
时间:2022-03-30 11:33:57 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#小学英语# 导语】小学生对母语的正规学习也是处于起步阶段,母语具有的保护性心理尚未完全建立起来,语言自我灵活性高,接受和学习性的语言能力强,此时学习新的语言即英语,语言信息就容易摄入。从更加有利于孩子语言形成的角度来看,小学生正处于学习语言的黄金时期。以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助。



1.---Excuse me._______ is your school?

A. What B. Where C. Who

2.---What are you doing?--- I______ a book.

A.read B.reads C. am reading

3.---Do you want some rice?---__________

A. Yes, I want. B. Yes, please. C. Thank you

4.---Can you ride fast? ---No, I______.But I ________run fast.

A.can, can’t B. Can’t,can C.can,can

5.---Thank you very much.---____________

A.You’re welcome B. Thanks,too. C. No, thank you.


A.Here you are. B.Do you want some? C.You’re welcome. D.What are you doing? E.Good morning,Sam!

S:Good morning,Mum!



M:I’m making dumplings.____3_____

S:Yes, I like dumplings.


S:Thank you!



1.she’s, a book, reading (.)

2. some , do ,you, want , rice (?)

3.can , paly football , Sam (?)

4. are , what , you, doing (?)

5.the elephant, what’s, doing (?)


Daming has got a dog.His name is Doudou. One day, Doudou is lost. Amy finds the dog. And there is a card on it. It says,“I live at No. 2 Xinhua street.”Amy asks a policeman,”Where’s No.2 Xinhua Street?” “Go straight on and turn right. It’s near the supermarket.”The policeman says.”Thank you so much.”Amy says.”You’re welcome.Goodbye!”The policeman says.

1.______ is lost.

A.The dog


C.The policeman

2.---What is the dog’s name?---________




3.---Where does the dog live?--__________

A.At No.1 Xinhua Street.

B. At No.2 Xinhua Street.

C.At No.3 Xinhua Street.

4.---Where is No.2 Xinhua Street?---—__________

A.It’s near the supermarket.

B.It’s near the cinema.

C.It’s near the park.




( )1、A. take B. make C. lake

( )2、A. robot B. weather C. river

( )3、A. picnic B. people C. park

( )4、A. great B. homework C. housework

( )5、A. Saturday B. Thursday C. Tuesday


( )1、A. Will you take your ball? B. Will you take your

C. Will you take your robot?

( )2、上海版小学四年级下学期英语中考试题:A We are going to have a picnic. B. We are going to play football.

C. We are going to take the kite?

( )3、A. On Monday I’ll go swimming B. On Saturday I’ll help my mother.

C. On Sunday I’ll read my books.

( )4、A. Robots will do everything. B. Robots will do housework

C.. Robots will help children learn.

( )5、A. Will it be windy in Beijing? B. Will it be sunny in Beijing?

C. Will it be hot in Guangzhou?








( )1.Will you take your ball?

( ) 2.Because tomorrow is Friday.

( ) 3.Will they do our housework?

( ) 4.Will it be windy in Beijing?

( ) 5.We are going to have a picnic.



have a picnic go swimming help mother read books

do homework go to the park make cakes

take pictures write a letter play with friends


( ) 1. A. nice B. cute C. cold

( ) 2、A. Monday B. Tuesday C. sunny

( ) 3、A. sunny B. windy C. great

( ) 4、A. wide B. long C. picnic

( ) 5、A. why B. help C. because


( )1、 Sunday, I will play with my friends.

A. To B. In C. On

( )2、We are have a picnic.

A .going to B. go to C. go

( )3、--What will Shanshan do on Monday?


A. Yes, she will. B. Yes, he will C. No, he won’t

( )4、Today is Thursday and tomorrow is ( )

A. Wednesday B. Sunday C. Friday

( )5、Will you take your kite?---

A、No, I won’t. B、Yes, she will . C、Yes I won’t


( ) 1.Will you play football on Sunday? A.. Yes, they will.

( ) 2.What will Shanshan do on Monday? B. No, it won’t.

( ) 3.Will they do the housework? C. Yes, I will.

( ) 4.Will it be windy in Beijing? D. It’s a robot.

( ) 5.What’s that, Daming? E. On Monday She’ll go to school.


1)will, our, homework, do, they

2) picnic, on, we, going to, Monday, are, a, have

3) your, you, take, will, kite

4) be, windy, will, in, Beijing, it

5) I, go, on, Monday, will, swimming


It is a sunny day this Sunday. I usually go shopping with my mother on Sunday. Sometimes I climb mountains. That’s fun. But not this Sunday. Because the weather report says it’s going to rain next Sunday. I can’t climb mountains in the rain. I can’t go shopping either. So I want to read books at home.

( ) 1 What is the weather like this Sunday?

A It is Sunday. B It is fine. C It is rainy.

( ) 2 What do you do on Sunday?

A I climb hills. B I go hiking. C I read books.

( ) 3 Can you climb mountains this Sunday?

A Yes, I can. B No, I can’t. C No, I’m not.

( ) 4 Do you go shopping on Sunday?

A Yes, I am. B Yes, I do. C No, I’m not.

( ) 5 What do you want to do next Sunday?

A I want to read books. B I want to watch TV.

C I want to go shopping.



1.I have 3 _______. (书)

2. What color is your _______? (尺子)

3.How many ______ do you have?(铅笔盒)

4. Show me your ______.(包)

5. Look, 41 ______.(铅笔)

6.Ican see a new ______.(钢笔)


1. 你想知道今天是星期几时,应该怎么问:

A. What day is it today?

B. What’s the weather like today?

C. What’s date today?

2. 当你想询问对方的身体状况时,应该怎么问:

A. How old are you?

B. How do you do?

C. How are you?

3. 当你初次见到对方,想表达你高兴的心情时,你应该怎么说:

A. Hello!

B. Nice to meet you!

C. Where are you from?


A. After you.

B. Thank you.

C. Excuse me.


A. May I look?

B. May I have a look?

C. May I see?


A. What’s in your schoolbag?

B. What’re in your schoolbag?

C. What’s in you schoolbag?


A. What is it?

B. What colour is it?

C. What is it colour?

8. 如果你想叫别人把他的橡皮擦放在课桌上,应该怎么说::

A. Put your eraser on the desk.

B. Put your eraser in the desk.

C. Put your eraser near the desk..


A. How many Chinese book do you have?

B. How many Chinese books do you have?

C.How many Chinese books can you see?

