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Lesson 47 Too high a price? 代价太高   【New words and expressions】 生词和短语   ●pollution n. 污染   ●overpopulated adj. 人口多的   ●over-industrialized adj. 过度工业化的   ●sheer adj. 纯粹的,不掺杂的   ●worldwide adv. 在全世界   ●overwhelm v. 制服,使不知所措   ●pollute v. 污染   ●pesticide n. 杀虫剂   ●fertilizer n. 肥料   ●salmonella n. 沙门氏菌   ●listeia n. 利斯特杆菌   ●vegetarian n. 吃素的人   ●organically-grown adj. 有机培植的(不施化肥和其他化学品培植)   ●insidious adj. 暗中为害的   ●urban adj. 城市的   ●burglar n. 窃贼   ●burgle v. 入室偷窃   ●scream v. 尖叫   ●profound adj. 极度的   ●irritation n. 烦躁   ●incessantly adv. 连续不断地   ●whine v. 发呜呜声   ●helicopter n. 直升飞机   ●maximum adj. 的   ●technology n. 技术   ●contribution n. 贡献   ●mobile adj. 可移动的   ●snore v. 打鼾   ●offender n. 冒犯者   ●staggering adj. 令人惊愕的   ●trumpet v. 吹号   ●partner n. 伙伴   ◆pollution n. 污染   More and more water is been pollution.   Pollution is the major problem we are faced with.   pollute   polluted   pollution   polluter 污染源   Eg: Gases from cars are one of the polluters of air pollution.   contaminate   taint   defile   pollute   poison   ◆overpopulated adj. 人口多的   overpeopled   sparsely-populated community   sparsely-peopled   population   Eg: What’s the population in your country?   Our country has a population of one billion.   The city has a population of two million.   population explosion   populous adj.   crowd 公交车拥挤 crewed   Eg: The narrow street is populous with people.   The most populous province in China is Shichun.   province 省   The most populous country in the world is China.   ◆over-industrialized adj. 过度工业化的   ◆sheer adj. 纯粹的,不掺杂的   有四个基本语意   1.pure unmixed   2. steep shere cliff   L46-09_47-01 end 12’45”   L47-02 begin 12’03”   3. complete   Eg: What are you talking about sheer nonsense?   4. transparent   sheer silk stockings   ◆worldwide adv. 在全世界   ◆overwhelm v. 制服,使不知所措   Eg: He was overwhelmed by grief. 他伤心至极   grief seized him.   Your kindness quite overwhelms me.您的这份好心使我感动得难以言表。(被你制服了)   If our country were overwhelm by pollution, it would be terrible.   conquer   overcome   get rid of   insumountable   vanquish   ◆pollute v. 污染   ◆pesticide n. 杀虫剂   ◆fertilizer n. 肥料   ◆salmonella n. 沙门氏菌   ◆listeia n. 利斯特杆菌   ◆vegetarian n. 吃素的人   ◆organically-grown adj. 有机培植的(不施化肥和其他化学品培植)   ◆insidious adj. 暗中为害的   ◆urban adj. 城市的   ◆burglar n. 窃贼   ◆burgle v. 入室偷窃   ◆scream v. 尖叫   scream at   ◆profound adj. 极度的   intence   extreme   complete   Eg: Yesterday he had a profound sleep.   He is afflicted with profound anxieties.   knowledgable   He is a profound scholar.   ◆irritation n. 烦躁   irritate v. 使烦躁   irriteted   irriteting   L47-02 end 12’03”   L47-03 begin 12’03”   ◆incessantly adv. 连续不断地   perpetual   permanent   eternal   continuance   continual   continually   constant   endless   incessant adj.   Eg: It has been raining incessantly for three hours.   There is a week of incessant rains.   ceaseless   none stop   unbroken   uninterrupted   Eg: Last night I had an uninterrupted party.   He gave us a talk uninterruped.   ◆whine v. 发呜呜声   ◆helicopter n. 直升飞机   ◆maximum adj. 的   ◆technology n. 技术   ◆contribution n. 贡献   ◆mobile adj. 可移动的   ◆snore v. 打鼾   ◆offender n. 冒犯者   ◆staggering adj. 令人惊愕的   surprise   amaze   astonish   astound   astounding   Eg: The old lady reported to the police and they felt astounded / found it staggering.   ◆trumpet v. 吹号   ◆partner n. 伙伴

自学新概念英语第三册必背单词Lesson 47.doc
