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【#英语资源# 导语】暑假到来人轻松,紧张生活脑后抛。吹响快乐集结号,唱起快乐的歌谣。清清小溪洗个澡,高温炎热都赶跑。亲切问候要送到,祝福声声不可少。愿你暑假乐逍遥!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  In the long summer vacation, there is infinite happiness. Now, let me tell you something interesting about the summer vacation.

  One day, I stayed at home and felt very puzzled. Suddenly, I had a good idea. Is to play the game of sticking to the nose with my sister. I told my sister what I thought, and she readily agreed.

  I first drew a clown without a nose on the blackboard. And my sister found a magnet to replace her nose. It began to stick to my nose. My sister first covered my eyes with a cloth. I slowly walked to the blackboard, left and right, and found a place to fix my nose. At this time, my sister laughed. I pulled off the cloth and saw that the clown not only had no nose, but also had a mole on the corner of his mouth. My sister said proudly, "look at me." I saw my sister quickly walk to the blackboard and fix her nose at any place. I couldn't help laughing when I saw it. My sister quickly took off the cloth and smiled. The clown not only didn't put his nose on, but also became a one eyed dragon. The clown seemed very angry.

  At this time, Dad heard the laughter, came over and asked, "what's so funny? Tell me." My sister and I blinked, walked to my father, covered his eyes, and put "nose" into his hands. Dad understood what we meant and slowly approached the blackboard to find the right place to put his nose. "The clown has a nose!" We cheered.


  One day in the summer vacation, when the sun was blazing in the sky, my mother and I came to Jiangyou China Cave - the water world.

  Just entering the gate, a burst of happy music sounded in my ears. We came to the surf pool excitedly. The pool was already full of people. My mother and I quickly put on our rescue clothes and walked to the shoal. Suddenly, a scream came. I looked back. Ah! A big wave rushed towards us. My mother and I hugged each other nervously. "Shua" we were swept by the waves and became "drowned chickens". It was very dangerous!

  There is also a very wonderful project in the water world, that is, Shouquan. I shouted loudly at the horn shaped microphone. I saw a column of water rising from the fountain and soaring into the sky. As soon as the sound stopped, "Hua" water column fell down, which was very spectacular.

  Next we came to the Starship. This project is in a cave. There are sparkling lights on the top of the cave, just like the stars at night. An uncle put the kayak in the pool at the mouth of the cave. After we sat down, we pushed it hard. The kayak went down the water. Every once in a while, there was a steep slope. I felt that we were all about to fall. I closed my eyes nervously and firmly grasped the safety handle. After a while, I finally reached the end point. I was relieved.

  There are many thrilling and interesting projects in the water world, such as "drifting", "dragon slide" and "children's paradise".

  Although the weather is very hot during the summer vacation, there are also interesting places such as the water world, which makes my summer life colorful and fun.


  This summer holiday, there are happy things, sad things, unforgettable things, but I like that one most.

  On August 11, grandma took us to the cool Lushan Mountain for the summer. On the first night, grandma took us to the town square. The square was bustling with people. Some grandparents form a team to dance with music, some children are playing slingshots, and some are playing badminton.

  We also chose to play slingshot. First of all, I tied the rubber band to the bow to make sure it wouldn't fall off, then put the slingshot on the rubber band, and finally pull the bow and release the bullet! "Pa!" I thought I could play the farthest, and Dongdong could not beat me! "Alas!" As a result, the rubber band hit my face. It hurts!

  Failure is the mother of success. Come again! Tie the rubber band, spring and pull the bow. Suddenly, my hand stopped. Do you want to let it go? Will it hit my face again? Don't let go? It will never succeed. Thinking like this, I close my eyes and release my hands. PA! Whoosh - the bullet flashed out, like a rocket, and only fell when it reached a height of more than ten meters!

  WOW! This time it flew so high! Dongdong's bullet didn't fly so high. It looks like I won! I ran to Dongdong with elation and asked proudly, "Dongdong, why didn't your bullet pop up?" Dongdong touched her face and frowned and said, "I've hit her face!"

  I had a good time this time. Playing Slingshot is really fun!


  Summer life is rich and colorful. What makes me most happy is catching locusts at my aunt's house.

  At noon that day, the sun was shining. I put on my sweater and went to catch locusts in the hot sun. You know, the locusts were basking in the sun!

  I prepared a small bag containing locusts and walked out of the house with a small stick in my hand. It's strange that today's locusts want to know my action, but none of them show up. I hold a stick and beat the grass upside down... Ha, the locust finally appears! I took a small step to go forward slowly, put down the stick gently, took off my shoes, and bent my hands into an arch, forming a "small cage".

  Look, there is a fat and big locust in front. Its big eyes are staring at the front, and its antennae are constantly swinging, as if it is enjoying a beautiful song. I put on a good posture, and when it wasn't paying attention, I quickly threw my hands at the locust. As soon as my hand lands on the ground, I drill my thumb into the palm of my hand and pick it. Eh! Nothing. I opened my hands carefully. It turned out that the locusts had already flown away.

  I thought angrily: this clumsy locust can also escape from my palm! I looked up and found it on the wall. Learn a lesson from a fall, and aim at it. Put down your hand and have a look. Ha ha, this locust has become my prey. It's a pity that it has been smashed. I was very happy. I continued to catch them, either patting or attacking them. One, two, three... In a short time, I caught a bag of locusts.

  Those days, I realized that Zhuo locust not only improved my observation ability, but also made me enjoy it. Before I thought of it, my heart blossomed.


  One Sunday in the summer vacation, the weather was extremely hot, so I had to hide in the air-conditioned room and watch TV with my father and mother. Dad suddenly said to me and mom, "let's go swimming." As soon as I heard that I was going to swim, I jumped up happily. Immediately, we took our swimsuits and swimming circles and set out for Longhu in the eastern suburb.

  As soon as we got to Longhu, we saw a lot of people coming to swim. New comers are changing their clothes. People in the pond are wearing all kinds of swimming rings, like blooming flowers. Looking at the clear water in the pool, the heart ripples. We hurriedly changed our swimsuits, put on swimming rings, and put on water sleeves. We could not wait to go underground. The cool pool water gradually overflowed my chest. I felt the sun was not so hot, and the sweat on my head suddenly did not know where to go. I just felt comfortable and cool.

  My father began to teach me swimming. He taught me very carefully, and I studied very carefully. After a while, I learned to swim. Then, we began to fight a water battle. One after another, the colorful and crystal water splashes glittered in the sun, just like our happy mood was flying. Once, when I was splashing water, the water sleeves left me, and I suddenly sank. My father took advantage of this to attack me. After I was attacked, my father laughed. I attacked him again. When he dried the water on his face, I saw that I was gone. But he looked carefully. I went swimming with my mother again. My mother swam slowly and was lost by me.

  It was getting dark, so we reluctantly went home. Although the time was short, I had a good time.


  I experienced a very interesting thing this summer holiday.

  It was very hot that day. The hot sun shone on my skin and there was only some pain. I think it would be nice if I lived in the water like a fish! At this time, my father came. I said to my father, can you take me to swim? My father agreed without hesitation. My heart blossomed with joy.

  After we arrived at the water playground, everyone here was a sea of people. We managed to get two tickets. I can't wait to go to the changing room and change my swimsuit. When we got to the swimming place, we found that we had forgotten our slippers. Do I want to cool my shoes in the water? Hum, I won't let you go and make you worry. I quietly put my shoes on the side of the stone. Then I went swimming.

  After arriving at the deep water area, the water in the deep water area was so deep that it had reached my father's chin. I was extremely scared and held the swimming ring tightly with both hands. At this time, I saw a little girl swimming around with a diving board. It looked like a fish. I was very envious and soon became friends with the little girl.

  After playing in the deep water area for a while, my father said to take me to a very exciting place to play. It's a very high slide on which I stand. My legs are shaking and my feet are numb. I dare not move. With dad's encouragement. I clenched my teeth and went down. In fact, it was not as horrible as I imagined. I felt like taking an elevator, but I felt very excited when I was about to fall.

  I also played many games and places in the playground. The swimming made me very happy.


  During the summer vacation, the weather was very hot. I turned on the fan and did my homework leisurely. I heard two comments. I saw my mother go to grandma's house through the door. Happiness comes from heaven, and finally we can have a happy time!

  At the beginning, I did my homework very carefully and felt very tired. Just for fun, I picked up the remote control car that my father gave me on my birthday this year. I picked up the remote control and began to play, running around. I haven't played since Dad gave it to me! After the first time today, I still can't play. I almost crashed. I put it in a box. It has returned to its old place. I suddenly heard a noise at the door. It's not good to make a wish! Mom's here. I quickly opened the window and looked out. Hey, my stone was put down. It turned out that my neighbor's peers were playing hide and seek with my friends in the yard. I didn't want to go out to play, but I couldn't control myself, so I had no choice.

  I had a good time with my friends. Later, I caught someone. It's time to change. I'm afraid my mother will disturb me. Said I didn't do my homework at home. I ran into the house. But who knows my mother has gone home? My mother said that you should leave a note when you go out to play. I'm worried to death when I come to see you not at home. Mother asked if you had finished your homework. I was ashamed to say: No, my mother said: I can't do this again. I must finish my homework before I go out to play. I nodded with a red face and smiled happily.

  When my mother was not at home that day, my friends had a good time! But I know that's wrong!


  It's very hot in summer vacation. I turned on the fan and wrote my homework leisurely. I heard two comments. I saw my mother go to grandma's house through the crack of the door. I'm so happy that I can finally work hard!

  At the beginning, I was seriously writing my homework, and I felt tired. Just want to play, I picked up the gift my father gave me on my birthday this year - the remote control car. I picked up the remote control and began to play. One moment, I rushed to the East and the other moment, I bumped into the West. I haven't played since my father gave it to me! Today is the first time. I can't play yet. I almost crashed it. I put it away and put it in the box. Put it in the old place again. I suddenly heard a noise at the door. I thought it was bad! Mom's here. I hurriedly opened the window and looked out. Hey, the stone in my heart was put down. It turned out that my neighbor's peers were playing hide and seek with the friends in the yard. I wanted not to go out to play, but I couldn't control myself, so I came out involuntarily.

  I had a very good time with my friends. One day I caught someone, and another day I should catch someone else. I'm afraid that my mother will come and annoy me. I said I didn't do my homework at home, and I came out to play. I went home. But who knows that mother has gone home? She said that she had to leave a note when she went out to play. I've come to see you're not at home. I'm worried to death. Mother asked if you had finished your homework? I said shyly: No, my mother said: we can't do this in the future. We can't go out to play after finishing our homework. I nodded and smiled happily!

  When my mother was not at home that day, my friends had a good time! But I know that's wrong!


  In the hot summer vacation, my brother and cousin went back to Pingdong grandpa and grandma's house to play. During this period, many interesting things happened.

  I rode my bicycle with my brother and cousin on a small road. I found a snake in the grass. I was scared and trembled. We rode home like tigers; When I sleep at night, the picture of the snake always comes to my mind, making me unable to sleep. The next morning, we got up early in the morning to help Grandpa and grandma pick betel nuts. At the beginning, we scrambled to pick betel nuts. Grandpa said, "take your time, don't worry." In the middle of the harvest, my cousin said, "I'm so tired! I've got backache and backache. I'm going to bed." Grandma said, "how can children have backache and backache? I can't stand it." My brother and I kept laughing until our chin fell off. After that, I worked harder and faster, filling baskets and baskets. As time went by, we quickly finished picking all the betel nuts. I was very happy to see that I had picked so many betel nuts. Day after day, soon the summer vacation has come to an end. The day of the beginning of school is coming. I am reluctant to go to school. I want to stay away from school!

  I think grandpa and grandma are working hard! We have to pick betel nuts every summer vacation. We can't imagine that kind of hardship. Therefore, we must be filial to our parents, listen to their parents, and can't talk back to them. Of course, we should study hard now, absorb more knowledge, make ourselves useful, and cherish ourselves and life.


  One day in the summer vacation, my sister and I went to catch small fish and shrimps in the ditch with an iron bucket and a net bag.

  The water in the ditch is not deep, and small fish and shrimp play happily in the water and play hide and seek among the water plants. The sun shines on the water and reflects colorful light.

  We rolled up our sleeves and trouser legs and began to catch fish. Suddenly, I found a group of small fish. I put the net bag in the water not far from the fish school and asked my sister to drive the fish there. The fish ran to my side at a fast speed. I saw the opportunity to mention it quickly. Ah, there are many small fish in the bag! I cheerfully poured these lovely little things into the iron bucket.

  Eh, what is that? It turned out to be a dead fish. It leaned sideways, rolled its eyes, and floated on the water. My sister picked up the little fish. Suddenly, the little fish miraculously survived. It struggled desperately in my sister's hands. Ah, the fish will pretend to be dead!

  Next, we started looking for crabs. I lifted a stone and put my hand into the hole to feel for it. Ouch! My hand seemed to be pricked by a needle, and I cried out in pain. There was a big crab in the hole. His whole body was black, his two pincers were placed on his stomach, and his eight feet slowly crawled toward the cave. OK, is that you who pinched me just now? I stretched out my hand and caught it. I am like a victorious general, holding up his booty and shouting loudly.

  After going home, the cat always goes around our iron bucket. Alas, I have no choice but to give it some of our "spoils of war".
