
时间:2023-06-08 05:40:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】端午节是中国传统节日之一,又称端阳节、午日节、五月节等。据说是为了纪念屈原,在端午这一天,人们会吃粽子、赛龙舟、挂艾叶等,以祈求平安和健康。在这个特殊的日子里,让我们一起来了解一下有关端午节的知识,感受中华传统文化的魅力。©文档大全网为您提供有关端午节英语日记,让我们一起来写一篇吧!

1.有关端午节英语日记 篇一

  The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival among the "Three Festivals" in China.

  On the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, I watched TV while eating Zongzi. It happened that I saw a program called Dragon Boat Race. At this time, my mother came to me and said, "Do you know the origin of the dragon boat race and eating Zongzi?" I said, "I know! Legend has it that the dragon boat race is to save Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet who died when he was thrown into the Miluo River. Throwing Zongzi into the river is to let fish, shrimp, and crabs eat and not eat Qu Yuan's remains." My mother listened happily and said, "My daughter knows so much."

  Grandma saw us having such a happy conversation and said, "Do you know? The Dragon Boat Festival is also known as the" heavy five ", and many customs are also associated with the number" five ". Tie red, yellow, blue, white, and black colored silk threads around children's necks, wrists, or feet to form a long life strand. Each family should insert "unprovoked" cattail, mugwort, pomegranate flowers, garlic, and dragon boat flowers This is quite fun. I spoke with my mother.

  After dinner, my father, mother, and I went for a walk. Along the way, I read the children's song of the Dragon Boat Festival: "On May 5, it's the Dragon Boat Festival. It's the Dragon Boat Festival. Insert wormwood leaves, bring sachets. Eat Zongzi, sprinkle sugar, and launch the dragon boat happily." As I read, my parents joined in.

  Ah! There is so much knowledge about the Dragon Boat Festival.

2.有关端午节英语日记 篇二

  The Dragon Boat Festival is here, and our house is very lively. Grandma and Mom were making Zongzi.

  I came up to have a look. There are so many materials for making Zongzi! There are emerald green bamboo leaves, slender grass ropes, snow-white glutinous rice, fragrant bird eggs and mushrooms, steaming sausages, and drooling pork.

  Let's have a look at Grandma and Mom's Zongzi PK contest. Grandma's dexterous hands squeezed left and right, and then wrapped the bamboo leaves tightly. Once the rope was tied, a Zongzi was born. Soon, a bunch of Zongzi were wrapped. My mother didn't dare to neglect her. She accelerated her speed and a string of Zongzi was about to be wrapped. Seeing that my mother was almost catching up with my grandmother, in a hurry, my grandmother also accelerated her pace and left her behind. You don't have to guess who won the result?

  Zongzi is wrapped and Grandma takes it to steam. Thirty minutes later, the delicious Zongzi was freshly baked. Our family gathered around to eat Zongzi happily, and even the black knight jumped around excitedly.

  My father also told us the legend of the Dragon Boat Festival while eating Zongzi: During the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a man named Qu Yuan who was very sad because his country was invaded, so he threw himself into the river on the fifth day of May. In order to prevent fish and shrimp from eating Qu Yuan's body, people drove dragon boats and threw Zongzi into the river. After the fish and shrimp are full, they will not bite Qu Yuan. So, the Dragon Boat Festival became a festival for people to commemorate Qu Yuan.

3.有关端午节英语日记 篇三

  The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and we have to eat delicious Zongzi again. The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation. Every Dragon Boat Festival, we have to eat Zongzi and make Zongzi. In some places, we also have dragon boat races and other activities, which are very lively. Although the Dragon Boat Festival is short in time, it is very meaningful.
  Zongzi was eaten in memory of Qu Yuan, the minister of King Huai of Chu during the Spring and Autumn Period. He advocated to promote the meritocracy and empower the country and strengthen the army, and advocated to unite Qi against Qin. This was strongly opposed by aristocrat Zi Lan and others. Qu Yuan was dismissed from his post, expelled from the capital, and exiled to other places. When the Qin army broke through the capital of Chu, Qu Yuan could only watch helplessly as his homeland was invaded, feeling heartbroken. However, he had no way to serve his country, and ultimately died by throwing a stone into the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, composing a patriotic movement with his own life.

  This year, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming. My mother bought all kinds of Zongzi from the supermarket. I can't wait to pick up the leaves of zongzi and eat them. The fragrance of reed leaves rushed into my nose. At this moment, I couldn't help but think of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. His patriotic spirit of caring for the country and the people inspired and infected me. We are young children living in the embrace of our motherland. Like our predecessor Qu Yuan, we should establish lofty ideals and aspirations from a young age, focus on reading and striving to become stronger, study hard, and grow up to serve our motherland. Build our motherland into a more prosperous and strong country.

4.有关端午节英语日记 篇四

  The traditional festival of Dragon Boat Festival in China is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year.

  According to the custom, people will hang mugwort on the doors and windows that morning to drive away mosquitoes. To commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan, people will also make Zongzi and eat mugwort eggs. In southern regions of China and other regions, people still race dragon boats mainly to showcase the charm of various dragon boats. There are many people competing in dragon boats, dressed in festive attire and shouting loud slogans, while chasing the dragon boats ahead. You chase me, I chase you, it's very lively.

  On the Dragon Boat Festival, our family will also make Zongzi, and I will follow my grandmother to learn how to make Zongzi. To make Zongzi, first wash the leaves and then wash the glutinous rice. When everything is ready, start to make it. Zongzi has a variety of tastes, including red dates, bean paste, and chestnuts. I envy Grandma's skillful technique. I chose the bean paste filling and asked my grandmother to teach me how to make it. With her help, I first folded the zongzi leaves into a triangle, then added a red date, and then folded the glutinous rice in half. Half of the filling was loose, and another one was loose. I deeply feel that it seems simple for Grandma to make Zongzi, but it is not easy. I must learn how to make Zongzi.

  In the evening, our whole family will sit together and eat big, fragrant and sweet Zongzi, and the happy Dragon Boat Festival will leave me with the fragrance of Zongzi.

5.有关端午节英语日记 篇五

  My favorite festival of the year is the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is also known as the Chongyang Festival or the Chongwu Festival. The indispensable activities on this day are: eating Zongzi, dragon boat racing, planting wormwood leaves, and realgar wine, which can be lively.

  In the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, when I opened my eyes, I saw my grandmother busy outside. I went to see that I was making Zongzi. I confidently said, "It's too easy to make Zongzi, so I'll try it." I learned from my grandmother. First, I took a piece of zongzi leaf, put rice and stuffing on it, wrapped it with force, and then tied a knot. Then I took Zongzi to show off to everyone; "Look! My Zongzi is wrapped up. Is it like a head..." Before I finished speaking, the glutinous rice fell on the ground, making everyone laugh, and I coaxed my face. Grandma came over and told me how to make Zongzi. First, fold the long leaves to make a nest, put the mixed glutinous rice and stuffing in the middle, and wrap the edges and corners. Then make the Zongzi wrapped in leaves into a four corner shape. Under the guidance of my grandmother, I made a lot of Zongzi. Put the wrapped Zongzi into the pot and boil it for one hour. The waiting time is always long. When I see the steaming Zongzi coming out of the pot, I can't wait to peel the leaves. The golden and soft Zongzi appears in front of me. I insert a Zongzi with chopsticks, bite it, and the smell fills my mouth. I almost ate the chopsticks.

  These Zongzi are not only delicious, but also the fruits of my labor. It feels very different.
