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【#翻译# 导语】把工作当事业,把备考当工作考核,认真,是一种态度,这样便不愁拿证了。为了帮助大家成为备考小能手,©文档大全网为大家提供了“2020年翻译资格考试(cattti)三级笔译练习题”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  Klarna: Getting More Ambitious(节选)

  Caution: reimagining under way


  Klarna has not been signing up American retailers as quickly as it had anticipated. But it hopes two global trends will speed its expansion. The more that online shopping moves to phones, the more pressing it is for all online traders to make their checkouts quick and easy to use, but still safe. Customers particularly detest typing in credit card numbers on their phones, especially if asked to do so in public – while riding a busy bus, say. Klarna reckons over 60% of its business today involves mobile shopping, compared with less than 10% two years ago. Some retailers, such as sellers of shoes and clothes, report an especially rapid shift to mobile.

  The other broad trend is for shopping across national borders. Online markets, such as Wish.com, connect bargain-hungry consumers in rich countries to producers of clothes, watches, toys or jewellery in, for example, China. Klarna works with Wish on European sales, letting customers pay for goods ordered cross-border only after getting them, which can take weeks. That reassures shoppers not ready to trust an anonymous Chinese T-shirt firm to deliver. Many sellers are appalled by the prospect of having to comply with different countries’ financial laws, say on extending credit, so they readily outsource payments.

  Klarna, in contrast, is a glutton for regulatory punishment. In fact, it is entering the most regulated bit of finance: retail banking. It is licensed as a bank in Sweden, which allows it to collect deposits from all over Europe. Mr Siemiatkowski sees this as a cheap source of financing, but also as a big opportunity. Just like online shoppers, he argues, bank customers are desperate for a safe-but-simple mobile interface like the one Klarna offers in payments. The firm’s 45m users provide it with a big and growing pool of potential banking customers who already have an inkling of the sort of service it can provide. “In the longer term we need to reimagine what banks really are,” he says, sounding like a typical fintech boss at last.



  相反,Klarna全然不怕监管处罚。事实上,Klarna正步入金融业内监管最严的领域:零售银行业务。该公司在瑞典已获得银行牌照,可从欧洲各地吸 储。西米亚特科夫斯基将此视为廉价的融资来源,同时也是巨大的机会。他认为,银行顾客和网上购物者一样,都极希望找到像Klarna支付平台那样安全而简单的移动界面。该公司的4500万用户为其提供了大量潜在的银行客户,而且数目还在不断增加,他们多少已体验过Klarna所能提供的服务。“长远来看,我们需要重塑银行的实质。”他说道,这听起来终于像金融科技老板的惯用口吻了。

