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【#英语资源# 导语】暑假是每个学生期待的时刻,是放松心情、开展各种有趣活动的好时机。在四年级的暑假里,同学们经历了许多有趣的事情,让我们一起来听听他们的趣事吧!®文档大全网为大家准备了《有关暑假趣事的英语作文范文》,供大家参考阅读。

1.有关暑假趣事的英语作文范文 篇一

  The summer vacation with cicadas chirping has arrived, and I will go to the mountain with my father to catch beetles. On the way to "Mount Jigong", there are a lot of people pushing and pushing everywhere. The Mount Jigong is really famous. I still remember last summer

  The cicadas on the tree were chirping, causing my father and I to scurry and run away. But as soon as we arrived on the mountain, we saw a strange and powerful beetle. My father and I called it the 'Black Diamond Warrior', and we were filled with joy and joy! It turned out that the 'Black Diamond Warrior' was very rare, so I grabbed it and held it in my palm like a treasure! My father and I continued to climb mountains and mountains in search of rarer beetles.

  Here are also dragonflies flying freely, colorful butterflies, colorful fireflies, and countless stars in the sky at night. It's really spectacular! My father and I caught more than ten beetles, and when I saw them fighting, it was a mixture of sadness and joy, because some were beaten to pieces, while others were unharmed, like extraordinary heroes! Dad and I always fall and fall when we see them fighting! Call them 'sumo wrestlers'. I still remember a small 'chicken mother worm', whose life was like a fish swimming in a cauldron, and finally it was run over by a car, causing me heartbreak! Catching beetles is really exciting and fun.

  It's summer vacation again this year. I really want to go to Mount Jigong with my father again to catch beetles. This is what I am most looking forward to and wanting to do during this summer vacation.

2.有关暑假趣事的英语作文范文 篇二

  During the hot summer vacation, my brother and cousin went back to Pingdong's grandparents' house to play. During this period, many interesting things happened.

  I rode a bicycle with my brother and cousin on a small road, and I found a snake in the grass. I was so scared that I trembled all over. We rode home quickly like tigers; When I sleep at night, the picture of a snake keeps coming to my mind, making it difficult for me to fall asleep. The next morning, we got up early in the morning to help our grandparents pick betel nuts. At first, we rushed to pick betel nuts. Grandpa said, "Take your time, don't rush." Halfway through the collection, my cousin said, "I'm so tired! I've already had back pain and I need to go to bed." Grandma said, "How come children have back pain and back pain? It's really unbearable." My brother and I kept laughing, and our chin almost fell off. Afterwards, I worked even harder and quickly to pick, filling baskets after baskets. As time passed, we quickly finished picking all the betel nuts. Seeing how many betel nuts we had picked, I felt very happy in my heart. Day after day, the summer vacation has come to an end soon, and the start of school is approaching. I am unwilling to go to school, I really want to not go to school!

  I think grandpa and grandma are so hardworking! Every summer vacation, we have to pick betel nuts, which is a hardship that we cannot imagine. Therefore, we must be filial to our parents, listen to their words, and cannot talk back to them. Of course, we should strive to study hard now, absorb more knowledge, make ourselves useful people, and cherish ourselves and our lives.

3.有关暑假趣事的英语作文范文 篇三

  I spent my summer vacation at my grandparents' house this year.

  One day, the weather was sunny and sunny. A few friends and I went to the vegetable field to play. As soon as I entered the vegetable field, I saw tall poplar trees growing on both sides of the road, and the fields were planted with green vegetables such as potatoes, cabbage, carrots, and so on.

  We played games under a tall poplar tree. Suddenly, a "black thing" flew into a little friend's neck. He felt itchy and touched his neck. He took out a black bug and shouted, "I've caught a beetle! So this black thing is a longicorn. It has a pair of long antennae, two thorns on its neck, and yellow dots on its back.

  I remember my grandfather told me that the longicorn beetle is a pest that lives on poplar trees and relies on sucking the sap to sustain its life. So I said to my friends, "The longicorn is a pest, let's catch it and play." I found a bamboo pole and found a longicorn, so I used it to pull it out and it fell off the tree. In a moment, we each caught one, and I suggested that we run faster than whose longicorn.

  We named the Taurus and started the competition. My Taurus is called 'Black Headed General'. At the beginning, the 'Black Headed General' was far away. After a while, the obvious' Grand Marshal 'slowly caught up from behind and gradually approached my' Black Headed General '. I tried my best to cheer him on, as if he understood my words and gradually accelerated his pace. He left the other Tianniu behind and won the championship. I was extremely happy in my heart.

  The Tianniu competition is really interesting!

4.有关暑假趣事的英语作文范文 篇四

  Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the two months of summer vacation have come to an end. In retrospect, it's like chewing gum on your own, thought-provoking. Interesting things come to mind one by one, but they cannot be forgotten. The most interesting thing is the trip to Qingtianhe.

  That was the last Sunday before the start of school, and my mother was finally free. So our family chose the nearby Qingtianhe Scenic Area for a self driving trip. The road in the entire scenic area can be said to have eighteen turns, so much so that my father used two consecutive sentences along the way: "I'm suffocating." Don't think it's because the air is stuffy, making people feel suffocated. In fact, it refers to the car being suffocated, because the mountain path is too steep, and the car has stopped twice due to the sharp turns.

  Finally, we arrived at the scenic area. We took a boat and played in the water, which was really interesting. But I think the most interesting thing is our family's bamboo rafting. Dad's bow, Mom's stern, I'm in the middle. At first, my mother didn't know how to do it. She just couldn't work hard in a hurry, so that our bamboo raft would always spin in place. Later, under my father's guidance, my mother finally learned how to do it. I was on the boat, watching my father and mother row the bamboo raft with fun, and couldn't help but participate. Unfortunately, my strength was too weak, and I became tired soon.

  As the sun sets in the west, we also have to go home, but looking back on the beautiful mountains and water, I can't bear to leave. Our family has agreed to come again next summer vacation.

5.有关暑假趣事的英语作文范文 篇五

  The summer vacation time flowed away, but the interesting things during it were still clear and clear.

  It was a Sunday during the long summer vacation, and my aunt suddenly said to me, "You come home tomorrow to play and teach my little brother." I looked unbelievable, and I taught my little brother? I think it's very novel.

  The next day, when I was preparing to give a lecture to my little brother, I found my aunt also present. As I spoke, I felt that the lesson was becoming increasingly strange. My aunt said to me, "My little brother and I will compete together." So I calmed down and began teaching. Auntie and little brother took turns answering the questions, but for a moment, the answer was dim and the outcome was difficult to determine. I started to increase the difficulty of the questions, and the score gradually increased. Gradually, I began to doubt whether I was a math teacher or the host of the quiz show. Their competition is very fierce, with the aunt winning 40 points, and the younger brother being even better -42 points, while the younger brother is temporarily on the up. I went through the additional question section again, and at this point, the outcome seemed to be determined. Auntie scored 80 points and Little Brother scored 100 points. Finally, here's the final question: What is it to add from 1 to 10? Their brains were running at full speed, and in a moment of surprise, their little brother took the lead in answering the question correctly. I announced the result loudly: the little brother won.

  Teaching my little brother has made me addicted to being a "teacher", and the fun things during the summer vacation have also become a ladder for my progress.
