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【#英语资源# 导语】欢乐暑假又来到,求个上签幸福保,画道神符围你绕,头顶吉星高高照,美满好运跟你跑,平安祥信总来报,没有考试无烦恼,假期美妙祝你好!©文档大全网为大家准备了《有关暑假见闻英语日记》,供大家参考阅读。

1.有关暑假见闻英语日记 篇一

  Looking forward to the stars and the moon, we finally arrived at summer vacation.

  Life began on the first day of summer vacation. In the morning when I got up and saw that there was only me in the room, I felt a bit hungry and decided to cook by myself.

  I opened the refrigerator and thought, 'I think we'll just fry the eggs.'.

  I turn on the heat and let the pot heat up first. Pour in some oil and wait for the oil to heat up before adding eggs. It was originally easy to fry eggs, but I made it so difficult. I waited for the oil to heat up and put the eggs in. After I put the eggs in, I thought about Mom frying the eggs again. It seemed like I had poured some more water, so I took a bowl of water and poured it into the pot. As a result, my eggs turned into egg soup, so I ended up failing.

  Although I failed to fry eggs for the first time, I will never be discouraged. I want to cook this egg again, I don't believe I'll fry it well.

  After brushing the pot once, I poured in the oil again. When the oil was hot, I put the eggs in again. At that moment, I thought that my mother's eggs seemed to have tomatoes inside. Oh! I patted my brain and realized that my mother made scrambled eggs with tomatoes. I won't pour water in again this time. After a while, I flipped the egg over and it turned black, so this time I failed again.

  But I have to do it again. After the oil is hot and I pour the eggs in, I quickly flip them over after a while. This time, I finally succeeded.

  I was eating my own fried egg, which was a bit salty, but I found it particularly delicious because it was my own homemade egg.

2.有关暑假见闻英语日记 篇二

  My summer vacation life can be described as colorful, with homework, language classes, robot classes, piano classes... but my favorite is my eight day military summer camp.

  It was a morning with light rain floating in the sky. My parents and younger brother took me to the military training camp base, and after reporting to the instructor, I couldn't wait to see them off. I thought to myself that this would be considered freedom, and I could start my favorite military summer camp soon. Excitedly, I jumped from bed to floor and then from floor to bed.

  As soon as the opening ceremony was over, I was wondering what fun projects would start? But the instructor started dividing into groups, standing in a military posture, practicing forward steps, and practicing military punches... Next, there was strict training and various disciplines to be followed every day. We wake up at 6 o'clock every morning, take 15 minutes to clean up and start morning exercises. Before eating, we should recite our compassion for farmers and gratitude, and wash our own clothes. When training in the scorching sun, the instructor showed no mercy at all, so at the end of the day, he felt like his bones were about to fall apart, and as soon as he got into bed at night, he fell asleep. Even so, none of us gave up. Soon we adapted to the military like life, met new friends from all over the country, and added a lot of new fun to our hard training.

  Day by day, as time passed and my military summer camp was about to end, I really couldn't bear to let go of this beautiful thing. Although we didn't have a TV or a phone, we learned to do our own things, help each other, and unite as one.

3.有关暑假见闻英语日记 篇三

  The Final examination is over, and we have officially entered the summer vacation.

  Mom said it was summer vacation. Let's play for a few days and take us to swim in the Natatorium. There are so many people. My brother and I had a great time. In the evening, we took us to the nearby small night market to go shopping. We bought many delicious and interesting things. After playing like this for a week, my mother said that it's not enough to do this every day. We need to enter a regular summer life.

  My mother, I want to learn painting. She said it's okay, so I'll enroll you in a summer painting class. Next to my mom's shop, there is a painting school that is very professional. After my mom consulted, she helped me register. The next day, I can learn to draw. When we arrived in the classroom, the teacher gave us a person, a drawing board, and a person shared some pens and drawing powder.

  I don't know how to use these pigments. The teacher said you put them there first, and we'll give this painting a contour, which is called the shape. After the discussion class, the teacher taught us how to draw this painting, how to compose it, and how to dye it, stroke by stroke. The teacher taught us very seriously, and we also learned very seriously. Soon, a class ended in two hours. After school, we returned home with our own paintings. My mother praised me and said that the paintings were really good. I am very happy and enjoy drawing more. After dinner in the evening, my whole family went out to exercise together.

  Do you like this summer life?

4.有关暑假见闻英语日记 篇四

  During the summer vacation, in addition to finishing my homework on time, I sometimes go hiking with my mother.

  We walked inside along the park gate first, and I noticed that the grass on both sides of the road grew exceptionally green. I asked my mother what was going on? My mother replied, "Because the weather in summer is very hot and the sunlight is very abundant, as long as we water more, all the grass can grow very green." Only then did I understand why the grass can grow so green.

  Unconsciously, we came to the side of the mountain and walked into the forest. There were many kinds of trees here, including French wutong, pine and bamboo, as well as all kinds of flowers and plants. It was really a forest oxygen bar! We were breathing fresh air as we walked, and I noticed something moving next to us. It scared me and I screamed out in panic. My mother quickly ran up to me and asked, "What's the matter?" She looked at it and said, "Don't be afraid, it's just a little squirrel." Then I let go of my heart and continued climbing the mountain. After about an hour, we finally climbed to the top of the mountain, so tired! Find a place to sit down and rest. Sweat is pouring out from my body, and from time to time, a gust of wind blows down my cheeks. It's so refreshing!

  It's time to go down the mountain. I stood up and walked down the mountain, feeling as light as a swallow. I thought to myself, it's much easier than going up the mountain. Climbing the mountain is really fun! Haha, we will continue to climb the mountain tomorrow!

  This is my summer vacation life. What was your summer vacation like?

5.有关暑假见闻英语日记 篇五

  This morning, the sun was shining brightly. The teachers of the art class organized us to go to Wuquan Mountain in Lanzhou to draw from nature. When I arrived at Wuquan Mountain, I found a temple and drew it conscientiously. The temple was surrounded by green grass and tall trees, as if the mountain was clothed with green clothes. People around us will praise us for our beautiful paintings when they come over.

  Unconsciously, our sketching activity ended and the teacher took us to lunch.

  After lunch, the teacher took us to visit the Gansu Provincial Museum. As soon as I entered the museum, the first thing that caught my eye was the ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex fossil, with teeth pointed like knives, which looked so terrifying. The next thing I see is the Iguanodon, which has a height of four to five meters and a length of nine to ten meters. It has a semi circular object on its head, similar to the current popular cockscomb hairstyle. Then I saw the teeth of the saber toothed tiger, which were similar in length to ivory. Finally, what I saw were pots made by ancient people, some with circular patterns, some with triangular patterns, and some with square patterns. They were extremely beautiful and made me dizzy.

  Next, we went to the Science and Technology Museum. As soon as I entered the science and technology museum, I felt around and looked around, curious about everything. Due to time constraints, we only looked at a few projects. My favorite one is the Mirror Maze, which is full of mirrors. If we accidentally hit the mirror, we can only hold onto it to find a passage. When Niu Haikun was playing, he almost hit the mirror. We were having a great time, and the teacher said, "The Science and Technology Museum is about to finish work, we should go now." We had to reluctantly leave the Science and Technology Museum.

  Next, we went to eat authentic Lanzhou beef noodle soup. As soon as we entered the beef noodle restaurant, the smell came to us. A bowl of Beef noodle soup was served. Green scallions and coriander rolled in the bowl, and the noodles were also lying comfortably. It was very beautiful. I devoured it. After eating Beef noodle soup, the smell was still lingering in my mouth. After eating Beef noodle soup, we reluctantly bid farewell to Lanzhou and hurried to Baiyin.

  This is really a happy day!
