

时间:2024-04-29 14:09:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】周日不仅仅是用来休息和恢复的。如果安排得当,它们实际能以完美的方式来开始新的一周。周一往往感觉是从周末赶过来的。你一走进办公室,就有满满一收件箱的邮件和事情需要你立刻处理。要想避免这种效率低下的情况,每周日我都安排一些时间,让新的一周重新开始。

Tackle Your Inbox


If you’re like me, you know that managing your post-weekend inbox can take up your entire morning. Save your Monday mornings for more meaningful projects and dive into your inbox on Sunday evenings. Set aside time to sort, read, and answer the emails you’ve received since Friday. You can also draft and send anything that needs taken care of first thing Monday.


Plan For The Week Ahead


Don’t wait until you roll out of bed on Monday to take a look at your calendar. Spend time on Sunday planning for what’s to come the next day and even in the week ahead. This could mean organizing things for a project, doing some research, or even preparing your to-do list for the next day.


Knock out Monday’s Smaller Tasks


Rather than pushing your “busy work” or less important tasks to Monday afternoon, why not take care of them on Sunday evening? This might mean doing some required reading or completing a few smaller steps in a project. If you’ve got a huge project starting on Monday, taking care of some of the initial steps or legwork can lead to much less stressful morning.


Prepare For Meetings


Nothing puts a damper on a day quite like a lengthy unproductive meeting. If you have some big meetings coming up in the week ahead, use your Sundays to prepare agendas, presentations, talking points, or brief yourself on potential topics. This will not only make the meeting run more smoothly for you, but also for anyone else attending.


Clear Out Your Back Burner


Face it, sometimes less important tasks tend to fall to the wayside in the face of a busy week. If there’s anything on your back burner from the week before, use your Sunday work session to finish it. But remember, Sundays shouldn’t be your go-to “catch all” for tasks you’ve previously avoided.


Touch Base With Contacts You’ve Neglected


Networking is a crucial element of a successful career. Sunday is the perfect day to reach out to the contact you may not have had time to speak with all week. Most people go through their email on Mondays, so they’ll be more likely to get back to you before they get busy for the rest of the week.


Let Sundays be your secret ingredient to a more productive Monday -- and maybe even the entire week.


