2017年职称英语 考试 报名-2017年职称英语综合类B级最新题库(一)


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  1 The high-speed trains can have a major impact on travel preferences.

  A force

  B influence

  C surprise

  D power

  答案:B 名词。impact“影响”,influence与其同义,故选B。本句意为:高铁会对旅游偏好产生严重影响。force“力量;压力”;surprise“惊奇;惊讶”;power“权力”。

  2 Can you follow the plot?

  A change

  B investigate

  C write

  D understand

  答案:D 动词。本句意为:你懂这情节吗?此句中follow意为“领悟;能理解”,understand与此同义,故选D。change“改变”;investigate“调查;研究”;write“写”。

  3 Even in a highly modernized country, manual work is still needed.

  A physical

  B mental

  C natural

  D hard

  答案:A 形容词。本句意为:即使在一个高度现代化的国家,仍然需要体力劳动者。此句中manual“手工的;体力的”,而physical“身体(上)的”,两者同义,故选A。mental“精神的”;natural“自然的”;hard“困难的”。

  4 In the latter case the outcome can be serious indeed.

  A result

  B judgment

  C decision

  D event

  答案:A 名词。outcome“结果”,result同义,选A。judgment“判断;裁决”;decision“决定”;event“事件;项目”。

  5 Norman Blamey is an artist of deep convictions.

  A statements

  B beliefs

  C suggestions

  D claims

  答案:B 名词。conviction“信念;信仰”,belief“信仰”,故选B。statement“声明;陈述”;suggestion“建议”;claim“要求;声称”。

  6 Up to now, the work has been easy.

  A So

  B So long

  C So that

  D So far

  答案:D 短语。up to now“至今,迄今”,so far“迄今为止;到目前为止”,故选D。so“如此;这么”;so long“再见”;so that“以便;所以”。

  7 The report advocated setting up day training colleges.

  A supposed

  B excited

  C suggested

  D discussed

  答案:C 动词。advocate“提倡;主张”;suppose“假设;认为”;excite“激起;刺激”;suggest“建议;提议”;discuss“讨论”,可知advocate与suggest同义,故选C。

  8 Accordingly, a number of other methods have been employed.

  A Therefore

  B Afterwards

  C However

  D Furthermore

  答案:A 连词。accordingly“因此,所以(表因果关系)”,故选项A therefore“所以”与此同义。afterwards“后来、然后”;however“然而;可是(表转折关系)”;furthermore“此外;而且(表递进关系)”。

  9 The outlook from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.

  A view

  B sight

  C look

  D point

  答案:A 名词。outlook“景色”,view“风景”,故选A。本句意为:山顶上的风景令人叹为观止。选项四个单词的意思都很相近,易混淆。sight“视觉;视野”;look“看;样子”;point“要点”。

  10 Our lives are intimately bound up with theirs.

  A tensely

  B nearly

  C carefully

  D closely

  答案:D 副词。intimately“熟悉地;亲密地”,closely“紧密地;亲切地”,两者意思相近,选D。本句意为:我们的生活与他们紧密联系。tensely“紧张地”;nearly“差不多;几乎”;carefully“仔细地”。

  11 The union representative put across her argument very effectively.

  A explained

  B invented

  C considered

  D accepted

  答案:A 短语。put across“阐明;讲清楚”,explain“说明;解释”,故选A。本句意为:工会代表有效地阐明了她的论点。invent“发明”;consider“考虑”;accept“接受”。

  12 He talks tough but has a tender heart.

  A heavy

  B strong

  C kind

  D wild

  答案:C 形容词。tender“温柔的;体贴的”,如 a tender heart“一颗温柔的心”。heavy“沉重的”;strong“坚强的”;kind“亲切的;和蔼的;体贴的”;wild“野蛮的”,故kind与tender同义,选C。

  13 It is no use debating the relative merits of this policy.

  A making

  B taking

  C discussing

  D expecting

  答案:C 动词。debate“辩论;讨论”,discuss与此同义,故选C。make“制作;制造”;take“拿;获得”;expect“期待”。

  14 Our statistics show that we consume all that we are capable of producing.

  A waste

  B buy

  C use

  D sell

  答案:C 动词。consume“消费;用掉”,use与此同义,选C。waste“浪费”;buy“购买”;sell“卖”。

  15 The fuel tanks had a capacity of 140 liters.

  A function

  B ability

  C power

  D volume

  答案:D 名词。capacity“能力;容量”。本句意为:油箱的容量为140升。因此在这句话中,capacity意为“容量”,volume“量;体积”,故选D。这题易错选B ability“能力”,是capacity的同义词,但在此句中capacity意为“容量”,不能替换。function“功能”;power“力量;权力”。

