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【#英语资源# 导语】暑假的趣事就像一幅幅画一样,让我翻开一幅画来分享吧!下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  I go to grandma's house for a few days every summer vacation. I used to play with myself after eating. Today, I came to grandma's house again. Grandma made me a lot of delicious food. I had a good time.

  After dinner, I put down my dishes and went to watch TV as usual. But after a few steps, I stopped and walked to the table. I stopped at the table and dumped the leftovers on the table into the garbage can. Then when I went to clean up the dishes, grandma came out of the kitchen. Grandma looked at me with a smile and said: our child has grown up. I laughed with embarrassment.

  After the table is cleared, the next task is more difficult. I have to wash all the dishes and chopsticks and put them neatly before I start to wash the dishes.

  I first put the bowl under the water to wash, and scrub it with a dishcloth. Wash the inside of the bowl first, and then wash the outside. After a lot of effort, the bowl was finally washed. I put them in the cupboard again. Well, after washing the dishes, I began to wash chopsticks again. Chopsticks are easier to wash. First flush with water and then wipe with a cloth. It's finished.

  We have to start facing the most arduous task, that is, washing dishes. I first washed the dishes one by one with water, then put them into the pool respectively, and then squeezed the detergent onto the dishcloth and began to wash the dishes.

  "Left brush, right brush, front brush, back brush, brush, come on brush..." I was singing my own "washing dishes March" while vigorously brushing the dishes. After nearly 15 minutes, I finally cleaned seven small and large plates with garbage pans. I washed it with water and put it on it. I'm tired to death. Finally, it's over.

  Although I am very tired, I still feel very happy and proud when I look at my "labor achievements". I can work for my grandmother!


  On a sunny afternoon in the summer vacation, my sister said to take me to make cookies. At first, I thought how could my sister, who has always been clumsy, make cookies, and she would also take me to make cookies. With infinite curiosity, I followed my sister to make cookies.

  Today's sister looks very mysterious. She also took me to a mysterious place. Then I saw a very kind aunt, but I have never seen this aunt. A trace of fear appeared in my heart, because I was afraid that this aunt was a bad person. Soon the aunt brought us to a table of rich cakes. My sister gulped, but I didn't dare to do it. Later, they seemed to see my mind and explained to me that this aunt was a friend of my aunt. Later, I quickly ate cookies.

  Within half an hour, we had eaten several plates. Time flies. Before I'm full, I'm about to start making cookies. I heard it. I drank a mouthful in a hurry and left my favorite cake, but I'd better make cookies first, so that I can see how cookies are made.

  After a while, one of the masters suddenly came. He was master Mei Mubing. He told us a lot about cookies, and it took him a long time to let us do it. I can't help it, but it's much better now.

  My sister and I were clumsy and couldn't do anything. We had to consult those skilled masters. As a result, the speed was much faster and more and more were done.

  This biscuit class is over. I learned to make biscuits and the happiness of labor.


  The summer vacation has come, which means I have a leisurely life without worrying about anything except my summer homework. But I am not satisfied with such a life. I always try my best to find something to do for myself in order to enrich my summer vacation life. So I tried to do many things, but they all ended in failure. But I still didn't give up. I remember the teacher said that one's life is to grow and get promoted in constant attempts.

  One afternoon in the summer vacation, the hot sun made people extremely hot! After dinner, I saw my mother washing the dishes and said to her, "Mom, you've been busy all day, let me help you wash the dishes!" Mother happily agreed.

  First of all, I rolled my sleeve up high and blocked the drain with a plug. Then I stuffed the tableware into the pool, put some hot water in it, poured some clean water, and I hummed and put my hands down. Suddenly, it bounced back. Hi! It's all my carelessness. I even forgot to add cold water. I turn on the tap and add cold water. Washing clean is really slippery. Flax stained on the bowl seems to be coated with a layer of lubricant. Accidentally, a bowl "Chi Liu" slipped out of my hand. Before I could figure out what was going on, it just "plumped" into the water, splashing all over my face. I had to take them out of the water and put them on the cupboard to wash them slowly one by one. Finally, the bowls were all washed. I grabbed a handful of chopsticks and rubbed "Chucha, Chucha..." how nice the sound is! Suddenly, not only what happened, they fell out of my hand and lay on the ground like a game stick. I had to pick them up and wash them again. Finally, I washed all the spoons.

  Through washing dishes, I deeply realized the hard work and tiredness of my mother who has to do so much work every day, and I also realized the fun of washing dishes.


  This summer vacation, my father and I went back to our hometown. I experienced an interesting thing in my hometown.

  As soon as I got home, I couldn't wait to go to the big mother's house to find my second brother. I had dinner with my second brother at noon. After dinner, the second brother said, "let's go to catch cicadas in the evening!" I was very happy to hear it. In the afternoon, I was too excited to sleep, so I waited for darkness!

  We had some food early. As soon as it was dark, my second brother and I rushed out of the house and went straight to our destination. The second brother first told me some secrets of finding cicadas, and I listened carefully. When we get to the place, we act separately. At first, I looked for it according to the method taught by my second brother. I first looked for it on the ground. I took a flashlight in my hand, shining it on the ground, and picking at the loose place with my hand. In this way, I looked for it for a long time, but I didn't receive any goods at all. I was a little angry. At this time, the second brother not far away called, and he found a cicada. I hurried to see that this was a guy who had just come out of the soil, and there was some soil on his body. He was staring at us with big eyes. I'm a little scared. I don't dare to touch it. Its four feet are crawling hard in the hands of the second brother, as if it was going to escape? At this time, I heard a child call us and say, "there are many cicadas in the trees here." I hurried to the tree with a flashlight. There were several good guys, but I didn't dare to catch them. I could only watch them climb up step by step, and I was very anxious. What a heart without courage! At this time, many children said, don't be afraid, it doesn't bite. I tried several times in a row, and finally I summoned up my courage. My hand shook and swished to the tree, and a cicada got it. I'm really scared and excited. This is my first time to catch cicadas. I finally overcome my fear. We had a good night.

  This holiday I learned a lot of knowledge, but also experienced a lot of things I didn't dare to do before.


  The intense learning stage has ended, and we have ushered in the long-awaited summer vacation. We can make full use of our spare time during this period, relax, and relax ourselves. Next, I will tell you my happy things in the summer vacation.

  During the summer vacation, my aunt took me to the zoo in Zhengzhou My aunt saw a game called "rushing forward". At that time, my cousin and her mother were also present. My sister went with her mother. It didn't take long for them to finish playing and come back. Let me play with my aunt. I looked, mom! It's so high, about five floors. I said to my aunt, "aunt, I'm afraid of heights." However, I was pushed in by my aunt. We were sitting in a small boat, drifting. Floating to a fairyland between people, when my aunt and I were enjoying it, the boat began to go up. There is a handrail beside my clothes. When I hold it, my hands are soft and my body is weak. I closed my eyes as if I were going to fall. After the sound of "Hua", we rowed down. Become a drowned chicken. It was summer, and the clothes were soon dried. My aunt asked me to go to the zoo. I asked, "is there anything fierce in it?" "Of course there is." I didn't go, but watched bears and ostriches nearby for a while.

  Today, this is my happiest day in the summer vacation. I really hope it's the same every day. How wonderful!


  Summer vacation seems to be a singer, singing many songs, fishing is one of them.

  On the morning of August 2, my mother took me fishing. The sun father-in-law shot his "bow and arrow" and warmed the earth. My mother and I are sweating like rain. We arrived at a small fish pond. The uncle guarding the fish pond saw us and said with a smile, "yo! Children, come to learn fishing with your mother? Be patient!" I said, "yes, uncle."

  My mother and I each took a small bench and sat under the willow tree by the fish pond. I took a little bait and stuck it to the hook like my mother. Then I threw the fishing rod and the hook into the pond. After a while, I suddenly saw that the buoy moved. I was so excited that I immediately took up the line. As a result, the bait didn't move at all. I said, "Damn, little fish is so hateful that he ran away. I'm not easy to mess with." Mother said, "don't get excited! Xiaoyu was just testing whether there was anyone on it. If there is a lot of noise, you have to close the line immediately, and you can't hesitate." Just as she said this, her mother's buoy moved, and she whispered, "look at mine!" I said, "Oh, I see." Mother saw that the movement was big, and immediately pulled the fishing rod, and a small fish was caught! I said, "Wow! Mom is great!" Mom smiled and said, "it's a piece of cake. Try it!" I threw the fishing rod, and after a few minutes, the buoy moved, and then the movement became large. I hesitated for about a second or two, but there was no shadow, and the hook was empty. Mother said, "don't give up!" I threw the hook into the water again. This time, there was a lot of noise. I immediately closed it and caught a big fish. I jumped up happily, and my mother said, "yes! Congratulations! I caught a big fish the first time."

  From this thing, I learned a truth: you should have patience and perseverance in everything, otherwise it is difficult to succeed.


  In this long summer vacation, some people play games at home, some visit mountains and rivers nearby, and some travel around, but I went to an unexpected place - chicken farm. There are many interesting stories here.

  A friend of my father opened a chicken farm, where there are many chickens, including three yellow chickens, black chickens, mandarin duck chickens... Etc., many, many chickens. There are also two goslings, one named Xiaojin, always called Xiaohuang, and it is also a male and a female, the female is called Xiaojin, and the male is called Xiaohuang. Although they are small, they eat a lot. I took a lot of vegetable leaves to feed them, but they still keep eating. Don't talk about it. They also shit everywhere, eating and pulling. Once, Xiao Jin pulled her stool onto Xiao Huang. Xiao Huang said nothing and let it pull. I don't think they eat too much, so I won't give them any more. They keep shouting, "ah, ah, ah...". I really couldn't bear it, so I gave them a few leaves, but as soon as they were in a hurry, they bit my hand, and I stopped paying attention to them. After dinner, I was idle and bored, so I went to walk the goose. I took a few vegetable leaves, held them in my hand, and let them eat a few bites first, so that they will always follow you. But when they came out of the gate of the chicken farm, there were a lot of vegetable leaves beside them (for feeding chickens). As soon as they saw this lot of vegetables, they would not go away. No matter how big the temptation is, I have to bring Xiao Jin back. (the male is the son of my uncle.) Be careful when hugging, put the * out, and be careful that it pulls the stool onto your clothes. Because Xiao Huang was pulled on by Xiao Jin, his uncle's son, stupid, didn't dare to hold it, so it was stupid who pulled Xiao Huang back by his tail. Along the way, Xiao Huang said, "ah, ah..." just screamed pain, and looked very heartbroken. At this time, it was already dark, so I returned home from the chicken farm. Such an interesting and happy day ended briefly. Everyone has a different summer vacation. Some people spend their summer vacation in happiness, while others spend their summer vacation in thick homework and books... Childhood is only once, which can be met but not sought. Please cherish it.


  Although the happy summer vacation has passed, I still miss some interesting days. Now let me tell my summer fun one by one!

  During the summer vacation, I attended the little host camp, where many teachers taught us a lot about the little host. Most of the teachers who gave us classes were people we saw on TV, such as teacher Liu Yan and uncle Jianwei. And the torch bearer of Zhongshan: Uncle Li Shengxi!

  Among so many courses, what impresses me most is the hosting class uncle Jianwei gave us. In the class, he read several poems aloud and asked us to speak Mandarin well. The most interesting thing is that he taught us to do "mouth exercises". Unexpectedly, our mouths can move, and our mouth muscles can make us speak louder.

  In the summer vacation, I also learned to pulley. In the past, I watched others slide as fast as they wanted, which made me eager to try. So I put on pulley shoes, stood up slowly, moved forward slightly, held my knees with both hands, and carefully moved my feet forward. Who knows, I stepped too far, couldn't take it back, fell, and fell a somersault. Later, I found that when I walked on the grass, the wheels didn't slide. In this way, I will learn faster. Sure enough, walking on the grass is like walking normally. I also quickly learned to slide the pulley. Whenever I slide, others will always cast envious eyes on me!

  In the summer vacation, the world-renowned Olympic Games opened! Of course we can't be wrong. I like watching gymnastics and diving. Guo Jingjing, known as the "Diving Queen", and Wu Minxia formed a "golden combination", which played a superhuman level on the women's springboard and won the gold medal! In women's team gymnastics, although Cheng Fei missed many times, the gold medal still hung around their necks!

  In this summer vacation, I learned a lot. After a full summer vacation, I look forward to the coming of next summer vacation!


  The interesting summer vacation slipped away from my eyes in the blink of an eye. Those interesting summer holidays were like colorful shells on the beach, which made me unforgettable. Although the interesting summer vacation has passed, the interesting things that happened in the summer vacation seem to be still in front of us. I remember everything that happened in grandma's house is so unforgettable. That day, we pestered our uncle and mother to take us to the beach for a swim. Our hungry uncle and mother, who had always loved us so much, agreed. My uncle took us to the beach we had been longing for for for a long time. When we come to the beach, the most attractive thing is the shell. The colorful shells have different shapes, but they are beautiful. Soon, we picked up a basket of shells and prepared to make a necklace for our mother. After picking up the shells, we had a hug like the sea. When we were tired of swimming, we ran to the beach to play with the sand. Some of the partners piled up sand castles, and some picked up shells... But we played with sand bath.

  We dug two big holes to bury my uncle and mother, and looked at the way my mother and uncle enjoyed it. I also want to try the feeling of being in the arms of my mother on the beach. So my friends also buried me. I have only one head left to bury. Like my mother and them, I also enjoy myself in the arms of my mother on the beach. "Ah!" I heard a mixed cry. It turned out that a big brother's penis was bitten by a cute little crab. "Hahaha..." suddenly bursts of laughter came from the beach. "Hahahahaha..." who is laughing? It turns out that they are little friends on the beach. Their hungry laughter is so sweet that it rings in my ears until now


  One day in the summer vacation, my aunt took me to Zhangpu to play. We sat in the car and looked out. Rows of beautiful flowers were fluttering in the wind. It was very beautiful.

  When we arrived at our destination, the children I came with ran to the beach first. The scenery by the beach was so beautiful! We are barefoot stepping on the fine sand, Xiangxiang, very fun. So we squatted down to play with the sand. Let's dig a hole first, dig out some soil and put it on the cart. Then pile the sand into four circular castles, dig a few more holes, poke them directly from the side of the hole, and they will become channels in all directions, so that the car can be unobstructed. Everyone had a good time! At this time, aunt caught several small shells and said that she was going to make soup in the evening.

  Dinner was eaten at an old woman's house, with asparagus, prawns and so on. It was rich, and I had a big meal impolitely. In the evening, the sea breeze blew slowly, removing the heat during the day. Maybe it was too tired to play for a day. I soon fell asleep. In my dream, the small castle we built was really open to traffic.
