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【#小学英语# 导语】芬芳袭人花枝俏,喜气盈门捷报到。心花怒放看通知,梦想实现今日事,喜笑颜开忆往昔,勤学苦读最美丽。在学习中学会复习,在运用中培养能力,在总结中不断提高。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《小学生四年级英语试题【三篇】》 供您查阅。



  1. 看一看________________________

  2.try this pair on____________________

  3. 五只猫 _______________________

  4.have breakfast____________________

  5. 她的鞋子______________________

  6.read the new words________________


  8. whose gloves _______

  9. 在八点十分__________________

  10. Don’t worry.


  A: What’s your sister?

  B: Is this the kitchen ?

  C: How many people are there in your family?

  D: Are they in the kitchen?

  E: What would you like for Breakfast?

  Amy: Good morning,John.Welcome to my home!

  Jane: Wow,it’s so big! 1______________________

  Amy: There are four. my parents,my sister and me.

  Jane: 2_______________________________

  Amy : She’s a teacher. .

  Jane: 3____________________________

  Amy: Yes,it is. 4______________________

  Jane: I’d like some vegetables and noodles.

  Amy: Your noodles.

  Jane: Thank you.

  Where are the chopsticks?

  Amy: 5___________________________

  Jane: No! they are on the table.

  三、 组成一个正确的句子并写出中文意思。

  1. jump Lingling high can’t (.)

  2. a you Can fly kite (?)

  3 is doing What the elephant (?)

  4. up in sky Look the at the bird (.)

  5 next It’s a cinema (.)

  6. fast you can run (?)

  7 going to we’re Hainan go to (.)

  8. to what you are do going (?)

  9. have I can sweets some (?)

  10. plane she by to going is go (.)

  11. is your what doing mother (?)

  12. from am I China (.)

  13. going to get up 5 o’clock at we’re

  14. on turn light the (.)

  15. are pigs there eleven (.)

  16. about you how (.)

  17. have look a let’s (.)

  18. to can go some you buy eggs (?)

  19. bus at the station is the (.)

  20. much it how is (?)

  21. do want what you (?)

  22. cake is the very nice (.)


一. 圈出听到的单词。 (10 分)

  1. talk tail tall 2. walk wall wolf

  3. trunk truck track 4. line lion lane

  5. my mane mine

  二. 听一听,写一写。 (15 分)

  1. The two desks are ( ).

  2. The () live in the zoo.

  3. The ( ) can swim .

  4. Does a tiger have ( ) ?

  5. I ( ) in a house .

  三. 根据汉语写出单词。 (20 分)

  1. 鸟 2. 袋鼠 3. 农场 4. 大象

  5. 狼 6. 猫 7. 猪8. 熊猫

  9. 绵羊 10. 蛇

  四. 根据句意圈出正确答案. (15 分)

  1. I saw a dog a purple hat . ( in , on, wear , at )

  2. What ? ( happened, happen , happens , happening)

  3.Are they same different ?

  ( or , and, but , to )

  4. A bird feathers and wings . ( have , has , haves , is )

  5. Where a fish live ? (do, does , is, are )

  五. 连词成句。 (20 分)

  1. fell in the Li Ming mud

  2. hat is small too the

  3. a tail cat has a

  4. is stuck head his

  5. giraffes leaves eat

  六. 给问句选择相应答语。 (20 分)

  1. What has wings ? ( ) 2. Can a camel swim ?( )

  3. Is the lion small ?( )

  4. Does a monkey have stripes ?( )

  5. Does the panda live in a tree ?( )

  a. No, the lion is big. b. No, it can’t .

  c. A duck has wings .

  d. No , it lives in a forest .

  e. No ! A tiger has stripes .



  ( )1. listen to A.照相

  ( )2. talk to B.对不起,打扰

  ( )3. take pictures C.听……

  ( )4.excuse me D.和……交谈

  ( )5.go straight on E.向左转

  ( )6.turn left F.直着走

  ( )7.next to G.在……的旁边

  ( )8.play with H.玩,摆弄

  ( )9.read a book I. 写信

  ( )10.write a letter J. 看书

  ( )11、make noodles       K.划龙舟

  ( ) 12、fast food         L。 打太极拳

  ( ) 13、 noodles with meat and potato  M。 肉烧土豆面

  ( ) 14\ noodles with tomato and egg  N  加冰橘汁

  ( ) 15\ juice with ice          O下象棋

  (   ) 16.play chess       P拉面

  (   ) 17. do taijiquan    Q西红柿鸡蛋面

  (   ) 18. row a dragon boat  R 快餐

  二 .将下单词按正确的顺序排列起来使之成为一个完整的句子,注意标点符号和大小写字母(15分):

  1. I , am , watching , TV

  2.he , what , doing , is

  3. down , is , it , the , hill

  4. is , this , friend , my, Lingling


  __Gg___ , ___ Ii____,_____ Tt_____

  ___Ww____,   ___ Ff ____

