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【#英语口语# 导语】雅思口语是雅思考试的一部分,考试采用一对一的面试形式,主要考察考生日常会话、对熟悉话题作一定长度的描述以及与考官之间的互动能力。以下是®文档大全网整理的雅思口语考试要注意的几大细节,欢迎阅读!


  1.Keep eye contact. 保持眼神交流


  2.Listen carefully and respond quickly. 仔细听题、快速反应



  3.Don’t pretend you understand the questions when you don’t. 不可不懂装懂

  有些考生考试时由于紧张或听力不好没听清考官的问题,但又不想暴露,于是便连蒙带猜给出一个答案。但是,如果考生不懂装懂,答非所问,万一答案错误,就会给考官留下听力很差的印象。其实在考试中要求考官重复或确认很正常,尤其是问题比较长而复杂时。所以,与其猜测不如确认或请考官重复问题,比如:Sorry,what was that? I’m sorry?

  4.Use hesitation devices appropriately. 巧用停顿技巧


  Q:Do you enjoy singing?

  A:Singing? Well, I’m not very keen on singing, but I do like listening tomusic.

  考生答题时可先重复问题中的一些关键词作为确认,同时给自己时间思考。well, actually, yousee, you knowwhat等都是英语中最常用的停顿表达方法。

  5.Don’t memorize answers. 不可背诵答案



  6.Develop answers by offering detailed information. 提供细节、扩展答案


  7.Don’t panic if you’ve made a mistake. 犯错不慌



  1. What do you think of TV and newspapers?

  2. Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and hasto be solved? If so, why?

  3. Do you think education should be more practical?

  4. What do you think of the future of China if China keeps to the openpolicy?

  5. What do you regard as the most significant events in your country'srecent history?

  6. In what way do you think university training is helpful or fallsshort?

  7. What role does religion play in everyday life in your country?

  8. You just told me about a time in history you'd like to see. What do youthink is the most important event in China's recent history?

  9. How aware do you think people are nowadays of environmental issues?

  10. What role does tourism play in your country's economy?

  11. How serious is unemployment in your country?

  12. In your opinion, what are the most serious problems associated withmodern life?

  13. What do you think have been the most important changes in your fieldover the past 5 years?

  14. Some local students feel that overseas students are treated better.What do you think?

  15. You just talked about a frightening car accident you had. What do youthink are the main causes of road accidents?


  当雅思口语考官问你一个不熟悉的话题,如do you play a musical instrument?结果你赫然发现自己从小到大根本就没学过乐器,则怎样回答?是否硬着头皮编个乐器给他?


  examiner: do you play a musical instrument?

  student: hmm ...(沉思状)i wish i could say yes, but (耸肩,摊手,无奈状)not really. idon't play any musical instrument, but some of my friends do. on weekends weoften go to a school music classroom, they play the piano while i listened /watched, drinking beer and chatting with people. maybe one day i should learn toplay a piano as well.

  examiner: do you swim often?

  student: hmm ...(沉思状)i wish i could say yes, but (耸肩,摊手,无奈状)not really. idon't know how to swim, but some of my friends do. on weekends we often go to aswimming pond, they swim while i watched, drinking beer and chatting withpeople. maybe one day i should learn to swim as well.

  examiner: do you dance?

  student: hmm ...(沉思状)i wish i could say yes, but (耸肩,摊手,无奈状)not really. idon't dance, but some of my friends do. on weekends we often go to a night club,they dance while i watched, drinking beer and chatting with people. maybe oneday i should learn to dance as well.

  examiner: do you play football?

  student: hmm ...(沉思状)i wish i could say yes, but (耸肩,摊手,无奈状)not really. idon't play football, but some of my friends do. on weekends we often go to afootball pitch, they play football while i listened / watched, drinking beer andchatting with people. maybe one day i should learn to play football as well.

