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Lesson 2
Why Are They So Unlucky? Text A
wonder why so many shop-assistants are so foultempered? Inspiteso many "campaigns"improveservicesthe past years, we see no appreciable change so far. If DadMum arebe believed,services usedbe quite goodthe fifties. But then, they always say everything usedbe goodthe fifties.findolder people grow,more nostalgic they become.
Now Granny never letsday go by without remi-niscingthe good old thingsthe good old days . Once when she saw Xiao Hongme eating some mooncakes with relish, she said pityingly, "You poor children, you don't know what real mooncakes taste like. The worstthe old tasted much better thanbest that rnoney can buy nowadays!" We burst out laughing, not taking her words seriously.
Nowcome backthe bad serviceshopsdepartment stores. People often say that when you buy something, you are spending moneybuy rudenessanger. Todaysawloing exactly that.was atdepartment store andhappenedwitnesstypical quarrel.was nexta counter selling tea andsaw an elderly man come upaskyoung woman was busy weighingwrapping tea into standard-sized "packs "Do you have very good green tea?"
The woman glanced upsize him up. He was ordinarily dressedspoke withprovincial accent. obviouslymanno consequence. She wentwith her workthe man hadrepeatquestion. After another pausewoman snorted out: "Yes: Twenty-six yuanliang. " Not believingears,man triedcorrect her. "You mean twenty-six yuawjin?" Upon thiswoman flared upshouted: "I said twenty-six yuanLIANG ! Can't you hear straight? If you wantjin, then it's two hundredsixty yuan. Is that CLEAR?"
The man seemedbe stunried by her sudden outburst but he kepttemperasked again. "Do you have some thing under two yuan'Liang?" Obviously she was makinj things difficultthe old manshe answered as rudely as be fore;"What do you mean under two yuan? Anything fromcentone yuan ninety-nine centsunder two yuan. "don't remember what exaetlyman sai

中级口语教程Why Are They So Unlucky.doc
