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【#英语资源# 导语】端午节英语日记是介绍中国传统节日端午节的一种形式,©文档大全网为大家提供相关内容。端午节是中国的传统节日之一,也是重要的民俗节日。它是为了纪念伟大的诗人屈原而设立的。端午节有着悠久的历史和丰富的文化内涵,其中包括赛龙舟、吃粽子、挂艾叶等传统习俗。在这一天,人们会在家中祭祀祖先、扫墓、祈求平安。此外,端午节也是我国非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分,被列入了世界非物质文化遗产名录。端午节英语日记是一种介绍端午节的形式,让更多的人了解中国传统文化,感受中华民族的文化底蕴。

1.端午节英语日记 篇一

  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. After lunch at my grandmother's house, my mother and grandmother went shopping, while my father and I went to the park.      We came to the park, and there were people playing everywhere, and everyone was very happy. Firstly, we went to watch 4D movies, and I felt like I was in the world of dinosaurs. The dinosaurs here were very scary, and I was hiding behind my dad. Then we went to take a small train, but after waiting for half a day, the train didn't come, so we turned to participate in the next project - a forest trip. During my forest trip, I saw the Triceratops, tigers, penguins, and dolphins.

  After this project ended, we went for a spacewalk. Above, I feel like I have acrophobia, which is too exaggerated for me. But I still walk in space while listening to music. Finally, we went boating. Although I am only a first grade child, I am a captain! I also saw others fighting with water guns! I had a very good time.

2.端午节英语日记 篇二

  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Instead of making Zongzi and eating Zongzi like others, we went to Wahaha Primary School to participate in the swimming competition.

  I am going to participate in the 50 meter freestyle and mixed men's and women's 50 meter relay races. My game is scheduled for the morning. This is my first time participating in a swimming competition in a year of training, and I am very nervous, like an ant on a hot pot. Bang! The sound of the gun rang out, and I swam and swam desperately. When I arrived, I found myself in third place, and I thought I was swimming well.

  In the next 50 meter mixed relay between men and women, I swam in the second stroke and, while falling 10 meters behind, overtook the first place in freestyle. In the end, we achieved a good result of third place. The entire relay race was both tense and exciting, and as I waited for the baton to be taken over, my heart felt like ten little deer constantly kicking their feet.

  I think today is the most unique Dragon Boat Festival that I have ever had.

3.端午节英语日记 篇三

  The annual Dragon Boat Festival is here again. What should we eat during this festival? Let me guess a riddle for everyone: Two green leaves pack rice, and a small rope is really beautiful. You are right, Zongzi!

  When the Dragon Boat Festival came, my mother and I made Zongzi together. I made a few, but they looked ugly. At this time, my mother came to teach me. According to my mother's method, my mother and I finished making Zongzi together.

  Smelling the aroma of the cooked Zongzi, my stomach "goo goo" straight, I can't wait to pick up a Zongzi with chopsticks and put it in the bowl, blowing carefully. Finally, when it was not hot, I quickly untied the rope, peeled off the leaves, and ate them with a big mouth. The sweet Zongzi was delicious. Eating the Zongzi made by myself, I can't help feeling happy.

  The fragrant Zongzi made me have a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

4.端午节英语日记 篇四

  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is a traditional festival in China and the most solemn and distinctive festival in our local area.

  Of course, on the Dragon Boat Festival, mothers need to put on five silk threads for their children. The five silk threads are full of mothers' desire for their children, hoping that their children will live a long life. My mother also gave me a long life strand with five silk threads.

  On the Dragon Boat Festival, people eat Zongzi to commemorate Qu Yuan. More than two thousand years ago, on the fifth day of May, people stood in the Miluo River and threw food into the river to prevent underwater animals such as fish and shrimp from eating Qu Yuan's body.

  After we had a full meal this afternoon, my mother took me to the supermarket and bought me a sachet as a gift for the Dragon Boat Festival.

  I had a very happy day today!

5.端午节英语日记 篇五

  The fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year is a traditional festival in China - the Dragon Boat Festival.

  In my hometown of Nanjing, every day of the Dragon Boat Festival, every household needs to have wormwood inserted on their doors and windows because wormwood can ward off evil spirits. When it comes to food, of course, Zongzi is indispensable. Every day, adults pick zongzi leaves to make Zongzi. My father said that it was invented in memory of Qu Yuan. On this day, every household will smell Zongzi.

  During the Dragon Boat Festival in Nanjing, people also eat the "Five Reds", including roasted duck, red amaranth, red duck eggs, realgar wine, and my favorite lobster. It is said that eating these five reds can help ward off heat and evil spirits throughout the summer.

  In the evening, our family sat around the round table. Grandpa and uncle were drinking wine. My brother and I held Zongzi in our left hand and lobster in our right hand. My brother chewed oil all over his mouth, making everyone laugh!
