
时间:2021-08-13 20:40:41 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】开学,多么靓丽的字眼,以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  With a vision, I officially stepped into the junior middle school campus for the first time. Although I have looked at it many times, my mood is still extraordinary. On the first day of school, I felt that there were more courses than primary school. The time is very tight every day... Unconsciously, we ushered in the fifth week of school, and the strangeness between me and my classmates gradually disappeared and became familiar. Ask me how I feel after entering junior high school... I can only answer "sweet and bitter"


  The next class will take the English test. I turn over the English book again and again, reciting English words in my mouth, eager to get a good score. My deskmate laughed that I was possessed, but I was unmoved: I was insured again! The examination paper was handed out. I read it quickly. It was all reviewed by me! So I "wrote quickly", almost without hesitation, and finished it in a moment. Check it carefully again. Finally, the examination paper was handed out. I was the first in my class. There were bursts of exclamations among the crowd. Looking at the surprised faces of the students, my heart is sweet


  Tomorrow is Monday, and a happy weekend has passed. I also blame myself. I only care about playing. My homework is delayed again and again. My homework hasn't been landed yet. Do your Chinese homework quickly. It's almost finished. Hee, you can watch TV later. Ah!! No, there are three math test papers. Alas, continue to do it, and finally finished it. My mother told me to eat. As soon as I got up, I remembered my English homework, so I had to sit down again and shout out the door, "stay a minute, stay a minute." Finally finished, my stomach also growled. Eat quickly, but the food has already been "swept away" by my parents, so I had to cook instant noodles. After eating noodles, I just climbed into bed and wanted to sleep, but I thought of English and recitation. Alas

  The feeling of junior middle school is sour, sweet, bitter and spicy. However, I like junior middle school life. Someone said to me: the first day is like a cup of tea, waiting for you to taste, have the courage to taste, don't be timid, stretch out your hand, stretch out your powerful hand, take the cup of tea, taste it, taste it ~!


  The happy summer vacation quietly passes away with the hot summer. We are ready to meet the call of the new semester and embark on a new journey again. Our study will also go from primary school to junior middle school.

  Beautiful campus

  Stepping into the gate of dayjin middle school, feeling the warmth of the sun and smelling the smell of dew, what a good morning! The rockery smiled at me, the little tree waved to me, and the sparrow greeted me. The five-star red flag flutters in the wind, showing the majesty of the country under the irradiation of the sun. All the buildings of the school are red at the bottom, which seems to have the same enthusiasm of youth as us. Walking into the dormitory building and into the neat dormitory, a trace of home came to our face. After greeting our roommates, we made the bed, said goodbye to our parents, and walked to our classroom.

  Tense classroom

  The sacred classroom, from small to large, is where we learn. A teacher once told me that only when the utilization rate of class time in junior middle school reaches 80% can we keep up with the progress of the course. At the beginning, I listened carefully and studied hard. We all make full use of the precious class time: every question of the teacher will make the students speak enthusiastically; The classroom homework assigned by the teacher is as good as the palace exam. Even if the bell rings and the window is full of laughter, there are still students writing hard in the classroom, regardless of other things.

  Substantial self-study

  When it comes to self-study class, you will find it difficult to pass the time. In fact, it is not. Although there are few homework and take up very little time in self-study class, we can use these time to do a lot of things. Review, preview, memorize and memorize will enrich the self-study class. You can also write more materials to consolidate the content of your daily study in time. In the self-study class, after I finish my homework, I always think of the teacher's requirements, and my hands can't help groping for the textbook in the drawer. I look dazzled and carry it dark. Sometimes I feel that the self-study class is so short.

  In the evening, lying in bed and chatting with my roommate about the fun of the day, life is so interesting and interesting. The days ahead are still very long, and I will spend every day happily like this.


  The new semester is coming. I stand at a new starting point and face greater challenges. I know that this road is difficult. On this way of study, we are facing greater difficulties and higher difficulties. I also have some ideas for this.

  In fact, my wish is the same as everyone else, that is to study hard in the new semester, listen to the teacher carefully, and speak actively in class. Not only that, but also often participate in various activities. It's not enough to do these. I also hope I can get good results in every exam. I know it's very difficult to do this, but as long as you stick to it and never shrink back, it will become very easy.

  We are also very fun in our study. You will not believe it when you see here. Listen to me slowly.

  We have many good friends. For example, in mathematics, we hold hands with many Arab children to roam the fun of learning mathematics; In Chinese, we are hilarious with the beautiful Chinese characters; In English, we are laughing at ABC; In history, we are learning the stories of ancient China... There are many, many more, which is the birthplace of our happiness and the sublimation of our soul!

  My ideal is to engrave these knowledge learned in junior middle school in my mind, so that I can achieve excellent results in all subjects in the future.

  I know that what everyone thinks is different, because everyone has different aspirations and goals. Now I'm growing up. My new goal is not to be a great man, nor to be an artist, nor to be a scientific giant. But when I grow up, I will be admitted to a better university and find a stable job. It is enough to do extraordinary things for the country and society in their ordinary posts and contribute their own strength.

  Let's join hands in the new semester and move towards our goals together! Shout loudly: "new semester, I'm coming!"

