
时间:2023-08-05 00:41:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】夏天,一切都那么充满生机;夏天,一切又那么迷人!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《关于夏天的英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.关于夏天的英语日记 篇一

  The scorching summer has arrived, with the sun shining brightly and the sky cloudless. The sun shone on us, and the walls and cars outside were too hot to touch. A gust of wind finally came, but it was the hot summer wind. Summer flowers include sunflowers and lotus. The lotus is so beautiful, it's pink. It stands tall and graceful on the lotus leaves. Grass also changes in summer, and if exposed to the sun for a day, it will wither and die. Trees are also good for us. The leaves are very lush, and people can enjoy the cool under the trees. The most famous fruit in summer is watermelon. It's round and big, and it's very sweet inside. I really want to take a bite! And grapes are also very delicious! We all know that mosquitoes are more toxic in summer. When sleeping, it also bites all over us. In summer, cicadas also change greatly. When they bark, they seem to say, "It's really hot!" The kittens and puppies also change. The kittens like to sleep, and the puppies also like to stick out their tongues!

  Summer is like a child's face, changing as you say. I remember last time I tried, two days ago, there was a heavy rain at school. The playground became a pond, and the stairs became a waterfall. At that time, there was thunder and lightning, and the gale accompanied by rainstorm poured down. Waves of lightning flickered like silver snakes in the darkness. Thunder roared, and Duke Lei was shouting. After the heavy rain, people feel very cool.

  It's too hot in summer, some people can't even blow out the air conditioning at home. Some people go swimming, with a sea of people, as if cooking dumplings. Some people like to eat popsicles in summer, while others like to eat watermelons. People are afraid of the heat and wear short clothes and shorts. Mom and Auntie both know how to use sun umbrellas. My dad loves to shade under trees!

  I like swimming in summer. I remember last time someone went swimming, he brought a ball, and I even played with his ball. Many people are grabbing the ball! The swimming pool is very cool, and after swimming all day, I want to swim every day. But I went there and drank some pool water every day. Although I can drink the pool water, I am very happy.

  I like summer!

2.关于夏天的英语日记 篇二

  Summer has arrived, and farmers have enjoyed a bountiful harvest, and various fruits and vegetables are also on the market in season.

  Summer is just one word hot, and the sun in the sky is scorching. Even the ground can fry eggs. The temperature also skyrocketed, and a few steps outside made me sweat profusely. The pedestrians on the street were wearing short sleeved shorts, and some even took off their tops to show off on the street.

  In summer, various fruits and vegetables have matured, and prices have also plummeted, such as the big winter melon, which has dropped to 9 cents per kilogram! A big winter melon is only 2 or 3 yuan.

  Jujubes have also grown up, like round and rolling bird eggs; It has also grown red, like a small agate, bright red. Looking from afar, the green leaves are dotted with small red dates, so beautiful! As soon as the crispy red dates were eaten, a sweet taste immediately penetrated into my throat, causing it to itch.

  The peach is also ripe, with a green color that gradually turns white. When it is ripe, the skin becomes white and tender, transparent and shiny, and the juice inside seems to be about to spray out. Peaches are first oval shaped and covered with fluff. This fuzz is very strange. As soon as you touch it, your hands will itch. The peaches are gradually maturing, their fur has also faded, and their shape has changed from an oval to a round and pointed one. One by one, like chubby dolls, blushing, pulling open leaves and playfully secretly smiling at people.

  The appearance of pomegranate is like a beaded small mouthed vase, and its skin is yellow brown. When peeled off, the crystal clear fruits are arranged neatly, layer after layer, which is really beautiful.

  When it comes to cantaloupes over there, who wouldn't raise their thumbs! The heavy weight of cantaloupe, fresh and tender, bulging, with this bar printed on it, broke in half, and the golden sand immediately released a tempting sweet fragrance. Take a bite, it's fragrant and sweet, half a melon in your stomach is refreshing all over.

  Summer, a bountiful harvest!

3.关于夏天的英语日记 篇三

  Summer is the most vigorous season for all things to grow. The sun hangs high in the air like a fireball, selflessly sprinkling light and heat onto the earth. The leaves shine green under the sunlight, and the grass is verdant. In the city, you may not feel it, but in the countryside, it's different.

  The summer in the countryside is very beautiful, with green mountains, green grass, and green water. Everything looks particularly dazzling in the sunlight. Farmers are sweating in the fields. The yards of each house are piled with grain. Walking on the path in the field, the birds sang happily, adding a sense of coolness to the hot summer.

  The bamboo forests and leaves in the countryside block the sunlight, and with the sound of the wind blowing through them, the bamboo forest appears particularly quiet. After the rain, walking into the forest, there was another scene: plump dewdrops hanging from bamboo leaves, and the air mixed with the smell of soil and grass. The bamboo forests in the countryside are really a good place to escape the heat.

  By the small stream in the countryside, listening to the gurgling sound of the stream water, I unconsciously felt a sense of coolness. Watching the children fighting water battles by the stream, I also wanted to go up and play with them, but I felt a bit inappropriate. The grass by the stream seems greener and more beautiful than the flowers elsewhere.

  In the fields of the countryside, farmers are sweating, and it is the sweat they shed that nourishes the fields and all things. The harvester roared into the field, and just now the neat wheat had become a smooth "road" in an instant. Quickly finished harvesting, looking at the neatly stacked wheat, the farmers were happy, and everyone was happy.

  In the summer in the countryside, there are things you cannot experience in the city. Let go of your busyness, let yourself return to the basics, experience the beauty of the countryside, and experience the beauty of nature.

4.关于夏天的英语日记 篇四

  Looking forward, looking forward, summer has arrived.

  Summer is very hot. The cicadas were impatiently barking from the trees, while the frogs on the shore were too hot to bear and hastily jumped into the water. The water in the pond is indeed much less than before. At this moment, the plants are growing vigorously, forming a beautiful "Summer Scenery".

  The small lotus has only revealed its sharp corners, and a dragonfly has long stood on its head. "This is the poet Yang Wanli's praise of the summer lotus. In early summer, many lotus flowers have already grown in the pond that "emerge from silt without staining". The lotus flowers in the sunlight are very bright, and a group of dragonflies are dancing on the lotus flowers, occasionally performing the good game of "dragonflies skimming the water". The fish are also swimming happily in the water. Isn't that the descri ption of the pond of lotus in front of us?

  In the melon field, the round and large watermelons have matured with the hope of farmers. In the scorching summer, watermelon can make people feel a bit cool. The children are tired of playing, and the farmer uncle is tired from working. Sitting down to eat a few bites of watermelon, the sweet taste will always seep into their hearts.

  The summer rain is unpredictable, with occasional "rusty" drizzle and occasional "thunderous" underground showers. Every rainy day, the singing of frogs resounds throughout the entire village. Once the rain stops, the ground will be covered with earthworms of all sizes. You should know, they are the "good helpers" of farmers! Catch a few red earthworms and bring bamboo fishing rods to go fishing. People always take advantage of the fun and return with a full load.

  The serene summer, with stars dotted in the sky... "A sweet and melodious song" Ningxia "sings the tranquility of summer nights. On summer nights, fireflies fly in the air, and occasionally you can hear a "plop" sound, which is the sound of frogs jumping into the water. Sometimes it rains, everything becomes hazy, and the weather becomes very cool. But at this moment, you must not enjoy the coolness brought by summer rain outside, because fierce mosquitoes will never miss a delicious meal.

  Summer is so beautiful and deeply enchanting!

5.关于夏天的英语日记 篇五

  Spring walked gently with the falling flowers, passing by the early summer that walked lightly along the green slate. The Gardenia jasminoides opened, and the snow-white flowers seemed to be carved from flawless jade, emitting a charming fragrance. The leaves of Fatsia japonica gradually flourished, and the rain fell, making a drum like sound.

  The weather in midsummer is undoubtedly sultry. The huge fireball on the horizon was about to ignite the air, and with the hot and stuffy air sweeping across the earth, there was a suppressed and restless atmosphere. Under the scorching gaze of the sun, people became extremely agitated, as if a fire was burning in their hearts. Walking on the street, Tiandi is like a natural steam room, which soon makes people sweat and sweat through their clothes. The wind seemed to have also hidden away, only when passing by the store, the cool breeze from the air-conditioned room gave people a refreshing and comfortable feeling, instantly brightening their minds and eyes. Immediately after, the scorching heat rushed in, making people forget to struggle and plunge into the air-conditioned room.

  It's raining, the heavy rain is falling crazily from the sky, and the dark sky seems to be about to collapse. The wind chases the rain, the rain chases the wind, the wind and rain unite to chase after the dark clouds in the sky, accompanied by thunder and lightning, and the entire world is in the midst of rain. Instead, people ran out and stood under the eaves, shouting and shouting, excited, letting the rain run down their cheeks and wet their clothes. A rain seems to have washed away the boring factors in the world. Look at those leaves again, they are eagerly sucking on the nectar of this summer.

  At the end of summer, the sun was still shining brightly during the day, and the evening wind cooled down, gradually dissipating the stuffy heat in the air. Riding on that beloved bicycle and taking a spin around the lake, although still sweating profusely, the light and agile wind makes people experience the sourness of exercise. Change into a swimsuit and plunge into the water again, making the fish under the starry sky incredibly happy.

  The lotus has withered, followed by gradually red maple leaves and blooming water hibiscus. I am tasting the freshly cooked chicken head rice, one leng, ah! The longest season of the year is about to pass.
