FTSE 100 chief executives’ pay rose by a tenth last year to an average of £5.5m, according to a survey that will bolster demands by Theresa May, the UK prime minister, for top British companies to curb excess in the boardroom.
一项调查显示,富时100指数(FTSE 100)成分股公司首席执行官的平均薪酬去年上涨10%,达到550万英镑。该调查结果将为英国首相特里萨•梅(Theresa May)的主张提供支持。梅要求国内主要企业遏制董事会成员薪酬过高现象。
The average pay of a FTSE 100 boss has risen by a third since 2010, when chief executives took home £4.1m on average, according to data compiled by the High Pay Centre, a think-tank which campaigns against excessive pay.
反过高薪酬智库“高薪酬中心”(High Pay Centre)编集的数据显示,2010年以来,富时100指数成分股公司首席执行官的平均薪酬累计上涨了三分之一。2010年时,这些首席执行官的平均薪酬为410万英镑。
Mrs May said last month that there was “an irrational, unhealthy and growing gap” between the pay of workers and executives, in a speech just before winning the Conservative party’s post-Brexit leadership contest and entering 10 Downing Street.
上个月,就在梅赢得英国退欧公投后保守党领袖位置之争并入主唐宁街10号(10 Downing Street)前不久,她在一次演讲中表示高管和一般员工的薪酬之间存在“非理性、不健康且日益扩大的差距”。
According to the data, FTSE 100 chief executives were paid 140 times employees’ average wages in 2015, a small decline on the previous year, when they were paid 148 times.
“There is apparently no end yet in sight to the rise and rise of FTSE 100 CEO pay packages,” said Stefan Stern, the centre’s director. “In spite of the occasional flurry from more active shareholders, boards continue to award ever larger amounts of pay to their most senior executives.”
“富时100指数成分股公司首席执行官薪酬的一涨再涨似乎看不到尽头,”高薪酬中心的主任斯蒂芬•斯特恩(Stefan Stern)表示,“尽管偶尔会有比较积极的股东造成一些骚动,董事会仍将越来越高的薪酬奖励给层的管理人员。”
In the US, the median pay of a S&P 500 chief executive in 2015 was $10.8m, an increase of 4.5 per cent on the year before, according to Equilar, a data provider. US chief executives were paid 204 times their employees’ median compensation in 2015, according to data compiled by Glassdoor.
在美国,数据提供商Equilar的数据显示,2015年标普500指数(S&P 500)成分股公司首席执行官薪酬的中位数为1080万美元,比上年上涨4.5%。而根据Glassdoor编集的数据,2015年美国首席执行官的薪酬中位数是员工薪酬中位数的204倍。
The jump in average pay last year was driven by especially large increases for a small number of chief executives, with the median pay package rising more modestly to £3.97m, a £100,000 increase on 2014.
Sir Martin Sorrell, the founder of advertising agency WPP, was paid £70m by the advertising group last year compared with £43m in 2014, while BP chief executive Bob Dudley’s pay increased by a fifth to £13.3m.
广告集团WPP创始人苏铭天爵士(Sir Martin Sorrell)去年从该公司获得7000万英镑的薪酬,其在2014年的薪酬为4300万英镑。英国石油(BP)首席执行官戴德立(Bob Dudley) 2015年的薪酬比2014年上涨了五分之一,达到1330万英镑。
In April, a majority of voting shareholders rebelled against Mr Dudley’s pay rise, with a representative from the Church of England’s pension fund questioning whether the reward was “morally right” after the oil company reported a $5.2bn loss last year. The vote was non-binding.
今年4月,有表决权的股东大都反对戴德立的涨薪,一名来自英国国教会(Church of England)养老金基金的代表质疑,在这家石油公司去年报告亏损52亿美元之后,这样的薪酬是否“道德正确”。这次表决不具备约束力。
Mrs May has called for remuneration votes to become binding and for boards to release more data on pay gaps within their companies.