at the bag again, the white sugar is gone, only some water. Sadly, I ran home and told my mother what had just happened. My mother smiled and said to me, "White sugar cannot be washed, it will be dissolved."

  Although it has been a long time since, I always laugh when I think about it.
