

时间:2022-03-31 00:49:48 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  【#英语资源# 导语】当我们想要改善健康状况时,我们大多数人都会关注常见的一点。常听到的是饮食、锻炼和睡眠。但在你努力变得更健康的过程中,还有一个重要因素你应该考虑:你的工作。以下内容由©文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

Research suggests that if you work in a toxic environment, your health can suffer. For example, one study published in 2010 found that being the target of workplace bullying was linked to higher stress and anxiety. In turn, increased levels of stress and anxiety can lead to chronic inflammatory diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.


Having a bad boss can also be hazardous to your health. One Swedish study found that employees who rated their bosses poorly on leadership behaviors — like consideration, providing adequate information, showing empathy, and communicating adequate praise — were more likely to experience heart attacks.


While the people you work with can have either a positive or negative impact on your health, so can your job itself. For example, a 10-year study of female workers found that women who experienced high job strain — defined as having both high demands and low control on the job — had a 38% increased chance of suffering cardiovascular disease compared to those with low job strain. And another found that individuals who worked 55 or more hours per week were more likely to develop heart disease or suffer from a stroke compared to those who worked fewer hours.


Your job can also be hazardous to your waistline


In addition to increasing your risk for various health issues, research suggests that your job may also affect your weight.


A survey conducted by Careerbuilder found that 44% of US workers reported gaining weight on their current jobs. While there is some question about whether or not desk jobs are to blame, research suggests that job stress and fatigue can definitely have a negative impact.


For example, a study published in 2010 showed chronic stress on the job was linked to higher Body Mass Index. Similar findings were found in a sample of women: Those who worked more than 49 hours per week reported the greatest weight gain.


So, is your job itself responsible for poorer health outcomes, or is some other factor at play?


While it might be nice to be able to blame your manager for the number on your scale, it's likely that stress is the underlying culprit. And when you experience a difficult boss, strained relationships, long hours, or other pressures at work, it can affect you in a number of ways.


First, many of us are prone to engage in emotional eating when stressed, and most of us don't reach for apples and salad. Instead, we tend to opt for sugary and/or fatty foods.


While emotional eating in and of itself could be enough to cause weight gain, we also may be subject to stress-induced hormonal changes. For instance one study of women found that increased stress was linked to a lower metabolism and less fat burning.


Finally, when you are working long hours, you tend to have less time to spend on self-care and weight management.


After all, once you've spent 10+ hours working hard, are you more likely to want to go to the gym or to crash on the couch to watch television? A study of obese Korean workers seems to support the latter, as the researchers found that the employees who worked 40-49 hours per week were 2.4 times more likely to engage in behaviors to control their weight compared to those who worked 60+ hours per week.


What can you do about it?


Although I've painted a pretty dire picture, there are things you can do to take control. Here are three suggestions to help you prevent your job from making you gain weight:


1. Do what you can to manage your current stressors

1. 尽你所能管理当前的压力源

While you may not be able to do something about all of your work stressors, you can empower yourself by managing the ones over which you do have some control. To manage your workload, talk to your boss, or find ways to improve your productivity. Learn constructive ways to deal with conflict with your co-workers. Give yourself an opportunity to recharge during the day by taking breaks. By decreasing the amount of stress you experience at work, you'll be taking a stand for improving your health.


2. Prepare your meals ahead of time

2. 提前准备饭菜

If you want to avoid putting yourself in a position in which you have to decide what to eat while your defenses are down, make the effort to prepare your meals ahead of time. And while you're at it, stock your desk with healthy snacks so you'll be less tempted to make a run for the vending machine when you need a mid-afternoon pick-me-up. The easier you make it for yourself to engage in healthy behaviors, the greater your odds will be of turning those behaviors into long-term habits.


3. Place a higher priority on self-care.

3. 把自我照顾放在更高的优先位置。

Recognize that taking time for yourself isn't a luxury — it's a necessity for maintaining your psychological and physical health. Although you might be committed to your job, the truth is, you're simply not as effective at it if you're anxious or tired. So, make a promise to yourself to get enough sleep and to fit in some exercise a few times a week (even if it's going for a walk during your lunch break).


Not only will you feel better, you'll likely find that the quality of your work improves.


