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【#英语资源# 导语】端午节艳阳照,家家门上插艾蒿,挂丝线,带香包,娃娃乐得蹦蹦跳,吃粽子,划龙船,纪念屈原永记牢。这首儿歌,写的就是传统节日“端午节”。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《关于端午节的英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.关于端午节的英语日记 篇一

  The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, an annual traditional festival in China. The Dragon Boat Festival is a very meaningful festival, and it is also related to Qu Yuan, a scholar and poet. Every time on this day, people eat Zongzi, hang sachets, race dragon boats and so on.

  During the Warring States period, there was a patriotic poet in the State of Chu, Qu Yuan, who saw the menace of the State of Qin and was intent on unifying the six countries. So he wrote a letter to the King of Chu, asking him to unite with other countries against the State of Qin. However, some ministers blocked the King of Chu, and finally distributed Qu Yuan to the border areas. Later, when Qu Yuan heard that the State of Chu had been destroyed, he was filled with grief and threw himself into the river with a large stone in his arms.

  During the Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese people eat Zongzi and cold cakes. On this day, I learned to make cold cakes from my grandmother. When making cold cakes, I first sprinkle a layer of glutinous rice on the bottom of the basin, and then sprinkle a layer of beans on top, plus raisins and red dates. In order to make it more delicious, I purposely sprinkle less glutinous rice and put more in the dry pot. After scattering layers after layers, steam them in the pot, cool them, and then taste them. After cooling, the cold cake is very delicious. Sprinkle it with a thick layer of white sugar, and it tastes fragrant and sweet. On this day, I not only tasted delicious cold cakes, but also experienced the culture of the great spirit of the motherland. It is truly a festival worthy of our continued inheritance and development.

2.关于端午节的英语日记 篇二

  The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. It is said that this festival commemorates Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet of the State of Chu during the Warring States period. There are many special customs on the Dragon Boat Festival. In our family, we hang wormwood leaves and calamus on the door and make Zongzi together.

  Every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, my father would get up early and go to the vegetable market to carefully select and buy a bunch of mugwort leaves and calamus to hang on the door. "The mugwort leaf looks a bit like the chrysanthemum leaf, and it smells like a light traditional Chinese medicine flavor. The calamus has no flavor, and looks like a sharp sword. It is said that hanging mugwort leaf and calamus on the door can avoid disasters and seek blessings.". After hanging up, we set off for Grandma's house for the holiday.

  At Grandma's house, we make Zongzi every year. Grandma soaked glutinous rice in water early, and prepared a lot of zongzi leaves to soak in water. As soon as we arrived, we could make Zongzi. Grandma taught me to select a large and long Zongye, fold one end into a funnel, hold it with one hand to prevent it from loosening, then add soaked glutinous rice, add one or two red dates, nearly fill the small funnel, fold the other half of the Zongye back to cover the glutinous rice, wrap it tightly, and finally tie it with a rope, and a Zongzi is finished.

  Grandma's action was very fast. One Zongzi was finished. With our assists, one after another, we quickly packed a lot. Grandma put Zongzi into the pot to cook, and soon the smell came. "It's Zongzi!" My father brought a large plate of Zongzi. I picked one, untied the rope, peeled off the leaves, and the white glutinous rice filling was revealed. One bite, soft and glutinous, and another bite, sweet and fragrant, the original sweet dates, Zongzi is really delicious!

  If only it were the Dragon Boat Festival every day.

3.关于端午节的英语日记 篇三

  There are many traditional festivals in China, such as the Spring Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival... but my favorite one is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is one of the traditional festivals!

  The Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival originated in China. It was originally a festival for the Chinese people to remove diseases and prevent epidemics. Later, because the poet Qu Yuan died on this day, it became a traditional festival for the Han Chinese people to commemorate Qu Yuan.

  On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, our family were all busy. My mother went to the market early in the morning and bought two mugwort leaves and hung them on the door. Grandma is busy making Zongzi, her skill is feasible! I saw her holding a spoon in one hand to put the filling, and wrapping the palm in the other hand. The palm was wrapped quickly and well. My father was busy going to the Mojiang River to watch the dragon boat race. I heard from my father that every dragon boat race was very exciting.

  I ran to my grandma and asked her to teach me how to make Zongzi. Grandma smiled and said, "You should first make a piece of zongzi leaves into a funnel shape, then put the prepared rice and stuffing into it, then wrap it into a four corner Zongzi, and finally wrap a layer of Zongzi leaves with ropes." I tried to make one, but it didn't look like Zongzi. Then, I tried to pack several more, and finally succeeded, haha.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is really an interesting traditional festival!

4.关于端午节的英语日记 篇四

  On the fifth day of May, it is the Dragon Boat Festival. You can insert wormwood leaves, wear sachets, eat Zongzi, sprinkle sugar, and launch the dragon boat happily. The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is one of the three traditional festivals in China, also known as the Double Boat Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival.

  It is said that in ancient times, Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet who was loved by people, threw himself into the river for some reason, so people spontaneously rowed dragon boats to rescue him and threw Zongzi into the river. Let the fish, shrimp, and crab not bite Qu Yuan's body when they are full. Later, on the Dragon Boat Festival, people would race dragon boats and eat Zongzi to commemorate the great patriotic poet. Whenever this day comes, people always tie red, yellow, blue, white, and black colored silk threads around children's necks, wrists, or ankles, which are called long life strands. I think I want the children to live a long life! Each family should insert Wuduan, calamus, wormwood, pomegranate flowers, garlic, and dragon boat flowers.

  No wonder when it comes to the Dragon Boat Festival, Grandma goes to the vegetable market to buy a lot of wormwood and mashed garlic. She puts them in the sun at 12:00 noon and says that wormwood and mashed garlic can be disinfected. She also cooks them with wormwood at home. I think: There are so many customs on the Dragon Boat Festival!

5.关于端午节的英语日记 篇五

  Time flies quickly, and just after the happy June Day, the traditional Dragon Boat Festival is ushered in.

  Speaking of Dragon Boat Festival, of course, we can't do without making Zongzi. Watching my grandma busy preparing the materials for making Zongzi, I also volunteered to join in making Zongzi.

  I washed my little hands clean and couldn't wait to squeeze into my grandmother's side. But I don't know yet. What should I do? Grandma taught me: First fold the zongzi leaves into a triangular bag, fill it with glutinous rice, ham, and dates, and then wrap them tightly together.

  However, these naughty little guys didn't listen to me at all and ran away along the seam. Grandma looked at my clumsy appearance and secretly smiled at me! "I had to stand by and watch. Grandma's hands were the most skillful. Soon, I wrapped up these naughty little guys.". Look, Zongzi is full of a pot, and I am waiting for the entrance of Zongzi!

  Grandma soon prepared Zongzi and rich food, and the whole family happily ate delicious Zongzi and rich food, which was extremely happy!
