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【#一年级# 导语】英语试卷的目的不仅只是考个分数,证明我成绩多好多坏,更重要的是,在做题中,你要明白其中的题型、题意,可以举一反三。不要让试卷这些在你眼中成为一种负担,明白学习的意义。以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望对您有用。



  1、      pple   2、      at

  3、      range  4、      ouse

  5、      ion   6、      oo


  vase      小提琴

  violin      冬天

  winter      花瓶

  pencil      春天

  spring      铅笔

  English     英语

  plane      轮船

  ship       大象

  train      火车

  elephant     飞机


  1、I     (起床) at six in the morning.

  A. gut up  B. play football   C. go to school  D. go to work

  2、He _______ (足球) in the afternoon.

  A. play basketball  B. play the flute  C. plays football  D. sing

  3、We    (去上学) by bike.

  A. walk to school  B. go out   C. go to school  D. go home

  4、We have     (数字和语文) in the morning.

  A. Maths and English B. Maths and Chinese  C. Music and Chinese

  5、My father goes to work    (骑自行车)。

  A. by bike  B. by bus  C. by plane  D. by train



  1.water  what  wind  winter

  (  )  (  )  (  )  (  )

  2.bowl  towel  boy   ball  dall

  (  )  (  ) (  )  (  ) (  )

  3. turn on turn off  open  close

  (  )  (  )  (  )  (  )

  4.  汤  肥皂  牙膏  牙刷

  (  ) (  ) (  )  (  )

  5、 wash his hands  wash her hands  wash my hands

  (  )     (  )      (  )


  三、把你没听到的单词编号写在( )里

  (  ) A. bowl  B.plate  C.fork  D.knife

  (  ) A. bread  B.cake  C.pizza D.hot dog

  (  ) A. three  B.four   C.five  D.six

  (  ) A. four  B.five   C.fork  D.six

  (  ) A. what  B.want   C.like  D.can


  ____est   ____ape   ____aiter   su____ar


  Drink    some pears.

  Eat     some water.

  Have    some apples.

  Wash    some juice.

  六、听录音,把正确的答句编号写在( )里

  (  ) A. I want a cake.   B. I want a Coke.

  (  ) A. I want apples.   B. I like apples.

  (  ) A. Yes,I do .     B. No,I want a spoon.

  (  ) A. No,please.    B.Yes, please.






  clean the room

  brush teeth

  wash the coat

  drink some juice

  turn on the tap

  eat an apple


  一. 按顺序写出元音字二、正确抄写下列内容

  She can wash her hands with soap.

  An ice-cream? Yes, please.


  w__nd (   )   wa__ __ (   )

  i__e-cr__ __m (   )  gl__ __s (   )

  四、一年级英语第五六单元综合卷:单词归类bowl knife Coke milk fork hot in

  am under hungry juice spoon thirsty

  on is glass cold  water  are

  bowl _________________________________





  五、 选择

  1、(  ) I ______ride.

  A.am  B. want  C.can

  2. (  ) We want ______ cakes.

  A. a  B. some  C.two

  3. (  ) Please bring ________ a book.

  A. I   B. me  C.my

  4. (  ) Some ________?

  A.plate B.plates  C.a plate

  5. (  ) I ______a biscuit.

  A.can  B.want  C. drink

  6. (  ) What do you ______?

  A. apple  B. bowl  C.want

  7. (  ) I am _____thirsty.

  A./    B.a    C.want

  8. (  ) ______plates?

  A. A   B. some  C.Six

  9. (   ) ______the book.

  A.Open  B.Turn on  C. Turn off

  10.(   ) I go to the Bund ____van.

  A. and   B.in     C.by

  六、 在方框中选择合适的单词或短语填空

  have  drink  turn on  turn off  wash

  brush open close listen look小 1. Please ___________the tap. _______you teeth and _______you face.

  2. _______some juice and _________some pizza.

  3. It‘s hot ._________the door,please.

  4. Please ________at the blackboard and _________to the teacher.

  5. It’s bringht(明亮的). ________the lamp,please.

  6. It‘s cold . _________the window.

  七、 在方框中选择合适的单词填空

  have  like  am  can  want

  Hi ,I am Linda. I __________a girl. I ______a lovely(可爱的) face.

  I ___________to sing and dance. I _________read and write,too. I _________to be a teather. So(所以) I work hare (努力学习).


  Today is Sunday (周日). My father, my mother and I go to the supermarket(超市) by taxi. I want a new dress and some story-books. My father wants to buy a bicycle . And my mother wants some fruits(水果), such as(例如) apples, pears and bananas. We are so happy (快乐).

  (  ) They go to the supermarket by bicycle.

  (  ) I want some books.

  (  ) I want a red dress.

  (  ) My mother is happy.



  1、This is my 。 (desk seat )

  2、That is a 。 (dog cat)

  3、This is our 。 ( classroom book )

  4、This is a 。 (dog cat )

  5、That is our 。 ( teacher seat )

  6、Pen pencil. (and、 or)

  7、It’s pen. (an、 a)

  8、It’s school bag. (my、 I)

  9、What’s ? (this、that)

  10、It’s eraser. (a、 an)

  11、How old are 。 (you、 your)

  12、 birthday. (Happy、 How)

  13、A red kite you. (for、 to)

  14、Stand , please? (up、 down)


  ( )1、How are you?

  A、old B、big C、am

  ( )2、I seven。

  A、’m B、am C、are

  ( )3、You nine。

  A、are B、’re C、am

  ( )4、A book you。

  A、to B、is C、for

  ( )5、Happy birthday you。

  A、to B、for C、is

