【#英语口语# 导语】托福口语备考复习中,大家也要注重时间的分配,我们需要利用计时器,来控制各部分的答题速度,以便我们能够更好的来备考。以下是®文档大全网整理的托福口语考试时间安排,欢迎阅读!
第1、2中的题目属于日常话题,这两道题本身难度比较小,所以特别需要注意的就是时间的分配问题,在这45秒钟里,一般用5~6秒完成topic sentence, 接下来的40秒应以每一个detail或者example不超过3~4句话的规律完成该话题,也就是说大致20秒完成一个detail或example的表述。
第3、4道题要求考生首先在45秒钟内读完100字左右长度的单一段落。盲目追求阅读速度必然要影响阅读理解的质量。我们应该做的是掌握正确的阅读节奏:“根据快和慢两种速度交替而成的节奏来变化自己的阅读速度。” 唱歌因韵律节奏而动听,说话因轻重缓急而悦耳,阅读也是一样,快慢相间的阅读速度才能收到良好的阅读效果。
最后的5、6道以听力材料为基础,要求考生回答相关问题。首先,考生掌控时间能力的强弱对这个部分成绩的高低有着直接影响。在内容上一般是学校推出的某个政策(9/15是对student health center的改进,而9/23是对学校食堂的改进,所以从内容上来说都是贴近校园的, 从阅读的结构上来说,上面所说的政策一定是分为2部分(9/15是学校附近的大医院,斌且突出其2方面,距离和医疗质量,而9/23也是2方面,一个是引进一个新的食堂,第二个是增加服务的内容food serivce,在听力中一定是结合上述2点对其展开驳论,所以听力中有用的信息点只有2个部分,那么在自己叙述的时候只要对这2个驳论进行复述就可以了。
1. Important gift, why important? (一件重要的礼物)
An important gift I have ever received is a Nike basketball from my parents on my 16 years old birthday. The gift is important to me because I really like playing basketball and I never have a high quality basketball before. So after I receive this gift, I always bring it to sport stadiums and play with teammates. It has a high quality that we have played it for such long time and not only I and also my friends obtained a lot of enjoyment. Furthermore, it is important because I get to know that my parents are always thinking of what I like to do, and this really makes me moved and I gain a lot of power to study better and repay them.
2. Describe one of your challenging experiences (描述你的一个刺激/惊险/难忘的经历)
One of my challenging experiences is to prepare for the TOEFL test. I am a high school student and I find TOEFL test is lot more difficult than the text in my school, so it is really a challenge for me. Some times I try to recite a hundred words in a day. Sometimes I read long articles and just don’t know what they are talking about. However, when facing with these difficulties, I never give up. What I have done is to keep reciting words and read more articles in order to have a better understanding of them. After a month, I find that I have improved my ability in English, and I am more confident now facing TOEFL test.
3. 描述你的一件作品。
I took a group of pictures that has shown the huge change in my city Beijing. Our city
is going to hold the 2008 Olympic Games and because of this, the city is changing big day by day. Therefore, I use my camera and took a group of pictures, the group has 8 pictures, I called them “8 aspects of Beijing change”, I took pictures in parks, in sport stadiums, in my community and other places, through the 8 aspect to show the huge change of Beijing, and show our harmonious daily life. I always show them to my teachers and friends, and I am really proud of this work.
4. 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration或者moment。
The most impressive moment in my life is my going to a seashore town before. When I was a child, the sea I watched on TV gave me a nice memory, since then I have a desire to go to the seashore some day. I went there after few years, the life near the seashore is really comfortable, for the sky there is blue and always full of sunshine, seabirds are singing and the ocean breeze is blowing. I swam in the sea and lie on the beach for a rest, which I could never enjoy in big cities. Moreover, I tasted sea food such as lobsters, crabs and fish there. So I consider the moment I have at sea shore is really impressive.
如果背单词的目的不仅仅是识别阅读,听力中的要点,还包括口语,作文中有效表达的话。 那么我们要明白句子中主要有三种词汇。
1)实词: 名词 动词 数字 形容词 副词
2)虚词: 助词 感叹词
助动词: 完成句型的时态,语态,语气。 平时要注意语法曲折变位的能力
感叹词: 使答题充满人性,不沉闷,很动态,帮助你展现感性的成分。
3)连词: 答题的理性的成分,制造内容的起承转合,展现口才的逻辑质量。
有目的的积累, 善用各种词性的好词,可以对口语表达进行精彩的包装。
多考生在平时学习词汇的过程中很容易忽视一些细节,而重音的错置就是其中之一。有的考生在习惯了单词重音为第二个音节之后,对一些重音在单词第一个音节上的细节便视而不见了。例如托福口语中经常谈论到的”television”, “newspaper”,对于这样熟悉且简单的单词很多考生发出的重音仍然在tele’vision和news’paper上。如此重音错置的例子屡见不鲜,而重音的错误往往会导致整个语句的不顺畅,听起来很别扭。
1、最常见的错误是一个句子中代词的频繁转换,即所谓pronoun shift。
典型的例子是“When one searches on the Internet, you will potentially get onto illegal websites,which will cause negative consequences to us.”在这句话中one,you和us未能保持一致,让考官不知所云。应该修改为“When searching on the Internet,we may potentially get onto illegal websites, which will cause negative consequences to us.”
比如学生所写这句话“Studying in a co-educational school, a girl may concentrate more on popular boys,which may cause ignorance of his study.”显然,his的出现与句子主语a girl是不相符合的,应该改为her。
在“Girls are easy to be persuaded to buy cosmetics, because she always wants to be pretty.”中,主语是girls,为复数,但是原因状语从句中的代词却是she。改正的方法便是将she改为they体现“数”的一致,同时将wants改为want,实现从句内部的主谓一致。最终结果为“Girls are easy to be persuaded to buy cosmetics, because they always want to be pretty.”。
反身代词表示“某人自己”,比如“Many children are addicted to computer games and they cannot control themselves at all.”教学中笔者发现,学生清楚这种用法,但是不会表达“某人自己的”这个概念,总是说“Teenagers cannot control themselves behaviours”。这句话中,themselves要改为their own才能体现出“某人自己的”这层意思。因此,考生在作文时要格外留意这个小点。