Lesson 8
HowKeep Fit
Text A
Ten years agousedbe very fit. T cycledwork andgotlotexercise atweekends.usedplay tennislotgolong walks. In those daysdidn't earn very much.hadjoban office. It wasn'tvery good job buthadlottimedothingsenjoyed doing.
Then, about eight years ago,gotmuch better job. The pay was better. Buthours werelot longer, too.boughtFardrovework every day.begantake people outlunch. 'Expense account' lunches. Andbeganputweight, too.stopped playing tennisgoinglong walks atweekend becausejust didn't have any timethings like that any more.
There'slotstressa job like mine. Perhaps that's whystarred drinking more thanused to. For example,I usedhave only halfglasswhisky whengot home, thenstarted fillingglassthe top. Thenhad another glass ,then another.started smokinglot , too.never usedsmoke at all.
Two months agohadheart attack. At firstjust couldn't believe it. `I'm too young,'said. Luckilywasn't very serious.washospital.a few daysthey didlottests. The doctor advised mestop smoking andeat less. He told medolotother things , too. Butdon't see howcan do somethemkeep my job. For example, he advised, mework less,get more exercise. Butjust havern't any time! My job takes everything outme!
Sometimeswonder ifshould get. anather jab. Perhapscould do something likeuseddo. But ifdo that,won't earn as much.havefamilysupport:havethinkthem, too.just don't know whatshould do. What do you think?
Text B
Hereone person who really believeskeeping fit. Her nameMrs Laura Taylor. She45 but looks at least 0 years younger. Let's listenher story. It all started about two. years ago. Tn those days things were very different.was overweight.usedsmokelot- about 30'cigarettesday.never got any exercise.usedstay at home all day:never went out intofresh air, exceptdoshopping.. And even thenusedtakecar.
One daylooked at myselfthe misror.'My God,'thought. `I look terrible