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【#高二# 导语】如果把高中三年去挑战高考看作一次越野长跑的话,那么高中二年级是这个长跑的中段。与起点相比,它少了许多的鼓励、期待,与终点相比,它少了许多的掌声、加油声。它是孤身奋斗的阶段,是一个耐力、意志、自控力比拚的阶段。但它同时是一个厚实庄重的阶段,这个时期形成的优势有实力。©文档大全网高二频道为你整理了《高二年级选修七英语课时作业》,学习路上,©文档大全网为你加油!



  1.movement A.to come out of a dark, enclosed on hidden place

  2.technique B.an act of moving the body or part of the body

  3.decline C.a particular way of doing sth.

  4.emerge D.a continuous decrease in the number, value, quality, etc. of sth.

  答案:1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A


  1.His method presents a new a ________ to learning foreign languages.

  2.Unfortunately there has been a sharp d ________ in demand this year.

  3.The book made a deep i________ on him.

  4.They are new ________(技巧) for producing special effects in movies.

  5.Advanced figures are ________(涌现) in large number in this era of ours.

  6.Since the 1980s, the computer industry has ________(迅速发展).

  答案:1.approach 2.decline 3.impression 4.techniques 5.emerging 6.boomed


  1.The sun ________ behind the clouds.

  2.Don't ________ the weakness of others.

  3.They were walking ________ in the street.

  4.One hundred years ________ a century.

  5.How many chapters does the book ________?

  6.He, ________ you, is to blame.

  答案:1.emerged from 2.take advantage of 3.side by side 4.makes up 5.consist of 6.rather than


  1.他的工作包括帮助无家可归的小孩。(consist of)


  2.她建议他利用这个机会来展示自己的能力。(take advantage of)


  3.与其说她是我妈妈,不如说她是我的好朋友。(rather than)


  4.很多人觉得那部电影没意思,所以在电影结束前就离开了*。(be bored with)


  5.请把书按大小放好。(in order)



  1.His job consists of helping homeless children.

  2.She advised him to take advantage of the opportunity to show his ability.

  3.She is my good friend rather than my mother.

  4.Bored with the film, many people left the cinema before the end of it.

  5.Please put the books in order of size.

  Ⅴ. 完形填空

  Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. They are very busy working to __1__ the family. They don't act in the __2__ ways I read in books or I see on TV. __3__ flowers to each other on Valentine's Day is even more __4__.

  One day, my mother was sewing a quilt(被子). I __5__ sat down beside her and looked at her. “Mom, is there love between you and Dad?” I asked her in a __6__ voice.

  My mother stopped and raised her head with __7__ in her eyes. She didn't answer immediately. Then she __8__ her head and continued to sew the quilt. At last my mother said: “Susan,” she said, “Look at this thread. Sometimes it appears, but most of the time it __9__ in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt strong and __10__. If life is a quilt, then love should be a __11__. It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime, but it's really there. Love is __12__.”

  The next spring, my father suddenly got sick seriously. When they returned from the hospital, mother looked rather pale and it seemed __13__ of them had had a serious illness. Every day in the morning and dusk, my mother helped my father __14__ slowly on the country road. My father had never been so __15__. Along the country road, there were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees. The sun gently glistened through the leaves. All of these __16__ the most beautiful picture in the world.

  “Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day. He said gently, “__17__, I just like walking with your mom. I like this kind of life.” __18__ his eyes, I know he loves my mother deeply.

  __19__ I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. But from this __20__, I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life. Love is inside, making life strong and warm.

  1.A. hold B. support

  C. live on D. keep

  2.A. romantic B. friendly

  C. lovely D. active

  3.A. Taking B. Passing

  C. Buying D. Sending

  4.A. no problem B. out of question

  C. out of the question D. in question

  5.A. silently B. eagerly

  C. peaceful D. anxiously

  6.A. loud B. low

  C. gentle D. tender

  7.A. interest B. fear

  C. excitement D. surprise

  8.A. bowed B. raised

  C. hang D. lower

  9.A. loses B. turns out

  C. disappears D. comes up

  10.A. warm B. lasting

  C. long D. comfortable

  11.A. needle B. cloth

  C. thread D. sheet

  12.A. in the quilt B. out of the quilt

  C. outside D. inside

  13.A. either B. both

  C. neither D. every

  14.A. walk B. run

  C. stand D. exercise

  15.A. rude B. polite

  C. gentle D. careful

  16.A. came up B. turned up

  C. called up D. made up

  17.A. In other words B. To tell the truth

  C. In my opinion D. On the contrary

  18.A. Seeing B. Reading

  C. Watching D. Observing

  19.A. Once B. Though

  C. When D. Unless

  20.A. process B. way

  C. matter D. experience


  1.B support“抚养;维持”,符合句意。keep“保持”;hold“容纳”;live on“以……为食”,都不符合句意。

  2.A 他们从未像我在书中读到,或在电视中看到的那样有浪漫的举止。

  3.D 这句话意为“更不用说在情人节送花这样的事了”。send flowers“送花”。

  4.C 根据句意,此处表示“不可能”,用out of the question;out of question是“没问题”。

  5.A 我默默地看着她。

  6.B 由上句中的silently,可以判断此处应是in a low voice才能符合语境。

  7.D 听了“我”的问题,母亲应该是感到“惊讶”。

  8.A 上文是she raised her head,所以then she bowed her head and continued...,bow表示“低下”;选项B的形式不对,应是hung;lower有“使……低下”之意,但形式不对。所以都可排除。

  9.C 由上文Sometimes it appears,but...,所以此处要用disappear。

  10.B 这些线使被子坚固耐用。lasting是形容词,表示“耐用的”。

  11.C 如果生活是一床被子,那么爱就是其中的线。

  12.D 此处意为“爱是内在的”,已经由谈论线和被子升华到了“爱”上。

  13.B 两个人应该用both。

  14.A 母亲都会搀扶着父亲在乡村的小路上漫步。

  15.C 父亲从未如此温和过。careful只是表示“细心”,不符合句意。

  16.D 此句意为“这一切形成了一幅世间最美好的画面”,make up是“构成,组成”之意;come up是“出现”;turn up是“露面”;call up是“打电话”,都可以排除。

  17.B 说实话,我喜欢与*妈一起散步的感觉。on the contrary“相反地”,不符合句意。

  18.B read有“读懂”之意,而watch和observe都表示“观察”,可以排除。

  19.A once意为“从前,曾经,一度”。

  20.D 此句意为“但是经历了这些后,我理解了……”,experience表示“经历;阅历”。选项中的matter表示“(抽象的)事情”,所以可以排除。

  Ⅵ. 阅读理解

  Generations of children who sat through endless lessons of “chalk and talk” in front of a bossy teacher can take some relief. But the “chalk and talk” method helped them achieve better exam results. Modern classroom techniques may make school days a good deal happier, but contentment(满足) is not the road to success in examinations, according to university researchers.

  Their three-year study, monitoring the progress of 2,000 teenagers, tried to measure the influence of the “boredom factor” in 17 selected schools in the north of England. The researchers also found that the old-fashioned approach(方法) of teachers ordering pupils about is still alive and producing results. Their conclusions were welcomed yesterday by educationists who were worried by the shift to less formal lessons.

  The pupils in the latest study were asked to award teachers marks to measure how frequently they followed or ignored today's fashion for “child-centred” education. A five-point scale was given to spot the teachers who always told them what they should know and what to write down. “It was significant and not anything you would get by chance or accident. Certainly, when you compare the pupil's interest and attitude to school, there is a quite definite and highly significant difference,” one of the researchers said. But the rankings were turned upside down when the team of four researchers looked at how the children did in examination. The sort of methods now frowned upon(不赞同) actually improve the final grades.

  The researchers said, “There is nothing wrong with old-fashioned, didactic(说教性的) teaching in the right place, even if it isn't the flavor at the moment.”However, he insisted the best teachers had always mixed the two techniques to match the needs of pupils, although certain examinations forced some to concentrate more on dictation and learning by rote(死记硬背).

  1.University researchers have discovered that ________.

  A. modern teaching methods provide students with entertainment

  B. students taught by modern techniques are happy and successful

  C. traditional teaching methods help students score higher

  D. students like old teaching better than modern teaching at school

  答案与解析:C 细节理解题。由第二句“But ‘the chalk and talk' method helped them achieve better exam results.”可知正确答案是C。

  2.From Paragraph 3 we can infer that ________.

  A. child-centred education promotes friendship among children

  B. the research findings are not significant enough for a conclusion

  C. those who show greater interest in school did better in exams

  D. those who don't show much interest in school may turn out to score higher in tests

  答案与解析:D 推理判断题。第三段后三句话指出兴趣和成绩不成正比,态度决定成绩。所以得出,态度端正可以使一个学生在考试中取得的成绩更好一些。

  3.The researchers suggest that ________.

  A. more old methods be used in teaching

  B. students be taught how to score high in exams

  C. dictation be used as one of the best teaching methods

  D. old and new methods be used together

  答案与解析:D 细节理解题。由最后一段的最后一句可知选D。

  4.The best title for this text would be ________.

  A. The Examination-based Teaching

  B. Rote Learning Was the Winner

  C. The Problem of Child-centred Education

  D. The Problem of the traditional Method

  答案与解析:B 主旨大意题。根据首尾段可知。

  Ⅶ. 语法填空

  M: Excuse me. Would you mind if I smoked here?

  W: I'm sorry. Didn't you see the sign on the wall, “No __1__”?

  M: Oh, sorry. __2__ can I smoke on this floor?

  W: I'm afraid it's not allowed here.

  M: Oh, dear! I wonder __3__ I could have __4__ glass of water.

  W: Sure. Help __5__ (you), over there.

  M: Thanks.

  W: Don't you know smoking is not good __6__ your health, young man?

  M: Yes, I do. I tried many times to give it up, but I __7__ (fail). When I go without it, I feel very bad.

  W: Yes, it's hard to stop! __8__, if you have the nonsmokers' health in mind, you might succeed.

  M: You're right! Thanks very much. I'll try again __9__ (kick) my smoking habit.

  W: That's good. Well, if you __10__ (die) to smoke now, you can go outside, in the open air.

  M: Oh, no! I'm not smoking anymore from now on!

  W: That's great!


  1.smoking 考查固定搭配。No smoking禁止吸烟。

  2.Where 考查特殊疑问句。由下一句的回答可知此处是问“哪里”可以吸烟。

  3.if 考查宾语从句。句意为:我想知道是否我能喝一杯水。I wonder if我想是否可以……?

  4.a 考查冠词。不定冠词a表泛指,意思是“数量一”。 a glass of water 一杯水。

  5.yourself 考查反身代词。help oneself请自便。

  6.for 考查介词搭配。句中be good for sth./sb. 对某人或某事有好处。

  7.failed 考查动词的时态。由前一句中动词tried可知,事情已经发生用过去时态。

  8.However 考查连接词。句意为:是的,很难戒掉,但是如果你心中想着不抽烟的人的健康的话,那么你会徐会成功。根据前后两句的转折关系,且句首有逗号可知用However。

  9.to kick 考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词to do作try的宾语。Try to do sth.表示“尽力做某事”。

  10.are dying 考查动词的时态。现在进行时表示一种趋势。动词短语be dying to do sth.“极想做某事”



  1.Shut the window, ________ (否则) it'll get too cold in here.

  2.Several important legal questions ________ (引起) in the contract negotiations.

  3.A great ________(*)meeting in their support will be held tomorrow.

  4.Teachers consider honesty an important ________ (美德).

  5.Her story ________(感动,触动)us all deeply.

  6.She is a woman who always keeps the house clean and ________(整洁的).

  7.I have to finish the work before the ________(最后期限)

  8.Don't ________(叫喊)at the old man like that again.

  9.Bill Gates was one of the ________(创始人)of the Microsoft.

  10.He has decided to ________(辞职,离开)as manager of the team.

  答案:1.otherwise 2.arose 3.protest 4.virtue

  5.touched 6.neat 7.deadline 8.yell 9.pioneers



  1.Every means ________ (已被尝试).No one is effective.

  2.The truth is that ________ (远非)helping the situation, you've just made it worse.

  3.The police tried ________(徒劳地)to break up the protest crowds.

  4.He fell off the bike and hurt himself; ________(否则), he would have taken part in the sports meeting.

  5.The reason why I ________(停止服药) is that they were making me feel sick.

  6.Please remember to ________ (把书整理好) before leaving the room

  答案:1.has been tried out 2.far from 3.in vain

  4.otherwise 5.quit taking the pills 6.put the books in order


  1.Look around us, the disabled make us feel ________ (bless) with healthy body.

  2.His ________ (devote) to the career really made the people around him admired.

  3.It was obvious that doubts ________ (arise) from what he said in the meeting yesterday.

  4.He was one of the ________ (pioneer) of space rockets in China.

  5.His inspiring speech made a great ________ (impress) on everyone present.

  6.Internet connections through ________ (convertion) phone lines are fairly slow.

  7.The film is very ________ (humour) and moving.

  8.There was perfect ________ (harmonious) between the two sisters.

  9.In the 1980s, the computer industry was ________ (boom).

  10.He'd only gone a few ________ (pace) before he stopped again.

  答案:1.blessed 2.devotion 3.arose 4.pioneers

  5.impression 6.convertional 7.humourous 8.harmony 9.booming 10.paces


  1.You ought to ________________ that radio before you buy it.

  2.I'm ________________ many things, but a loving family is top on my list.

  3.His desk is always ________________.

  4.His second book ________________ last month.

  5.It was ________________ that we tried to find his mother.

  6.The government functions well and the people live ________________.

  7.A true artist is ________________ his work.

  8.He is ________________ being an excellent student.

  9.He grows flowers ______________ vegetables.

  10.They ________________ the custom of having their marriages only in May.

  答案:1.try out 2.blessed with 3.in order 4.came out 5.in vain 6.in harmony 7.devoted to 8.far from 9.as well as 10.keep to


  1.Our country is blessed ________ rich natural resources.

  2.We believe what you have devoted yourself ________ is sure to come true.

  3.Life in the country was far ________ a bed of roses.

  4.The actresses were dancing beautifully ________ the light music.

  5.The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to sit ________.

  6.The girl was named Julia ________ her mother.

  7.Lung cancer is just one of the many diseases that arisen ________ smoking too many cigarettes.

  答案:1.with 2.to 3.from 4.to 5.in/on 6.after




  Like many people you may be dreaming of a career as a rock and roll star. There are two ways to go about getting one. First there is the traditional way. Find some friends and form a group. Learn to play the guitar or the drums. Write your own songs. Spend hours arguing about the band name. Then go on the road.

  The next step is to spend a year or two touring. If you are any good, the crowds will get bigger. In the end an artist from a record company may come to a show. If he or she likes you, there may be a deal. This is the route traditionally followed by bands in the music industry. Success means fame and wealth. And failure gives you some interesting stories to tell your children.

  Over the last few years a different path to success has become known. Boy bands like Boyzone and girl bands like the Spice Girls don't come together on their own. They are created by managers and record companies. Their image is strictly controlled. Professional song writers usually write their music. This is a convenient arrangement and the public seems to love the result.

  Though boy and girl bands have become very popular recently, there is a long tradition of making music in this way. In the early 1960's an American businessman called Berry Gordy founded Motown Records. Motown is short for “motor town”. The record company was based in the city of Detroit, where thousands of African-Americans had moved to work in the car industry. They brought with them a cultural tradition of writing and performing music. This style later became known as “soul-music”. Berry Gordy was a diamond miner. He took raw talent from the street and polished it until it shone. Motown stars were not just given songs to sing. They were also taught how to dress well and speak properly.

  1.In the first paragraph the writer seems to tell us ________.

  A. to form a band is very hard

  B. the name of the band is very important

  C. newly-built bands can only perform by road

  D. to form a band is very simple

  答案与解析:D 推理判断题。依据第一、二段中“First...” “The next step...”可看出组成一个乐队非常简单。

  2.If a newborn band wants to succeed, as the writer tells, it must have the chance ________.

  A. to travel in big cities

  B. to perform before an artist

  C. to make an agreement with a record company

  D. to experience failure again and again

  答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第二段中“In the end an artist from a record company may come to a show. If he or she likes you, there may be a deal.”可知C项正确。

  3.From the fourth paragraph, we can conclude that ________.

  A. Motown was only enjoyed by the workers in Detroit

  B. Motown showed the style of the black Americans

  C. Detroit used to be famous for its music industry

  D. Detroit was found by African-Americans

  答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据该段中“...where thousands of African-Americans had moved to work in the car industry.”可知B项正确。

  4.From the passage, we can learn that Motown stars ________.

  A. used to be miners

  B. used to dress poorly

  C. became perfect little by little

  D. came from Berry Gordy's hometown

  答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“He took raw talent from the street and polished it until it shone.”可知C项是选项。


  The Blues

  The blues was born on the Mississippi River Delta in the early 1900s. After the Civil War, the slaves were free but life was still not easy. They had to find new work. In the South, work camps were formed. Black people from these camps worked on farms and on building up the Mississippi River banks. During the week, the people worked long and hard. They often lived alone, without their families, far from home. On the weekend, the workers got together at picnics or drinking places. Travelling black musicians with guitars entertained them. The musicians sang songs about the difficult life of the workers. These songs were called the blues.

  If you have the blues, it means you feel very sad. But blues songs were not always sad. Some of them were happy and many of them were funny.

  Early blues singers often had very interesting names like Blind Lemon, Jefferson and Howlin Wolf. Sometimes, the blues singers had song contests. Each singer sang new words or a new style of the blues song. They made up the music as they played. In this way they created new music. That is called improvisation(即兴表演). Later, improvisation became a very important part of jazz music.

  Blues began in the country in the South. As black people moved into the big cities to work, the blues went with them. There, they sang about life in the cities. W. C. Handy, a black band leader from Memphis made the blues popular all over America. In 1914 he wrote the most famous blues song of all—The St. Louis Blues.

  5.This passage is mainly concerned with ________.

  A. the birth of American country music

  B. the birth of jazz music

  C. the birth of American popular music

  D. the birth of the blues

  答案与解析:D 主旨大意题。本文谈的是美国布鲁斯音乐的由来。A、C两项所指范围太广,而B项并不是本文谈论的中心。

  6.Blues songs were often about ________.

  A. the hard life of black people

  B. the happy life of black people

  C. the happy and funny life of black people

  D. the hard life of slaves

  答案与解析:A 细节理解题。文章第一段最后两句叙述黑人音乐者们歌唱他们劳动者艰难的生活。A项符合文意。

  7.In the early 1900s, black people often got together at some drinking places on the weekend mainly because ________.

  A. they had found new work

  B. they were good friends

  C. they often lived alone, without their families

  D. they were good at singing and dancing

  答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知选C。

  8.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A. After the Civil War, most black people found jobs in factories.

  B. No blues songs were about life in the cities.

  C. The blues was popular only in the country.

  D. The blues was born in the country in the South.

  答案与解析:D 细节理解题。由文章第一段和最后一段第一句可知布鲁斯音乐产生于美国中南部的密西西比河三角洲的城市。因此D项符合句意。


  Will __1__ matter if you don't take your breakfast? Some time ago a test __2__ (give) in the United States. Those tests included people of different __3__ (age) from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got __4__ breakfast at all. Special tests were set up to see __5__ well their bodies worked when they had eaten __6__ certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with better effect __7__ if he or she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be __8__ (especial) true if a person works __9__ his brain. For example, if a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with __10__ (much) attention in class.


  1.it 考查固定句式。it matters if...如果……是否有关系?

  2.was given 考查被动语态。此句中a test为主语,故用被动语态。

  3.ages 考查名词的单复数。那些测试包含不同年龄段的人。

  4.no 考查句意的理解。有时候不给他们早饭吃。

  5.how 考查宾语从句。对他们进行特别的测试来观察他们的身体状况。

  6.a 考查冠词的用法。a certain kind of breakfast某种早餐。

  7.than 考查比较级结构。吃过早餐对工作效率有好的影响。

  8.especially 考查副词的用法。用especially修饰true.

  9.with 考查介词。with使用。

  10.more 考查比较级。根据前文more quickly可推知此处应该用much的比较级。

