

时间:2022-04-20 20:44:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】春游是一件多么有趣的事,既感受到了春天的美好,又让我们感到无比的快乐。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  On Friday, our school held a spring outing.

  On that day, we were all very happy. Because we're going on a spring outing. When we got on the bus, the teacher told our whole class about safety. When the teacher finished speaking, we set off. When we got on the bus, we all felt dizzy, nauseous and uncomfortable. That reminds us of Mr. Wei who told us that we can't eat in the car, but there are still people eating in the car.

  When the destination arrived, everyone rushed out of the car. Ready to go in and visit! Everyone went in a neat line to visit. I saw a lot of things... After reading it, we went to have snacks. There was one person missing in our team, so it would be a little boring. I started eating. I ate potato chips, bagels, popcorn, pacifier sugar... And other delicious food.

  We'll play when we're finished. We went to play explorers, eagles, chickens, hide and seek... And other fun games. Time flies. We're going home. We really hope to have a spring outing in the future.


  I got to school at 8 o'clock. There are two places for this year's spring outing: first go to Huanghuagang tomb sweeping, and then go to Guangzhou happy post amusement park. At about 8:30, we arrived at Huanghuagang by car. We lined up with flowers in our hands, walked to the stone tablets of 72 martyrs and took an oath with Lin. Then, we lined up in two lines and walked slowly beside the stone tablet to offer flowers to the martyrs. After the tomb sweeping activity, we returned to the car and began to go to the second destination - Happy post station.

  After an hour, we finally arrived at the amusement park. The students are very happy because we can start playing all kinds of motor games! We played the brave express, roller coaster, merry go round and so on. Among them, my favorite is the brave express. Because its speed is from slow to fast, and it's very exciting!

  After playing these rides, we began to have lunch. I'm with Hu Xiyu and Zhang Zhifei. We share our food with each other. At the same time, we also invited our guide sister to eat. After lunch, we left here with a reluctant mood and thought, "come here again for the next spring outing!"

  We were very happy this spring outing!


  This morning, the teacher invited a bus and said he would take us for a spring outing. Before getting on the bus, the teacher gave us some lunch.

  I took many photos on the way. The first stop was the Planning Museum. When we got there, we were free for 20 minutes. During these 20 minutes, we talked and laughed, talked and took many photos. Later, we gathered to the Planning Museum, where there were two 3D videos, ancient Cangzhou, and virtual Cangzhou scale map.

  The second stop was the celebrity botanical garden. We had a rest there, ate some food, and went to see some celebrities. Here, I took many photos, and many students touched them. We saw many flowers. The colorful flowers were fragrant, and I took many more photos. This spring outing is different from what I thought.

  I was very happy about this spring outing. Before leaving, I reluctantly left the celebrity botanical garden and went to the car. I found that all the things we gave our teachers were full. I think the teachers must be very happy. The car started. Along the way, I recalled the good time when I set out to the Planning Museum and the celebrity botanical garden, but I arrived at the school before I finished thinking about it.


  Today, the school organized a spring outing for students in grades 3, 4 and 6. With delicious snacks on our backs, we walked out of the campus with happy steps. The scenery along the way is beautiful and refreshing. Not far away, there is also a green seedling field, which seems to put a green robe on the earth, making the earth more vibrant.

  When I arrived at the river crossing cultural park, I looked around curiously and saw an unknown tree. From a distance, the leaves of this tree looked like small green balloons, as if they would explode at any time. A close look at the leaves of this kind of tree seems to be a big colored cake, which makes people want to fly over and bite.

  Then, we went to the "I sent my relatives across the river" exhibition hall and saw the exhibits and China's thousands of years of historical stories. My eyes were wet immediately. I thought silently: without the patriotism and struggle of the Communist Party, what kind of environment would we live in? Without them, could our new China be established? If they have no patriotism, how can they choose to save the people and sacrifice themselves? We must learn from them.

  Later, we went to a green grassland and had a picnic, played games and took photos on the grassland. Many boys roll on the grass, but when they get up, their clothes become grass clothes. When they find that they have woven a grass clothes for themselves, they begin to regret that they just went to roll. But don't blame me for not reminding them! They call it "self inflicted."

  However, happy time is not permanent, but will return to school. We lined up in a neat line and left reluctantly. However, I will never forget today's happy time.


  Today, we are going on a spring outing. The place we are going to is Yuquan temple near my hometown.

  Yuquan Temple finally arrived. We visited several scenic spots of Yuquan Temple: first, an iron tower, which used to be crooked and righted. Then there are 18 statues of arhat, Guanyin Bodhisattva, God of wealth and Buddha. They are especially large, two or three meters high. Finally, pearl spring, as long as you clap your hands, you can pop bubbles! Amazing! These scenic spots are very beautiful.

  "Children's shoes" got on the bus and prepared to enter the next stop - strawberry base. Today's sun also gives too much face, and everyone's enthusiasm is particularly high, so they all feel so hot! The guide said: we can pick as many strawberries as we can in ten minutes. Wang Yanxiang decided to wipe out the strawberries.

  Here we go! Everyone scrambled to pick strawberries. Ten minutes later, there were only a few "little" left in the whole strawberry base. Everyone was talking, "I'll pick more.". "My pick is bigger"... I looked into my bag and found some strawberries with strange shapes. I think they may be mutated. Back on the bus, some students began to eat. Don't say, these strawberries are really sweet! Just like everyone's mood at this time: sweet!

  We really enjoyed our spring outing today. This is really an unforgettable spring outing!


  Today, the school organized all the students to go on a spring outing to Ningbo green school. We arrived at school early and couldn't wait to get on the tour bus. After about an hour's drive, I walked into Ningbo green school with expectation. The most unforgettable thing about this spring outing is that I overcame two difficulties, walked through the five ring bridge and completed the rope walking project for two people.

  We first came to the front of the two person rope walking project. The activity requirements are: one person walks on the rope, and the other person holds the child below. I'm with my good friend Jindian. I walk on the top and Jindian holds it below. The rope is shaky. I'm afraid. When I got to the middle, I suddenly felt that my center of gravity was unstable and shaky, so I grabbed Jindian's shoulder tightly for fear of accidentally falling down. Jindian also firmly grasped my clothes. Finally, with our concerted cooperation, we reached the end smoothly.

  Then we came to the fifth ring bridge. Wow, the fifth ring bridge is so high and big! The students passed through the five ring bridge one by one, but some students almost fell down, and some students kept shaking their legs when crossing the bridge. When it was my turn, I felt timid, but I also had the courage to go up. After going up, I learned that although the five ring bridge is tall and the distance between the poles stepping on its feet is large, there are many poles on both sides as guardrails. As long as you grasp these poles with both hands, you don't feel afraid at all. After I passed the Fifth Ring Bridge, my mother who went to the spring outing also praised me for being brave!

  I overcame the difficulties I had not overcome before and defeated myself. This spring outing is really unforgettable!


  The spring day with birds singing and flowers smelling makes us look forward to the most happy spring outing. Every moment of happiness is worth recording and aftertaste.

  The destination of our spring outing this year is Zhangqiu Jinan Botanical Garden. I went by school bus. Along the way, the students were like a group of chirping birds, laughing and talking, full of laughter and laughter.

  When you enter the botanical garden, the first thing you see is all kinds of trees of different sizes. After a while, it began to rain. However, the plants in the botanical garden are like big green umbrellas to protect us from the wind and rain, and like machines that produce oxygen to provide us with fresh air. In this green world, there are many bright flowers in full bloom. My favorite is Rhododendron. In the Rhododendron Garden, the red and pink rhododendrons are like lovely smiling faces, competing to bloom beautiful smiling faces to us. Countless bees and butterflies were also attracted. They danced on the flowers, like trying who was the most beautiful dancer in this spring.

  In fact, spring outing is not about how beautiful the scenery is, but about having fun with teachers and students. At noon, we sat down in an open space, and everyone took out delicious food to share with our classmates and teachers.

  After dinner, we played with throwing handkerchiefs. Our children were running and playing with each other, trying to enjoy the fun brought by the spring outing.

  Happy times are always short. When the teacher announced the end of the spring outing, the students left the botanical garden like saying goodbye to their relatives. If this time can live like grass, that would be great!


  Great, great, I'm going to the "liushuwan ecological wildlife park" spring outing today. I got up early in the morning and didn't like to sleep in as usual. Put on your clothes and fasten your red scarf. I want to rush out. I really hope to start right away.

  It takes a long walk from the campus to liushuwan. Our teacher told us not to talk or eat on the road, but some students were so excited that they couldn't sleep well. How can they not talk? Many students couldn't help whispering about Willow Bay, and a burst of laughter came out from time to time. Imagine me walking in the Willow Bay. Speak fast and slowly, and speak slowly and quickly. Soon we came to the front door of liushuwan ecological wildlife park. Walking into Willow Bay, you will see winding paths. On both sides of the path, there are willows, butterfly flowers, unknown wild flowers and grass. A gust of wind blew, and the willow branches fluttered with the wind, as if a beautiful girl was combing her beautiful hair. After a long walk, we came to a small wooden bridge. The water under the bridge was clear and the pebbles at the bottom were colorful. From time to time, small goldfish swam to us and waved their small golden tails at us, as if saying to us, "look, does my tail look good?".

  We came to "pear garden" and took many photos. At this time, the students in our group seemed to have discovered the new world and said to us, "look, there's a bed there.". I was puzzled by her. At first glance, it turns out that it is a "net" that people tie to trees when traveling and can lie down and sleep. We sat on it, eating and playing. Finally, we climbed to the mountain to play. There were several pavilions there. I seemed to see the great poet Li Bai singing poetry and drinking. Everyone had a great time.

  Soon it was time to go home. Everyone was reluctant to leave liushuwan. I hope we can often engage in such activities in the future, so that we can explore the mysteries of nature.


  Before I stepped into the door of the classroom, I heard a heated discussion in our class. When I entered the classroom, I saw three groups of students, five in a group. Some took out their own food, which was more and better than who. Some students seem to be drooling and can't help eating some secretly.

  Time is coming. We followed the car to the people's Park. Under the leadership of the teacher, everyone came to the "air fighter" and sat on the fighter in line. At the beginning, everyone is a little nervous. These fighters are sometimes frighteningly tall and sometimes more comfortable. At the end, for the sake of safety, we waited until it stopped completely before we came down safely. We played "Mermaid", "luxury BMW", "bumper car" and so on. The one that impressed me most was "American Qile". We took off our shoes and ran into the children's paradise. I came to the trampoline through "heavy mechanisms", and many of US jumped on it in a circle. I don't know what's going on? After a few minutes, we were dizzy. But we still didn't enjoy it, so we danced for a while. Here I seem to go back to my childhood and think of the lively scenes when I was a child. Finally, we visited the zoo. The tigers and African lions that the students saw seemed to be sleeping, and they seemed to hear them complaining: "welcoming so many guests has made my back ache." The most interesting thing in the zoo is the monkey. The monkey looked at us intently. A classmate threw down a jelly. The monkey grabbed the jelly, looked curiously and tore it with his hand. It didn't succeed. It bites again with its mouth. The lid is loose, and then it is torn by hand. It can eat jelly. After eating half of the jelly, it throws it away if it doesn't want to eat. When the monkey ate the food, he climbed to the highest place along the iron rope.

  After reading it, we came to a small hillside for lunch. Finally, we followed the car and reluctantly left the people's Park.


  The long-awaited spring outing has finally arrived! I got up very early today because I can't wait to go to school.

  When I got to school, I found that every student was as excited as me. We got on the tour bus with a happy mood. I talked and laughed with my good friends all the way, and unknowingly came to the naughty world.

  Sister Xiaoling, the tour guide, first took you to the open animal park. I saw kangaroos, skunks, mountain Qiang, etc. One of the animals that impressed me most was the porcupine, because its thorns were very sharp and could defend against the attack of the enemy. I thought it looked terrible when it was angry. Then we went to the performance area and saw the performances of macaws and macaques. They can not only raise flags, step on stilts, skate, but also skate on scooters. Really Awesome!

  In the afternoon, we have free activities in the naughty paradise. There are many amusement facilities here, among which the most attractive one is "Space Mountain". It is a train of cars that move rapidly along the winding track, which is very exciting. Sitting on it, let my heart fly out. I heard bursts of screams. It was really fun.

  This spring outing made me have a good time and learned a lot of knowledge. It was a happy and fulfilling day.

