
时间:2023-02-08 03:30:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语口语# 导语】金融是指在经济生活中,银行、证券或保险业者从市场主体募集资金,并借贷给其它市场主体的经济活动。以下是©文档大全网整理的金融英语口语句子,欢迎阅读!

1.金融英语口语句子 篇一

  John Spence is asking a clerk at the First National Bank about current accounts.

  Would you please tell me something about current accounts?I've heard the term,but I'm not sure I understand what it means.

  The term current account means a demand account .Actually ,a checking account.

  Normally ,we use the term current or demand account when we talk about a checking account maintained by a business firm.

  Oh ,so you mean that I can't open a current account as an individual?

  No,I don't mean that.Anybody ,either a firm or an individual ,may open a current account,

  but we normally call individual accounts personal checking accounts .That's just a different name for them.

2.金融英语口语句子 篇二

  Why do you call them demand accounts ,then ?

  That means that the balances in the accounts are subject to withdrawal on demand.

  In other words,a written demand ,or a check ,is all that's necessary to make a withdrawal from the account.

  Aren't all accounts like that ?

  No,sir .Time or savings accounts actually require a notice to the bank .

  usually seven days before the depositor has a right to make a withdrawal .In normal practice.

  of course ,we usually waive notice and allow immediate withdrawals .In demand or current accounts .

  however,we cannot ask for such notice .

  Mr.Tanaka and the American banker continue their discussion of the financial and monetary system of the United States .

3.金融英语口语句子 篇三

  I suppose that means that for all practical purposes the Fed controls the state chartered banks ,too.

  Yes,I would say that's correct .The Fed has the final authority on controlling the supply of money.

  and that alone has a great impact on any bank .

  You said earlier that the Fed issues the main currency of the country .

  Do you mean that there are several forms of currency?

  Historically ,there have been a number of different issues of currency .

  Some notes have been issued by the Treasury and some by the Fed .

  Actually ,if you look carefully at the notes you have in your possession ,you 'll find some that say United States Note.

  some that say Federal Reserve Bank Note and even some that say National Bank Note .

4.金融英语口语句子 篇四

  These are all forms of old issues that are gradually being retired from circulation.

  Therefore,the Federal Reserve Note is the main one today ?

  Yes,that's right .It's what we call fiat money or currency without any gold or silver backing .

  We all accept it as money because the government declares it to be money.

  Yes,that's the same as the situation in Japan .I think that's true in all modern nations today .

  Yes,in paper currency as well as coinage .Modern coins are called token money for that reason .

  Judy Taylor is asking a clerk in the New Accounts Department at the First National Bank about time deposits.

5.金融英语口语句子 篇五

  Can you tell me something about time deposits?

  I understand the interest rate is much higher for time deposits than regular savings accounts.

  Yes,Miss Taylor ,that's correct.We offer Time Certificates of Deposit which pay a higher rate of interest than regular deposits do .

  How long do I have to keep the money in the account?

  We offer a choice of three,six-or twelve month maturities in most cases.

  Of course ,we have two-,three-,five-and ten-year plans ,too.
