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【#英语资源# 导语】在这个寒假,我发生了许多有趣的故事,但其中,最让我感到“趣”的,是这一件事。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《有关寒假趣事的英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.有关寒假趣事的英语作文 篇一

  One day of this winter holiday, my sister and cousin went to grandma's house together.

  In the evening, the three of us played the game of "catching ghosts". The rules of the game are: one person plays a ghost, and another person catches the ghost. If he catches the "ghost", human beings will win, and the "ghost" is to try every means not to be caught.

  We decided to use stone, scissors and cloth. Finally, my sister acted as a ghost and my cousin and I acted as human beings. At first, my cousin and I made a plan A: first scare the "ghost" out, then catch the "ghost". So, my cousin took a flashlight and shone it on his face, showing a frightening expression. Everything is ready and the "attack" begins. My cousin walked gently to the bedside and was about to make a "ah" sound to scare my sister. Unexpectedly, people scared "ghosts" and became "ghosts". My cousin scrambled out, stamped his feet, and said unconvinced, "I don't believe I can't catch you."

  Suddenly, my cousin felt very cold in his feet. It turned out that he forgot to wear slippers in order not to be found by my sister. Then my cousin put on slippers. We began to make Plan B: first take a toy hammer, then knock on the head of the "ghost", and the "ghost" ran out angrily, and then arrested. We entered the house where the "ghost" was. Because it was dark, we felt a mirror and thought it was beside the bed. So we smashed the mirror with a strong force. Grandma heard the noise and rushed over to criticize us. Since then, I have learned that the mirror can't be provoked!

  Through this incident, I learned that playing games should be measured, or breaking the mirror is small, and hurting the body is big.

2.有关寒假趣事的英语作文 篇二

  During the winter vacation, I have many interesting things that I haven't forgotten. Some of these things are not very interesting, but they all feel very happy. What I want to write this time is to pick oranges. Now let me talk about this interesting thing.

  A few days ago, my mother drove us to Taohe to pick oranges in a car. The scenery there was very beautiful. As soon as the car stopped, my cousins and I got out of the car and ran to the orange garden, where the oranges were very fresh and sweet. I just want to pick it by hand, but I can't put it too long, so I have to use scissors to cut it slowly one by one. I cut many oranges, and the oranges are also very big. Some of those oranges are quite easy to cut; Some of those oranges are hard to cut, and the hands hurt. Grandma also said that she should hold the orange when cutting. If she didn't hold the orange, it would break. After we picked all the oranges, we took them out bag by bag. After we paid, we carried the oranges onto the car. I reluctantly got on the bus and left. As soon as we got home, we put the oranges away, and then went to the hotel for dinner. When we were full, we went to my father's tire shop. As soon as I got to the tire shop, I went to ride my bike. I rode left and right. I was very happy. After that, I played with my cousin. It was fun.

  Ah! I think it's interesting and happy for me. I will remember this thing that I find interesting.

3.有关寒假趣事的英语作文 篇三

  In this colorful winter holiday, I caught up with my grandfather's sixtieth birthday. Longevity stars must eat a bowl of delicious longevity noodles. It means a long life. No, I'm learning to roll noodles with my grandmother who is skilled in cooking.

  Noodles are long and thin. They are all known as "longevity". They are delicious dishes that men, women, old and young praise each other. It is also an essential staple food on the birthday table.

  Early in the morning. I can't wait to get up and cook noodles with my grandmother. Grandma skillfully stirred the flour, added eggs, sprinkled a little water from time to time, and added a small spoon of salt. I was puzzled and couldn't wait to ask Grandma; "Granny, why should I put eggs and salt?" Granny calmly replied: "The eggs are put to make the noodles have" strength, "strong, and will be more fragrant, and more delicious. The salt is added to make the noodles longer, no matter how it is cooked, it will not rot." After the explanation of Granny, I suddenly understood and admired Granny.

  Next is to roll out the dough. I picked up the rolling pin and rolled it with great effort, and slowly became handy without any panic. Before long, a wide and round cake was displayed in front of my eyes.

  Now it's time to cut noodles. Grandma said to me, "Jiayi, you are still young and can't cut noodles by yourself. Just watch Grandma cut noodles, OK?" Grandma cut noodles like a dragon's whisker three times five times two. I am a feast for my eyes. At this time, grandpa boiled hot water, and the noodles came out of the pot. Soon, bowls of steaming noodles came out of the pot. Everyone praised the noodles that I cooked with my grandma for being more delicious.

  Rolling noodles is a difficult thing, but it is not very difficult as long as you keep working hard. Rolling noodles made me very happy, and also made me realize a truth: "Nothing is difficult in the world, only for those who have heart."

4.有关寒假趣事的英语作文 篇四

  The winter vacation will be over in a twinkling of an eye. I will keep laughing when I think about that funny thing.

  It was the second day of the New Year, and we were going to eat at my grandfather's house. When I went there, I also brought a copy of "Brainstorm".

  It was more than ten o'clock when my aunt and they came, so I said to them, "Auntie, let's play the game of brain teaser?" My aunt nodded without hesitation and agreed to me. So I said, "Let me figure out the question. Guess, I can give you a hint, but I won't say the answer. The person who guessed wrong should stick a white note, and the person who guessed right should eat. Everyone should guess, and if anyone doesn't guess, he should stick a white note." At the beginning of the game, my first question was "What rice can't eat?" I saw my aunt, aunt, brother and sister sitting on the chair, frowning, you look at me, I look at you, Say something quietly. At this time, my brother stood up from the chair and said to me, "This is the broken rice." I went to him, patted his shoulder, and said to him, "Congratulations, wrong answer." I put a white note on his face, and immediately, his brother grew a white beard. Others looked at my brother and began to think again. After a long time, there was no answer. I said, "Now let me give you a hint, a unit of length." At this time, my brother stood up again and said, "I know it is decimeter."

  I said, "That's really smart!" My brother said, "Then take off my white note." I smiled and said, "Make up for the mistakes, OK."

  I had a very happy winter holiday, especially this game.

5.有关寒假趣事的英语作文 篇五

  Winter vacation is coming quietly! The students all laughed. Everyone is looking forward to the winter holiday to bring happiness!

  During the winter vacation, I went to my grandma's house, which is also my favorite place. Although there is no wireless network, it is not as good as the high-rise buildings in the city, but there is much fresher air than the city; The noise of the city is cut off here. Even better, there are many small animals! I have always liked small animals. I am sad that my grandma's dog was stolen, but happy that my grandpa has two more cats! Grandpa also keeps many rabbits! Each one is so cute. The funny thing I said happened to the smallest rabbit.

  I broke into the rabbit circle. There was no grass beside the rabbit circle, only a thin and long dry leaf. I turned my eyes to the leaves. I was not sure whether the rabbit would eat them or not? I looked at the water beside the rabbit circle and wanted to lure it with water. So I sprinkled some water on the dry leaves and put it in front of the rabbit. It just smelled and did not mean to eat. I put the leaves into its mouth. It felt its mouth wet and touched it with its small tongue, and then opened its small mouth. I thought it would eat, but it just sucked the water above! Then I hahahaha... laugh! This rabbit is so smart and cute! I didn't expect this rabbit to bring me such interesting things!

  That little rabbit makes me unforgettable in the whole winter holiday! Don't forget the interesting things with it! Let me have an endless aftertaste!
