

时间:2023-09-03 14:39:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  There comes a time in a person's life when childhood fantasies (幻想) end and reality begins. Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny (复活节兔子) 1 to be Mum and Dad, and 2 fade away. I don't know if most people remember this event, but I know 3 it happened to me.
  On a(an) 4 summer day, my grandfather told me one of his crazy stories. I headed off to 5 the Indians that grandpa said lived in the woods. But after some hours searching without success I gave up. Tired and 6 , I went to ask grandpa.
  "How come 7 of your stories ever come true?"
  "Well, sometimes you have to make them come true," he answered. "I once had a friend named Huck Finn who made his own adventures."
  He 8 to tell me about his buddy (密友) Huck, who floated down the Mississippi River on a raft (木筏). I sat listening to him, 9 every word he said. When he finished, I went off to have my own 10 .
  Two hours later I had a small and badly made raft. I took it to the 11 along with a branch from a tree to use as an oar (桨). I couldn't 12 and had been told many times to stay away from the pond. But today I had the raft so with a big shove; I pushed it out and jumped on top.
  I was fine for a total of four seconds; then I started to 13 . 14 , I tried to use the branch to paddle (划桨) 15 in, but 16 pushed myself farther out. Knowing that I would drown, I did what any other nine-year-old would do in a similar situation: I 17 ,
  From the edge of the pond came my sister and cousins who easily rescued me. As my raft sank, 18 did my belief in my grandpa. Although I never stopped loving him, something 19 in our relationship that day.
  Looking back now, I can see that the change wasn't in my grandfather, but in me. I was 20 .
  1. A. happen B. end up C. work out D. turn out
  2. A. heroes B. friends C. memories D. stories
  3. A. how B. when C. so D. clearly
  4. A. special B. interesting C. hot D. ordinary
  5. A. meet B. track C. find D. check
  6. A. unhappy B. cheated C. discouraged D. disappointed
  7. A. neither B. none C. nothing D. any
  8. A. continued B. loved C. started D. agreed
  9. A. doubting B. believing C. remembering D. thinking of
  10. A. adventure B. plan C. raft D. game
  11. A. river B. waters C. pond D. stream
  12. A. row B. swim C. water D. bathe
  13. A. fall B. realize C. fear D. sink
  14. A. Frightened B. Nervous C. Clear-headed D. Fighting
  15. A. nearer B. close C. back D. up
  16. A. then B. rather C. right D. only
  17. A. jumped B. screamed C. sought help D. wept
  18. A. thus B. also C. so D. such
  19. A. changed B. disappeared C. lost D. happened
  20. A. thinking for myself B. becoming cleverer
  C. growing up D. learning from my experience
  完形填空练习(三十八)1~5 DABDC 6~10 CBCBA 11~15 CBDAC 16~20 DBCAC

