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【#考研# 导语】考研英语词汇考察有一种形式就是熟词僻义,所以考生背单词时不要只看单一的意思。要注意多多重意义的把握,尤其是一些常考熟词僻义的单词。下面©文档大全网分享考研英语大纲熟词僻义详解,大家注意把握。




  【真题例句】 The costs of globalization process is enormous.[2001阅读Text4,65题C选项]



  【真题例句】 Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal government’s Surface Transportation Board for rate relief, but the process is expensive, time-consuming, and will work in truly extreme cases.(2003阅读Text3)


  【僻义僻性】vt. 加工,处理

  【真题例句】Playing video games encourages immediate content. And hours of watching TV shows with canned laughter only teaches kids to process information in a passive way. [2007年阅读新题型]


  【辨析】process, procedure, proceedings. 三个词构词方法相同pro向前+cess/ced/ceed(走),所以意思也相近。process使用最广,包括一切自然的工程和人工的程序。procedure指人为的办事程序(强调步骤性)。例:admission procedure入学手续; procedure of teaching教学步骤proceedings含义最窄,指会议记录(记录会议的进展) 和诉讼程序。

  Economy (45次)

  【熟义熟性】n. 经济

  【真题例句】 market-oriented economy市场经济[1994阅读Text1]

  【僻义熟性】n. 经济体,国家

  【真题例句】 For each dollar of GDP (in constant prices) rich economies now use nearly 50% less oil than in 1973. [2003阅读Text3]


  【僻义僻性】a. 便宜的;经济实惠的(补充) An economy class air ticket is fit for ordinary workers, because it costs much less.


  【同源词】economic(44次) a. 经济的,经济学的

  【真题例句】socio-economic status社会经济地位[1991阅读Text2] economical (2次) a.经济的(强调节省钱和资源);节约的

  【真题例句】 the use of cars has proved to be more economical.[89阅读Text 2, 19题D选项]


  Practice (28次)

  【熟义熟性】n. 练习

  【真题例句】 Kids need plenty of practice delaying gratification and deploying effective organizational skills, such as managing time and setting priorities. [2007年阅读新题型]


  【熟义僻性】vt. 练习

  【真题例句】If you feel awkward being humorous, you must practice so that it becomes more natural[2002年阅读Text1]


  【僻义熟性】n. 惯例;常规;准则

  【真题例句】Indeed, just as there is the concept of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), perhaps it is time for GASP, Generally Accepted Security Practices, suggested Eli Noam of New York’s Columbia Business School. [2007年阅读新题型]




  【熟义熟性】n. 好处,利益

  【真题例句】 Either way, one benefit of a “national” organization would be to negotiate better prices, if possible, with drug manufacturers. [2005年阅读新题型]


  【僻义熟性】n. 退休金,救济金,保险费

  【真题例句】 37. Corporations and labor unions have ________ great benefits upon their employees andmembers as well as upon the general public. [A] conferred [99年词汇37题]


  【僻义熟性】v. 得益于 (from, in)

  【真题例句】What is odd is that they have perhaps most benefited from ambition -- if not always their own then that of their parents and grandparents. [2000年阅读Text5]



  【熟义熟性】v. 争论,辩论

  【真题例句】 The point is this: without agreement on the rights of people, arguing about the rights of animals is fruitless.[1997年翻译]


  【僻义熟性】v. 认为,主张,论证;说服

  【真题例句】 He is not arguing, as many do, that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper.[2005年阅读Text4]


  【熟义熟性】n.气候; (气候)地带

  【真题例句】 The flight from overcrowdedness affects the migration from snow belt to more bearable climates.[1998年阅读Text4]


  【僻义熟性】n. 风气,社会思潮

  【真题例句】 When the work is well done, a climate of accident-free operations is established where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.[1999年完形]



  【熟义熟性】a. 学院的,学业的

  【真题例句】 If the preoccupation of schools with academic work was lessened, more time might be spent teaching children surer values.[1995年阅读text4]


  【僻义熟性】a. 学术的

  【真题例句】 Mr. McWhorter’s academic specialty is language history and change, and he sees the gradual disappearance of “whom”, for example, to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the case-endings of Old English.[2005年阅读4]


  【僻义僻性】 n. 学者,大学教师

  【真题例句】 Leonard Schlesinger, a Harvard academic and former chief executive of Au Bong Pain, a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes, says that much “reengineering” has been crude.[1998年阅读text2]


  【同源词】academy学院,学会National Academy of Science国家科学学院




  【真题例句】Energy conservation, a shift to other fuels and decline in the importance of heavy, energy-intensive industries have reduced oil consumption.[2002年阅读text3]



  【真题例句】On anther level, many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide(医生协助自杀) debated has been fueled in part by the despair of parents for whom the modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying .[2002年阅读text4]




  【僻义僻性之一】 v. 致函,写姓名地址;

  【真题例句】Prior to his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter. [1986词汇第3题]


  【僻义僻性之二】v. 向……讲话;

  【真题例句】Depending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different.[2002年阅读Text1]

  【经典译文】 针对不同的听众,要谈的问题也应该不同。

  【僻义僻性之三】v. 处理,解决问题

  【真题例句】 Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are comprehensive programs that address the many needs of the homeless.[2006年完形]



  【熟义熟性】a.奇怪的,奇特的 【近义词】strange

  【真题例句】 Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary particle physics, and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true. [1998年翻译]




  【真题例句】 Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-rich industries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information protection is now high on the boss’s agenda in businesses of every variety. [2007年阅读Text4]


  【僻义熟性之二】a.奇数的,不成对的 【反义词】even

  【例】an odd shoe.一只不成对的鞋

  【僻义僻性】odds. n.可能性,概率

  【真题例句】 Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weak elderly parent – and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance – have jumped eightfold in just one generation. [2007年阅读Text3]


  Account (34次)

  【熟义熟性】n.帐户, 计算Credit card account信用卡帐户


  【真题例句】Indeed, just as there is the concept of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), perhaps it is time for GASP, Generally Accepted Security Practices, suggested Eli Noam of New York’s Columbia Business School. [2007年阅读新题型]


  【僻义熟性】n. 价值,地位,重要性

  【经典例句】Is it true that the American intellectual is rejected and considered of no account in his society? [2006 年翻译]


  常考短语Take something into account = take account of 把…考虑在内

  【经典例句】Dr. Myers and Dr. Worm argue that their work gives a correct baseline, which future management efforts must take into account.[2006年阅读Text3]

  【经典译文】Myers博士和Worm博士认为他们的工作提供了一个准确的捕捞数量基线,它是未来渔业管理层必须要考虑的事情。Account for 1)解释,说明

  【经典例句】What might account for this strange phenomenon? [2007年阅读Text1]

  【经典译文】对这一奇怪现象该做何解释呢?[2007年阅读Text1] 2)占…比例

  【经典例句】As recently as 1995, the top four railroads accounted for under 70 percent of the total ton-miles moved by rails. [2003年阅读Text3]

  【经典译文】就在1995年,四家主要铁路公司占有整个铁路运营量 的70%不到。




  【真题例句】30.The future of this company is

  ________: many of its talented employees are flowing into more profitable net-based businesses.[2001年词汇] [A] at odds [B] in trouble [C] in vain [D] at stake

  【经典译文】这家公司的未来生死未卜:它的许多优秀人才正流失到更易赚钱的网络企业重。[D] at stake=at risk处在危险之中


  【真题例句】 With $3.5 billion being lost on Internet wagers this year, gambling has passed pornography as the Web’s most profitable business. [2006年阅读新题型]




  【真题例句】 It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price, thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices. [1955年阅读Text1]


  【僻义僻性】n. 公司,商号

  【真题例句】Until California recently passed a law, American firms did not have to tell anyone, even the victim, when data went astray. [2007年阅读Text4]


  【派生词】firmly (2次) 坚定地,坚决地



  【熟义熟性】vt.接近Approaching death接近死亡[2002年阅读Text4]


  【真题例句】I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of

  those problems.[2006年翻译48题] charge with在这里表示‘使 承担….任务’;而并非‘指控…某人’



  【真题例句】For retailers, who last year took in 24 percent of their revenue between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the cautious approach is coming at a crucial time.[2004年阅读Text3]



  【熟义熟性】a. 安全的,可靠的

  【真题例句】During the past generation, the American middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure had been transformed by economic risk and new realties. [2007年阅读Text3]



  【例】The troops secured the area before the civilians were allowed to return.在百姓返回之前军队负责保护这个地区


  【真题例句】Securing a job is your job now. [1996年阅读Text1,52题B选项]


  【真题例句】secure efficiency gains[2000年词汇题,26题A选项]



  【熟义熟性】vt. 表明,证明Noting the medical/psychological nature of problem gambling behaviors, the letter said that before being readmitted to the casino he would have to present medical/psychological information demonstrating that patronizing the casino would pose no threat to

  his safety or well-being. [2006年阅读新题型] 作者把赌徒光临*(visit the casino),调侃的说成资助*(patronize the casino)


  【熟义熟性】n. 示范,演示缩写形式为demo

  【僻义熟性】demonstration**France’s ________ of nuclear testing in the South Pacific last month triggered political debates and mass demonstrations. [2002年词汇22题] [A] assumption [B] consumption [C] presumption [D] resumption




  【熟义熟性】vt.传导Some metals conduct heat.某些金属导热


  【真题例句】Ericsson grew up in Sweden, and studied nuclear engineering until he realized he would have more opportunity to conduct his own research if he switched to psychology. [2007年阅读Text1]


  【僻义僻性之二】n.行为,操行intentionally worked to “lure” him to “engage in conduct against his will.” [2006年阅读新题型]



  【熟义熟性】vi. 吸引(to)

  【真题例句】If the study of law is beginning to establish itself as part and parcel of a general education, its aims and methods should appeal directly to journalism educators.[2007年翻译]


  【僻义僻性】vi. 呼吁,请求 n. 呼吁,请求

  【真题例句】NBAC members also indicated that they will appeal to privately funded researchers and clinics not to try to clone humans by body cell nuclear transfer. [1999年阅读Text4]


  【僻义熟性】vi. 起诉

  【常用搭配】appeal to somebody(some organization) for something

  【真题例句】 Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal government’s Surface Transportation Board for rate relief, but the process is expensive, time consuming, and will work only in truly extreme cases. [2003年阅读Text3]



  【熟义熟性】a.侵略的,好斗的 (贬义)

  【僻义熟性】a.大胆的,积极的(褒义) 许多中国学生认为aggressive只有贬义,其实在充满竞争的西方社会,是非常崇尚一个人aggressive spirit。在这里aggressive的内涵基本上与positive, courageous一样。

  【真题例句】 Now it is a social policy, the most important and aggressive promoter of gambling in America is the government.[2006年新题型]





  【真题例句】 A survey of news stories in 1996 reveals that the anti-science tag has been attached to many other groups as well, from authorities who advocated the elimination of the last remaining stocks of smallpox virus to Republicans who advocated decreased funding for basic research.[1998年阅读Text3]

  【经典译文】1996年对新闻报道的调查表明,反科学的标签也贴在了许多其他群体身上, 这些人包括从提 倡消灭所有现存的天花病毒的官方人士到倡议削减基础研究基金的共和党人。


  【真题例句】They (particularly Quebec and Alberta) just want Ottawa to fork over additional billions with few, if any, strings attached [2005年新题型]



  【真题例句】Government attached great importance to the internet.[2001年阅读Text2, 56题]


  【僻义熟性之三】(to) 使隶属,使依恋

  【真题例句】Because a patent remains permanently public after it has terminated, the shelves of the library attached to the patent office contain details of millions of ideas free for anyone to use…….[2003年阅读Text3]



  【熟义熟性】recover vi. 痊愈

  【真题例句】The colonists’ health __31__ with the warm weather and their better diet. [1988年完形] [A] strengthened [B] regained [C] recovered [D] improved


  【僻义熟性】recover vi恢复

  【真题例句】 __44__ its economy continues to recover, the US is increasingly becoming a nation of part timers and temporary workers. [1997年完形] [A] Even though [B] Now that [C] If only [D] Provided that


  【同源词】recovery n. 恢复,找回 【真题例句】Setting the proper investment level for

  security, redundancy, and recovery is a management issue, not a technical one. [2007年阅读Text4]


  Immediate (8次)


  【真题例句】Playing video games encourages immediate content.[2007阅读新题型]


  【僻义熟性】a. 直接的,最接近的

  【真题例句】 But a decision among projects none of which has immediate utility is more difficult.[1996年翻译]

  【经典译文】 但是在没有直接效用的项目中做抉择就难多了。



  【熟义熟性】 v.进口,输入;n.进口,输入Import and export 进出口

  【真题例句】 The OECD estimates in its latest Economic Outlook that, if oil prices averaged $22 a barrel for a full year, compared with $13 in 1998, this would increase the oil import bill in rich economies by only 0.25-0.5% of GDP. [2002年阅读3]


  【僻义僻性】n. 重要性=importance

  【真题例句】 The full import may take a while to sink in.[1997年阅读Text1]


  【熟义熟性】v. 承认,认为;

  【真题例句】 Dr. Worm acknowledges that these figures are conservative; one reason for this is that fishing technology has improved. [2006年阅读Text3]

  【经典译文】 Worm博士承认这些数据还是保守的,一个原因就是捕鱼技术已经改进了很多。

  【僻义熟性】v. 致谢 acknowledge a favor 答谢所受到的关照

  【同源词】 Acknowledgement n. 承认, 确认, 感谢

  Counsel (5次)


  【真题例句】Every entrance ticket lists a toll-free number for counseling from the Indiana Department of Mental Health. [2006年阅读新题型]



  【真题例句】Priests are usually unsuccessful in

  counseling troubled couples [2003年听力]


  【僻义僻性】 n. 法律顾问,辩护律师

  【真题例句】Three weeks later, he got his first notification of an opening. “I struck gold,” says Redmon, who E-mailed his resume to the employer and won a position as in-house counsel for a company. [2004年阅读Text1]




  【真题例句】Native American languages are indeed different, so much so in fact that Navajo could be used by the US military as a code during World War II to send secret messages.[2004年翻译]



  【真题例句】 But his primary task is not to think about the moral code, which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. [2006年翻译]




  【熟义熟性】a.平行的A further stimulus to invention came from the “premium” system, which preceded our patent system and for years ran parallel with it. [1996年阅读Text4] run parallel to/with与...平行; 引申为同时存在。run parallel为系表结构,类似于feel sick。


  【僻义熟性】a. parallel to与…类似

  On the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news. [2007年翻译]


  【僻义僻性】n.类似,相似物There are upsetting parallels today, as scientists in one wave after another try to awaken us to the growing threat of global warming. [2005年阅读Text2]



  【熟义熟性】n.拇指 Peter’s all thumbs. Peter笨手笨脚。

  【僻义僻性】v.(~ through)翻阅

  【真题例句】 It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac cars when customers thumb through their phone directories. Less well known is the advantage that Adam Abbott has in life over Zoë Zysman.[2004 年阅读Text2]

  【经典译文】人们早已知道在客户翻查电话簿时,名叫AAAA的出租汽车公司要比Zodiac出租汽车公司有很大的优越性。至于在生活方面Adam Abbott较之Zoë Zysman的优越性就不那么为人所知了。


  【熟义熟性】 vt. (使...)加入, 接受为会员 Middle School Affiliated to SCNU 华师大附属中学

  【僻义僻性】 n. 成员,分支机构

  【真题例句】International affiliates account for a fast-growing segment of production in economies that open up and welcome foreign investment. [2001年阅读Text4]

  【经典译文】在那些对外开放并欢迎外资的国家中,国际分公司在生产中所占的份额也在快速增长。这一句话是黄金背诵句型:它不仅考查了affiliate的 【僻义僻性】, 还考查了economy的 【僻义僻性】国家,经济体;短语account for 占…比例;以及 that定语从句。

