
时间:2023-05-17 05:25:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】消防安全是我们日常生活中必须重视的一项内容。它关系到我们的生命财产安全,也是社会稳定和发展的重要保障。©文档大全网为大家整理了有关消防安全的英语作文,让我们一起来学习如何预防火灾,保障自身安全。

1.有关消防安全的英语作文 篇一

  At 2:30 this afternoon, we conducted a fire evacuation drill. I heard that the first, second, fourth and fifth grade students will also play smoke grenade! I have already prepared the towels that the teacher asked me to bring. Suddenly, we heard the alarm sound. We quickly covered our mouths and noses with wet towels, and the cat ran downstairs. The older brothers and sisters from grade six upstairs made way for us and asked us to leave first. After we ran to the exercise ground downstairs, we started counting the number of people and reported the number to Principal Liu. The number of people from grades one, two, three, five, and six was all there, and it was fourth grade, The student reported, "There are two teachers and four students who, for some unknown reason, did not come downstairs. Please request support

  After listening, Principal Liu said to Principal Yang, "There are two teachers and four classmates who, for some reason, did not come downstairs. Please ask for support!" Principal Yang listened and had a fairy tale with the firefighters from the First Squadron of the Special Service. The fire truck immediately arrived, and the ladder truck saved the children. The water truck sprayed water into the smoke area, and the smoke dissipated. The students were also saved, A firefighting uncle explained to us the things used in firefighting, and the students listened with great interest.

  So, a tense fire drill activity came to an end.

2.有关消防安全的英语作文 篇二

  What is "fire safety"? Some people may not be able to answer it yet! So let me talk about fire safety self rescue knowledge!

  During the summer vacation, it is possible that you are alone at home and hungry. You want to go to the kitchen to find something, but as soon as you open the door, you smell a smell of gas. What should you do then? First, quickly go to the kitchen to check if the gas switch is turned off. Do not press the power switch or phone at this time, as a slight spark may cause an explosion. Then cover your nose and mouth with a damp towel, open the window, and let in fresh air.

  During the Chinese New Year, everyone likes to set off fireworks and firecrackers. When burning fireworks and firecrackers, do not stay too close to people and places where flammable materials are placed, otherwise it may cause injury to people or cause a fire. When burning fireworks and firecrackers, never hold them in your hand or you may get injured.

  When I went to the movie, there was a fire, what should I do? If you are squeezed into the middle by a crowd and cannot avoid it, remember to keep in line with the direction of the crowd and never go backwards. If pushed down, find a way to lean your body against the wall, curl your body into a ball shape, place your hands behind your neck, and bend your legs towards your chest to protect the most vulnerable area of your body. Then let out a loud shout.

  Friends, it's important to master these firefighting knowledge!

3.有关消防安全的英语作文 篇三

  This weekend, we will visit the Xinpu Fire Brigade.

  Along the way, Uncle Feng played the "Welcome Song" while the little bird sang a cheerful song, as if knowing we were going to the fire brigade and always leading the way.

  We arrived at the fire center, and the students rushed in eagerly, exclaiming loudly, "Ah, what a sight!" "How beautiful!" "I finally saw the firefighters' clothes!"

  When we arrived at the exhibition hall on the second floor, my uncle explained a lot about fire protection knowledge to us. Afterwards, it was finally their turn to showcase the "Eighteen Kinds of Martial Arts". Firstly, two people performed at the fire scene to discharge water pipes, followed by four firefighters performing sawing steel bars and cutting wood. Seeing a large group of people over there, we quickly gathered around. It turned out to be a show of dressing: two uncles quickly got dressed, and upon seeing the time, it was only 20 seconds. Then, we watched exciting performances such as climbing the board, climbing the sky ladder, and cycling the fire extinguisher. At this moment, an uncle explained, "This climbing platform car can reach 53 meters, which is equivalent to a 25 story building. We all exclaimed from the bottom of our hearts after listening.

  Time flies so fast, it's already noon. We reluctantly left the fire brigade. This is truly an unforgettable visit, and I will always remember it in my heart.

4.有关消防安全的英语作文 篇四

  Fire protection is also a part of our daily lives. Without it, perhaps many lives in this world would have died due to it.

  So everyone should have a comprehensive understanding of fire safety, and not be distracted at critical moments. It is important to remember.

  I didn't pay attention properly. The last time I saw someone in the news accidentally sliding their hand and flipping the water in their hand, causing the electrical socket to conduct electricity and causing a fire. Fortunately, they promptly called 119 to ask the fire brigade for help. They were really in danger! The reason why fire safety is so important is because the fire brigade always serves us and compensates for the disasters we accidentally cause, allowing us to escape from death.

  Even if the situation was urgent at the time, one should not be impulsive. One should always remember fire safety awareness, protect oneself before the fire brigade arrives, and not be nervous. If you put on wet clothes, cover your breathing area, and boldly run out at a fast pace when your life is in danger, otherwise the items burned down by the fire will hit you, so do everything well. The above are all key points. If the fire brigade is not ready, they will be buried in the sea of fire. Although the fire is terrible, if one thing falls, remember that accidents will not happen!

  Fire safety awareness is also important.

5.有关消防安全的英语作文 篇五

  On World Fire Day, our homeroom teacher told us that Uncle Zhang from the fire brigade was coming to explain fire related knowledge to us. We danced happily upon hearing this.

  The class bell rang, and we sat upright in our seats, waiting for Uncle Zhang's arrival. At this moment, we saw a person wearing a fire uniform walking in and saying to us, "Hello everyone, I am Zhang Ming. This time, I am here to teach the students to deepen their understanding of fire safety, enhance their safety awareness, and use the knowledge they have learned to eliminate fire safety hazards in daily life." The students were very happy to hear this.

  Uncle Zhang said, "What would you do if there was a fire in the school?" As soon as Uncle Zhang finished speaking, a classmate raised their hand and said, "Use a fire extinguisher!" "Can you use a fire extinguisher?" "No!" The classmate sat down in a low mood. Okay, now I'll teach my classmates how to use dry powder fire extinguishers correctly

  Step 1: Before use, invert the bottle several times to loosen the dry powder inside the cylinder. Step 2: Remove the lead seal and remove the safety pin. Step 3: Hold the nozzle with your left hand and the pressure handle with your right hand, and then start spraying. Have you all remembered

  Next, under the guidance of Uncle Zhang, we personally operated the fire extinguisher, and everyone sprayed dry powder onto the desks and ground... The classroom was filled with joyful laughter.

  Unconsciously, the bell rang for the end of class, and this class left the students unsatisfied. What an interesting class it was!
