
时间:2024-05-23 16:57:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#小学英语# 导语】天高鸟飞,海阔鱼跃,学习这舞台,秀出你独特的精彩用好分秒时间,积累点滴知识,解决疑难问题,学会举一反三。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《小学英语试讲怎样用歌曲导入》 供您查阅。
Step 1. 歌曲导入

Good morning my class. How is your Monday morning? Sleepy? Oh, really? Then let’s sing a song together to wake you up. Ok? Ok, then let’s sing a “Ten Indians” together. 1, 2, 3 go!

One little, two little, three little Indians.

Four little, five little, six little Indians

Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians

Ten little Indian boys

Wow, your voices are so beautiful.

Wake up now? Very good.

Step 2. 新授句型

Remember our friend Wu Yifan and Amy? Their class went to have a picnic last weekend. And they took a video. Let’s see what they are doing. Ok? Ok. What can you see? You see Wu yifan and Amy? Anything else? Kites? Yes, we can see many beautiful kites. Then what did Wu Yifan ask Amy? He asked “How many kites do you see?” (边板书边读)What does this sentence mean? Yes, if you want others to tell you the number of something, you can ask by “How many…can you see?” For example, if you want to know the number of books, you can ask by “How many books can you see?” clear? Good. Then how did Amy answer Wu Yifan. Yes, she can see twelve kites. Ten and two, that’s twelve. (板书) Pay attention to the pronunciation. Twelve. Ok, very good.

Now, let’s watch this video again and read after it. Nicely done.

Step 3. 练习活动


Dear class, I have a magic box here. Let me open it. See? There’s nothing in it. But if I shake it, it will change. let’s see what’s in it now? Yes, they are flowers. But how many flowers can you see? Jack please. You see 2? Is he right? Yes, very good. Sit down please. And now let’s shake it again! Peter,what’s in it now? Card?. Oh, beautiful cards. And how many cards can you see? You see 9? Count it again. Oh it’s actually ten. You correct yourself. That’s very clever. You did a very good job.


Now both deskmates will have a magic box. And you can put something in it and let each other guess how many things do you put in there. Ok? 5 minutes for you. (走到台下和学生交流Wow you see 5 pens. Good. Linda see 8 erasers, you have so many erasers.小声说) Ok, time is up. I saw everyone practice these sentence carefully. Let’s ask one of you to come to the stage and have your conversation. I see Jason and Iris put up their hands very high. Ok, come here. And the rest of you. Listen carefully what will they take about? Ok? Ok, they finished. What’s in their box this time? There are crayons for the Art class. Then how many crayons can you see? Answer me together? Yes 8. Are they good? Very much they did. Let’s applaud for them. Please go back to your seat. Nicely done.

Step 4. 巩固任务

My class, next weekend, we are going to have a picnic too. Let’s think what will it look like and draw a picture of it. 5 students as a group, so Lily you five is group one, Peter you five, group 2. Tina, you five group 3 and David you five group four. Members in each group draw one picture with every one adds things into it. And let’s see what’s in your beautiful pictures. Clear? Ok, Ten minutes for you. Ok, I see all of you’ve finished. Let’s stop here. Which group wants to show your picture and ask others the question with the picture? Wow, you all want to. Let’s choose group 2 first. All group 2 members, please come to the stage. Ok now, every group member asks one question with “How many…” and other students guess, ok? You can start. Oh, very good. We can see 2 birds flying in the sky, 5 trees under the sun, 6 chairs beside the trees and 6 people on the chairs. Excellent, all your questions and answers are right. Let’s give them a big applaud. Go back to your seats. Then let’s see group 1’s picture. Then group 3 and group 4. (可以根据时间确定增加其他组的展示) You are all so talented. You draw your pictures so well and say it with correct sentences. So how about we putting our pictures beside our blackboard after class. Oh, very good.

Step 5. 总结

So after so many practices, let’s look at the blackboard. Can you conclude what we have learned today for us? Mike? Oh, Exactly, Mike sit down please. We have learn a sentence to ask numbers of things. That’s “How many… can you see?” and we can answer by “I can see…”

Step 6. 作业

After school how about you going back home and ask your parents the numbers of things in your home. Ok? Ok. Class is over. See you next time.

