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【#高一# 导语】高中学习容量大,不但要掌握目前的知识,还要把高中的知识与初中的知识溶为一体才能学好。在读书、听课、研习、总结这四个环节都比初中的学习有更高的要求。©文档大全网高一频道为莘莘学子整理了《高一英语必修五知识点整理》,希望对你有所帮助!
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  1. I think we can work together to create an even better system.

  2. After all, with the help of my computer brain which never forgets anything, intelligence is what I’m all about.

  3. The tour companies applied to be allowed to hunt some for a fee, which made a lot of money for the farmers.

  4. The information suggested that animals should be protected or they would die out if people continue to hurt them.

  5. A special butterfly became protected, so what Guoxia did affected the wildlife in her area and helped save one species.

  6. Dinosaurs lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being.

  7. Others think the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on it any more, but nobody knows for sure.

  8. Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people at a concert, with everyone clapping and enjoying your singing?

  9. Do you sing karaoke and close your eyes and pretend you are Coco Li or Liu Huan?

  10. They may play to the passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn extra money.


  1. Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns depending on which layers of the skins are burnt.根据皮肤烧伤的层次而有一度烧伤、二度烧伤和三度烧伤。

  2. John was studying in his room when he heard screaming.约翰正在房里学习,突然听到一声尖叫。

  3. She was lying in her front garden bleeding very heavily 她躺在前花园的地上,流血不止。

  4. There is no doubt that Jon’s quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slade’s life.

  5. 毫无疑问,是敏捷的思维和在学校学到的急救技术,使得斯莱德女士的生命得救了。

  6. It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference 。这说明了急救知识的确能发挥重要的作用。

  7. If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if possible.

  8. (倒装)Never will ZY forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily.


  9. (倒装)Only when you have seen what he or she does, can you cover a story by yourself.

  10. ( There’s ) No need for a camera ! 没必要带相机。

  11. (倒装)Not only am I interested in photography, but I took a course at university, so it’s actually of special interest to me.对摄影我不仅感兴趣,在大学我还专修过摄影,因此,我的确对摄影特别感兴趣。

  12. This is how the story goes. 事情是这样的。

  13. Have you ever had a case where somebody accused your reporters of getting the wrong end of the stick?


  14. Think about how many changes there have been in the last one thousand years 。想想近一千年来有多少变化。

  15. What problems do you think people in the future will have overcome?


  16. The air seemed thin as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left.


  17. Why not sit down and rest? = Why don’t you sit down and rest? 为什么不坐下休息呢?

  18. What three visits would you ask to go on if you were Li Qiang ?如果你是李强,你想去哪三个地方看看?

  19. Neither of these creatures is easy to talk to 。 这两种生物都不容易与之交谈。

  20. The dimpods have so many arms and legs that you can’t tell which is which.


  21. Everyone will get twice as much personal space as in flats on land.

  22. There is no need to debate any more why different words are used to describe the four countries.


  23. To their surprise, the three countries found themselves united peacefully instead of by war.


  24. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom worthwhile.


  25. Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London 。


  26. It looked splendid when first built.


  27. What interested her most was the longitude line.


  28. Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you.


  29. John Snow was a well-known doctor in London – so famous, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies.


  30. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.



  Word usage

  1. occupation n.

  1) job, employment

  2) activity that occupies a person’s time; pastime

  3) action of occupying

  He is a bus driver by occupation.

  He was bored for lack of occupation.

  The Japanese occupation of Taiwan lasted fifty-one years.

  No one is yet in occupation of the house.

  2. enthusiasm n. strong feeling of admiration or interest

  object of this feeling

  The proposal was greeted with great enthusiasm.

  One of my enthusiasm is music.

  3. assignment n.

  1) task or duty that is assigned to sb

  2) act of assigning, especially property, rights ect.

  She gladly accepted the assignment.

  The English assignment is a book report.

  He is responsible for the assignment of jobs.

  4. influence vt

  1) have an effect or influence on sb/sthn.

  2) power to produce an effect; action or nature forces

  The influence of climate on crops are self-evident.

  Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town.

  I don't want to influence you. You must decide for yourself.

  5. professional adj.

  1) of or belonging to a profession

  2) having or showing the skill or qualities a professional person

  a highly professional administrator

  He is a professional complainer.

  6. assist v.

  1) help

  2) be present at or take part in sth

  We asked him to assist us in designing a new bridge.

  He assisted in designing the new bridge.

  She refused to assist at the reception for reasons unknown.

  7. missing adj.

  1) that can’t be found or that is not in its usual place; lost

  2) not present

  There is a page missing from this book.

  Seven of our planes are missing.

  They started off at once in search of the missing girl.

  8. avoid v.

  1) keep oneself away from sb/sth

  2) stop sth happening; prevent

  I avoided him as much as possible.

  They all avoided mentioning that name.

  She braked suddenly and avoided an accident.

  9. meanwhile adv. in the time between two events; at the same time

  In the meanwhile I'll visit an old friend of mine.

  Mother went shopping; meanwhile, I cleaned the house.

  10. department n.

  1) each of several divisions of a government, business, shop, etc.

  2) area of activity or knowledge

  She's the head of the firm's personnel department.

  Don’t ask me about our finances, that’s my wife’s department.

  11. accurate adj.
  1) free from error

  2) careful and exist

  The new salesgirl is accurate at figures.

  His information was accurate.



  diary fare transport finally persuade stubborn organize source determine altitude reliable forecast beneath sightseeing insurance bend dream of/about doing sth persuade sb to do get sb interested in make one’s mind give up care for

  be determined to do can’t wait/can hardly wait to do sth





  常用词组:be transported with…情不自禁in transports of sth情不自禁



  persuade sb to do sth “劝说某人做某事”。

  persuade表示劝说是成功的,若表示劝而不服,不能用persuade,通常在其前加try to或者是want to,也可以用advise。

  persuade sb into doing sth说服某人做某事persuade sb out of sth说服某人不要去做某事

  persuade还可以表示“使某人相信”,常见用法:persuade sb that+从句persuade+of短语

  be persuaded that+从句



  insist on后接动名词,如果有逻辑主语,可以用名词或者名词所有格,也可以用宾格形式,但不能用代词的主格形式。





  determine on/upon doing=be determined to do决定做某事

  determine sb against sth使某人决定不做某事

  determine和be determined后面都可以跟宾语从句


  record sth(from sth)(on sth)将……录在……;录音,录像。


  keep record of记录下来。

  just for the record供记录在案,为准确起见

  off the record私下的,非正式的,不得发表的。



  be familiar with和be familiar to都可以表示“熟悉”,但用法不同,前者的主语必须是人,后者的主语一般是物,但是宾语必须是人。


  6)tavel trip journey tour和voyage的区别






  7)dream of/about梦想……,梦见……;渴望,迫切希望。


  作动词,表示“毕业”。graduate from表示“毕业于……”。



  9)prefer vi宁愿;较喜欢

  prefer doing宁愿做某事prefer to do宁愿做某事prefer sb to do sth宁愿某人做某事

  prefer sth to sth.宁愿……不愿…… prefer doing sth to doing sth宁愿做……而不愿做

  prefer to do sth rather than to do宁愿做……而不愿意做某事


  give in屈服,让步;提出,递交

  give away不小心透漏;赠送,免费给予

  give back归还,恢复

  give off放出,散发

  give out分配,分发;用光,精疲力竭

  give over交付,托付

  give up放弃,认输

  11)choose to do愿意,偏要,决定choose from/between从……中选择

  choose sb+as/for选某人当…… choose sb sth =choose sth for sb为某人选某物

  cannot choose but do只好做

  12)pace vi.跨度n.一步,步调

  set the pace定步速keep pace with sb赶上…… pace up and down来回踱步

  13)强调句:It is被强调部分+that/who+句子其余的部分

  a.含一般疑问句的强调句型:Is it+被强调不分+that/who+句子的其余部分

  b.特殊疑问句的强调句型:疑问词+is/was it+that/who+句子的其余部分

  c.原句结构师not…until…,强调until时,须把not until一起放到It was…that之间。






  1. 梦想进行大型自行车旅行 dream about taking a great bike trip

  2. 大学毕业 graduate from college

  3. 有机会干某事 get the chance to do sth.

  4. 从它开始的地方到它结束的地方 from where it begins to where it ends

  5. 使某人对某事感兴趣 get sb. interested in sth.

  6. 干某事的方式 the best way of doing sth / to do sth

  7. 改变某人的主意 change one’s mind

  8 .在…… 的高度 at an altitude of…

  9. 下定决心干某事 make up one’s mind to do sth

  10. 穿过深谷 pass through deep valleys

  11 .确信、确定be sure about / of sth

  12. 像往常一样as usual

  13.扎营make camp

  14.首先 其次For one thing, … ; for another,…

  15 .向某人问候say ―Hello‖ to …

  16 .在别人眼中看世界to see the world through somebody else’s eyes

  17. 支起, 竖起put up

  18. 熟悉, 为某人所熟悉be familiar to

  19. 关心, 在乎care about

  20. 坚决的表情a determined look

