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【#GRE# 导语】水滴石穿,绳锯木断。©文档大全网为您提供了“GRE写作优秀范文:知识和经验的引进”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  "No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study."


  Nowadays quite lot fields of studies develop quickly due to the juxtaposition. Perhaps the produce of some significant advances in those fields attributes to the outsiders.However, this does not mean that outsider’s knowledge and experience is the necessary condition for the prosperity of a subject study as the author asserts.

  Finally, as the factor contributing to an academic subjects' significant growth, they include many apart from sharing the outsiders’ intelligence, such as the long-term academic accumulation, the appropriate social and economic support, the good-timing birth of geniuses and so on. All these factors can also bring the subject study breakthrough amounts to not only rely on the suggestion as the author asserts. For example, as the America emphasis on all fields study, so the government supplies great number of money on research every year, which gives the people in that field quite a lot confidence. With the result that so many noble prize winner are American establishes that the importance of finance support.

  All in all, analyzing the elements to the advance of subject, we should consider many factors rather than only focus on one important element. In my opinion, significant progress in ones field attributes to the mutual function of every related factor. Only bringing from others is wise sometime but not always.

  Admittedly, borrowing knowledge and experience from other fields of study has indeed triggered significant breakthrough in many subjects. Quite a few scientific subjects like biochemistry, economics, astronomy, are undoubtedly the hybrids of subjects originally thought far distant from one another. Among these subjects, the changing of the astronomy is a successful example for applying the small amplifying tubes which used on chemistry to telescope inventing. As we all know, since that Copernicus raised the Copernican system, the astronomy develops slowly because of no useful equipment for seeing the sky. Then, a clever inventor used the amplifying tube which was a device for doing experiments to make out the telescope which was a changing point of the astronomy. Thanks to the cross field studying of that inventor,the progress of astronomy can be advanced so much for that today people have already embark on the moon. So, it is one of the wise ways to borrow the knowledge and experience from other fields when your own study is impeded.

  However, though it is wise sometime to learn from other's experience and knowledge,this does not stand that it has necessity to import from outsiders in order to make great progress in one’s own field. On one aspect, juxtaposition in some certain fields is not feasible, for example the physics and math, they are quite difficult to mix with other sciences, because they themselves are completed system which are the basis of quite a lot other fields. For instance, it is Newton himself discover the law of gravity which caused the great development in the process of physics. On the other hand, if the great breakthroughs in all fields of study must rely on the knowledge and experience from outsiders, are there still quite a lot of people donate their whole life in solving a problem. For example, the honored mathematician called "chenjinrun" who donated his whole life in solving the GOLDBACH’S CONJECTURE. However, such a puzzle was unknown till he died. If as the author recommends, Mr. Chen should wait for the materials from other fields. However, there were no useful information from other fields to such a puzzle, only left to do was making effort to research in his field. So bringing from outsiders is not the necessary condition for the breakthrough.

