
时间:2022-07-29 00:50:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】一年一度的暑假,在冉冉热浪中拉开了帷幕!这是孩子们的天堂,是他们一年当中最向往的日子,然而也是极少数孩子的噩梦。生命只有一次,希望大家在享受假期的同时,不要忽视安全防护!以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Today is July 15. I had a summer safety education class.

  I went to the village school of the elderly activity room happily. When I got there, several people arrived earlier than me. I looked at the empty seat next to the door and sat down. Gradually, people filled up.

  Today's lecture is about a doctor's aunt. She began her class when everyone arrived.

  She said: "During the summer vacation, there are many accidents, such as car accidents. Car accidents can lead to trauma. What's more serious? It's disability. If it's the most serious, it may lead to death and busy, so everyone must be careful during the summer vacation. If someone drowns, don't go into the water to save people, because we are still young and don't have the ability to save people, so we need to find adults nearby to help save people. And we can't eat raw food and don't eat overnight food. So we Wash your hands more often. Turn off the power when you get an electric shock. I'm finished. Thank you for listening to me! " I hope the children have a happy and happy summer vacation.

  Finally, my aunt sent a high-grade pencil sharpener to each of our children here. It's so happy to be able to get gifts during this class.


  With the bell ringing after class, the summer vacation began gradually. It came to us with a smile and waved to us. At this time, safety will remind: be careful, don't fall into the summer Prank!

  Now, more and more safety accidents happen in the summer vacation. In this hot and idle holiday, most students choose to go out happy to relax themselves. Yes, there is nothing wrong with relaxing. But you should be careful. Don't get caught in the summer Prank!

  Drowning, traffic accidents, fires and so on are all the consequences of being tricked. Many students are desperate to embrace the summer vacation, but they were tricked by the summer vacation. At this time, it's too late for them to regret! So, students, let's keep a clear head all the time and have a smart competition with the summer vacation!

  First of all, we need to be highly vigilant about everything. Keeping a high degree of vigilance is an important factor in preventing all adverse accidents. When classmates and friends propose to go out alone with you, or do something that is not suitable for teenagers' health and is not accompanied by a guardian, please tighten your nerves and be careful! We should politely refuse the other party's request, and Wen Yan told the other party: "we minors must inform our guardians of everything and obtain their consent and opinions. Especially for some outdoor sports, we should be accompanied by our guardians."

  Secondly, we should master the methods and skills to deal with emergencies. For example, when someone drowns, we should shout for help and use all available items such as life buoys and bamboo poles to rescue, rather than blindly launching into the water for rescue. We middle school students should understand and master the necessary key survival skills, regular training, so as to better protect ourselves.

  Safety is the guarantee of success. Without safety, doing anything is futile. So, let's hold the safety rope tightly and embark on the road of life!


  Every summer vacation, everyone is more than happy to go swimming, eat ice cream, or go back home to play. However, the headmaster and teachers have repeatedly stressed that we can't go swimming in the river, eat the "three noes" ice cream in the canteen, run around when going out, or... Alas, so many "no's" are like invisible chains, firmly tying our beautiful dreams of summer vacation. So every time the teacher instilled "stereotyped" safety knowledge into us, I went in one ear and out the other, and didn't take the teacher's words seriously at all. But an accident happened during the holiday made me change my view

  It was very hot that day. I made an appointment to go swimming with some friends. Unexpectedly, I ran into a very long red light at the intersection, so I had to stand by the road and wait patiently. Looking at the few cars shuttling back and forth on the road, I came up with a bold idea: anyway, there are not many cars, it's better to rush over! Just do what I say. When I was looking for a direction and was about to break through, a rapid horn and harsh brake scared me back. It was a small car on the left road that turned quickly and nearly hit me. It turned out that I only looked at the red light in front of me and ignored the vehicles with green lights on the left road, which really scared me.

  I trembled and came to the riverside to meet my friends. I watched everyone happily playing and swimming in the river. I also put on a swimming ring to launch like them. I just stretched out my foot and stepped on the empty slate and fell into the river. Fortunately, a swimming ring "floated" me up. Everyone chased each other and played in the river, and I joined the team to fight. Suddenly, I felt that my feet were disobedient, and a mysterious force was "sucking" me in the past. When I was about to call for help, a big hand firmly grabbed me and "dragged" me back. I was so scared that I even "drank" into a few mouthfuls of river water and hurried back to the shore. It was an uncle who saved me. He was a volunteer lifeguard. He told me not to swim in the river. People who are not familiar with the water flow here cannot stay away from the bank. The water flow in the river is very rapid and complex, with eddies, undercurrent and open current. If you are not careful, you will be "eaten" by the river

  It's really a wave after wave. I just experienced the "red light" incident, and now I almost drowned. Safety education is urgent. At ordinary times, the safety education of principals and teachers is too important. I have repeatedly stressed that in summer safety education, I can't go swimming in rivers and cross the road. "I'd rather stop for three minutes than rush for a second". This time, I finally know what it means to "don't listen to the teacher, lose in front of you"!


  Unconsciously, the happy summer vacation came again. In the summer vacation, we should reasonably arrange the schedule and people, so that we can have a safe, healthy and happy summer vacation.

  The most important thing in summer vacation is the safety of children, which is often taught by teachers and parents. Don't go to dangerous rivers and strange places to play. However, unfortunate accidents still happen to children. A few days ago, teacher Wu told us through the school news that since July, 20 students have drowned because of swimming in the river. Therefore, we parents should strengthen the safety education of our children and do a good job in supervision.

  But I saw from the TV news that the children of migrant workers who drowned were all migrant workers. Because it was summer vacation, they came out of school and came to us to reunite with their parents. However, after arriving, their parents worked during the day and even worked overtime at night, so they had no time to care about them at all. During this period of time, the weather is hot and naturally they want to go swimming in the river. When you come to the river, you don't know the depth of the river. Coupled with the lack of parental care and low awareness of self-protection, drowning accidents are inevitable.

  Therefore, during the summer vacation, children must remember the instructions of parents and teachers, strengthen safety awareness, and stay away from dangerous places, so that we can have a safe and happy summer vacation.


  I'm afraid everyone is familiar with the word "safety". But in our life, we can take many security risks that are easy to be ignored. And flood control and safety are the most important aspects we need to pay attention to at present.

  Flood and drowning prevention summer is coming. I believe students will go swimming in the summer vacation. Therefore, when in contact with water, the work of flood control and safety should be done well. Take me for example. That thrilling experience almost made me step into hell.

  One day in the summer vacation of that year, my father and I came to the city swimming pool to swim. In the swimming pool, I will dive for a while, compete with my father for a while, and have a water battle with my friends for a while. Uncomfortable. As the saying goes, "skilled people are brave". Playing, I suddenly had a bold idea in my mind: "I can swim three of the four kinds of swimming now. I can dive for a long time, have strong endurance, and even swim 300 meters at a time. Why not go to the deep-water area to challenge myself? And the deep-water area is only two meters. It's nothing great, so why not try it."

  So I said to do it, jumped from the shore and jumped into the deep water. According to my "normal plan", I should start to swim back as soon as I jump. But I forgot to identify the direction before I jumped down. Now I can't figure it out. Losing my sense of direction, I bumped around in a narrow space like a crazy buffalo. At this time, my leg "broke down" when it was the last time to cramp. I couldn't help but mention my throat. I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. I could only comfort myself: "don't panic, don't panic." I first tried to raise my head to the surface of the water, took a deep breath, and then dived under the water. I tried my best to nurse and rowed my arms desperately.

  At this extremely urgent moment. I bumped into a floating object and looked up. It turned out to be someone else's life buoy. I couldn't help but be overjoyed. I grabbed it and floated down to the pool. With the help of my father, I finally climbed ashore.

  It's been a long time since this happened, but every time I think of it, I still have lingering palpitations.


  Summer vacation is a happy time. You can relax heartily in summer vacation, but it is also a dangerous period with many hidden dangers, and there are many safety problems to be prevented. By watching safety education videos, the probability of accidents can be effectively reduced.

  I think that many accidents, including some cases shown in the video, are caused by negligence at the beginning, and the method of dealing with the accident in the later stage is inappropriate, which will lead to tragedy. For example, if someone falls into the water, you should not blindly rescue, but first observe the terrain. If the water flow is too complex, you should not directly enter the water. People who fall into the water should also use the terrain and features to save themselves, rather than just relying on others. When a disaster occurs, first of all, don't panic, keep calm, and then try to call for help or self-help. These videos teach viewers to always pay attention to the hidden dangers around them, so as to prevent them before they happen. It's OK to play, but you can't get carried away. You should also pay attention to safety when playing, and always keep safety in mind, so that you can effectively protect yourself in case of disaster.

  After watching the video, I have a deeper feeling about the significance of safety education. Thinking of the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake with countless deaths and injuries, isn't it because people's awareness of safety and self-help is weak that such a large number of casualties are caused? Safety education should be implemented in all aspects of life to cultivate and improve everyone's emergency response ability, so that when similar accidents return, we can calmly deal with them and control the losses to the minimum.

  In my opinion, paying attention to safety means cherishing life; Without safety, life can't be guaranteed, how can we talk about tomorrow's happiness? Pay attention to life safety, and life will glow with more brilliant brilliance!


  Summer vacation is beautiful and meaningful. Let's do many meaningful things in this beautiful summer vacation.

  The scorching sun was shining, and people liked swimming very much, but drowning incidents occurred frequently. One day, several children were playing, playing, playing on the Bank of the river. Suddenly, a child accidentally fell into the water, and the child gradually sank in the water. When the child next to him saw it, he shouted "help", and an adult next to him saw it, jumped into the water, and pushed him to the bank, The current was very fast and would soon be submerged. My heart was very anxious, but I didn't dare to go into the water. Gradually, the clear river became turbid, and I couldn't see the figure of the young Yingyong. Three hours later, after the salvage of personnel, I finally fished out the body. He exchanged one life for another, and he told us how precious life is. Another time, one night, my father and I were shopping. Suddenly, a taxi accidentally wiped the battery car. The taxi stopped quickly, and the battery car also stopped. The man of the battery car got out of the car and beat the taxi driver violently. It was so hateful that we were all indignant for the taxi driver. Finally, the police uncle detained the man of the battery car.

  Summer vacation is wonderful. We must pay attention to safety and guard against bad people like thieves.


  This evening, I watched the Xiaozhi intelligence station of Zhejiang children's channel. Two of the news impressed me, both about summer safety. One of them was a little girl walking along the river with her uncle. The little girl thought that her uncle could swim, so she pushed her uncle half jokingly. Unexpectedly, his uncle fell into the water, and he couldn't swim at all. The little girl was in a hurry to save him. Unexpectedly, both of them lost their lives. Another news is that a little girl in kindergarten was alone at home without an adult. Unexpectedly, the little girl stuck her neck in the fence of her little bed. Fortunately, she was found in time and finally saved. It's frightening to think of these things.

  Now is the summer vacation, which is the happiest time for our students. Many students will choose to swim in the hot summer. Here, I want to remind you: you must be accompanied by adults when you go swimming. You can't swim in the reservoir or deep water area. You can do some warm-up exercises before swimming. In addition, I also want to say to the left behind children, "during the summer vacation, you must return to your parents. You can't stay at home alone, let alone play dangerous games."

  Let's join hands and have a happy and safe summer vacation!


  That day, I rushed to the park to play. At that time, it happened to be the rush hour. There were not only crowded cars, but also many people on the platform, as well as several children of my age.

  Before a bus arrived, the children rushed across the motorway and were ready to get on. As soon as the bus arrived at the station and opened the door, the children swarmed onto the bus and rushed to the bus. A short boy couldn't squeeze other children, and one staggered and fell to the ground. An uncle was in a hurry to get on the bus and saw that he was about to step on the boy. A big sister rushed forward and hurriedly pulled the boy aside, so that the boy was not injured.

  My heart tightened when I saw this scene. Fortunately, the big sister arrived in time, otherwise the boy might have to go to the hospital. Traffic safety cannot be ignored. A person's life is only once. If you don't cherish it, once it is lost, it can't be retrieved.

  To obey the traffic rules is to cherish life!


  On July 26th, it was Saturday. My father brought me and my good friends to Weifang Fuhua amusement park.

  It's so big here! It's much bigger than Dongying children's palace. There are crazy mice, Ferris wheels, roller coasters, and water parks. In these projects, except for water parks, others have strict standards for height, and can only be played if they are more than 1.4 meters. The shape of the water park is oval. I couldn't wait to change into a swimsuit after I entered. The pool is surrounded by artificial beaches, covered with pebbles of all sizes, and it's itchy and slippery to walk on it barefoot. There are water slides in the pool, and we all consciously line up to slide down one by one. When I arrived, before I was ready, the children behind me hurriedly pushed me down. The slide went round and round, and the water splashed all over my body. It was so exciting! There are also students learning to swim in the pool, and we also fluttered around together. The teacher said that swimming can strengthen my body, so I swam more happily.

  How time flies! I should go home before I had a good time. I reluctantly left the water park. I will remember this happy summer vacation and also remember here. I look forward to the summer vacation next year.
