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【#成考# 导语】成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。2018成人高考专升本《英语》模拟测试及答案整理如下,坚持就是胜利!

  2018成人高考专升本《英语》模拟测试及答案(3) I. 选择题。(30分)

1. Usually a younger person C to an old one.

A. introduce B. introduction C. is introduced D. is introducing

2. When you go to B store, please buy bottle of milk.

A. a… a B. the… a C. an… the D. the….the

3. Would you like C more tea?

A. any B. anything C. some D. something

4. Which book A you better,this one or that one?

A. do… like B. does…like C. do… likes D. are… like

5. If it ____B_____tomorrow, the meeting will be canceled.

A. will rain B. rains C. is raining D. has rained

6. One of those ___A______ is my little brother.

A. boys B. girls C. boy D. girl

7. I ____D_____ see my mother in two weeks.

A. saw B. see C. had seen D. will see

8. When Peter _____B________, I’ll talk to him

A. come B. comes C. came D. is coming

9. The people in the small town ____B_________the new doctor.

A. likes B. like C. doesn’t like D. liking

10. September 10th is the ____C______ Day

A. teacher B. teacher’s C. teachers’ D. teachers

11. She has many _____A____, two _______, five_________, and many____________.

A. toys…buses….watches….sheep B. toys….buses…. watchs…..sheeps

C. toies…buses….watches….sheep D. toies….buses…. watches…..sheep

12. Does your father work in a hospital?__________D________.

A. Yes, she does B. Yes, she doesn’t C. No, he does. D. No, he doesn’t

13.____A_____ is not polite to let go off your hand too soon.

A. It B. This C. The D. That

14. My mother _____A_____ at 6:30 every morning.

A. gets up B. takes place C. does well D. asks for

15. Could you help ____B______with the heavy box?

A. I B. me C. my D. mine



1. A: My name is Jack. _________B________________?

B: My name is Lyn.

A. I want your name B. My I know your name please C. OK D. What do you like?

2. A. Lily, I’d like you to meet my friend, Richard.

B: _________D_________________.

C: So am I.

A. How do you do? B. How are you? C. I am Richard. D. Nice to meet you

3. A: Would you like to come with me to the party tonight?

B: _____B_________.

A. What shall I bring? B. I’d love to C. Sorry, I wouldn’t D. What should I bring?

4. A: A nice day, isn’t it?


A. Yes, it does B. No, I’m late C. Oh, I don’t know D. Yes, it is

5. A: Hi, Jack! Where are you going?

B: ______A________.

A. I’m going to school B. I has been to Beijing C. I won’t go D. I’m at home

III. 按要求完成下列句子。(10分)

1) My hobbies are football and pop music. (改成一般疑问句)

Are your hobbies football and pop music?

2) You will receive my letter in a few days. (对划线部分提问)

When will I receive your letter?

3) I want to study English at school. (变成否定句)

I don’t want to study English at school.

4) Ben always hugs his male friends. (改成一般疑问句)

Does Ben always hug his male friends?

5) The club often receives letters form students. (对划线部分提问)

Who often receives letters form students?

IV. 翻译。(20分) 答案见课本1-4单元TEXT A 词组表

1) pop music

2) put up

3) talk about

4) be egar to do sth.

5) be interested in

6) shake hands

7) around the world

8) in other words

9) as well as

10) first of all



12) 长期地

13) 邮政信箱

14) 笔友

15) 独自 2018成人高考专升本《英语》模拟测试及答案(2)

1. “I saw that new film yesterday.” “Did you? I ________ it yet.”

A.didn’t see B.hadn’t seen

C.haven’t seen D.not saw

2. ________you write your return address on the envelope?

A.Had B.Have C.Are D.Did

3. We _______ supper when a policeman came to the door.

A.just have had B.had had just

C.have just had D.had just had

4. By the time the doctor arrived, the man ________ already.

A.died B.has died

C.had died D.dies

5. By the time lecture is over, we ________ a lot about the earth.

A.shall be learning

B.are learning

C.would learn

D.shall have learnt

6. The shoes are too small. They ________ be mine.

A.can B.can’t

C.mustn’t D.may not

7. Peter ________come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.

A.must B.may C.can D.will

8. “May I have a look at the picture?” “Yes, you ________.”

A.must B.need C.can D.should

9. She needs a good rest. She’d better ________ until seven tomorrow.

A.not to sleep

B.go to bed

C.not go to bed


10. I haven’t brought my rubber with me. ________I use yours?

A.Must B.May C.Need D.Shall

11. I need one more stamp before my collection________.

A.had completed


C.has been completed

D.is completed

12. “________the letter ________ to Mr. Black?”

A.Is; being given

B.Has; been given

C.Will; be given

D.Was; given

13. The river has ________two feet because of the flood.

A.raised B.risen

C.been risen D.been raised

14. I think that the book ________ him.

A.belongs to B.is belonged to

C.is belong to D.belongs

15. I’m sorry you can’t go in now. The room ________ yet.

A.hasn’t been cleaned

B.hasn’t cleaned

C.isn’t been cleaned

D.hasn’t being cleaned

16. “Whose idea is it?” “It’s________.”

A.the idea of her

B.the idea of him

C.an idea of them

D.an idea of theirs

17. On the table there were vegetables, bread and two large________.

A.bowl of soup B.bowl of soups

C.bowls of soups D.bowls of soup

18. The washing machine cost the family five hundred ________.

A.yuan B.yuans

C.dollar D.of dollar

19. There are ________ animals at the zoo, aren’t there?

A.few B.a few

C.group of D.huge number of

20. Mr. Smith got ________ good news from home.

A.many B.some

C.quite a few D.a few

21. ________people attended the meeting last Saturday.

A.A hundred of B.Hundred of

C.Hundred D.Hundreds of

22. More than ________ years ago, there was a war between these two cities.

A.three hundreds

B.three hundred

C.three hundred of

D.three hundreds of

23. Jane can play not only ________ piano but also ________ tennis.

A./; the B.the; the

C.the; / D./; /

24. There are ________ books in our school library.

A.several thousand

B.several thousands

C.some thousands of

D.several thousands of

25. There are ________ students in our school.

A.five hundreds and forty two

B.five hundred and forty two

C.five hundred and forty two

D.five hundreds and forty two

26. He thinks that English isn’t ________important ________ maths.

A.as; so B.so; as

C.as; than D.so; than

27. He ________ as his brother.

A.speaks English not as good

B.speaks English not so well

C.doesn’t speak English as good

D.doesn’t speak English so well

28. Wei Fang doesn’t dance as ________ as Li Ping.

A.good B.better C.best D.well

29. If you like the fish, please have as ________ as you can.

A.many B.more C.much D.a lot 2018成人高考专升本《英语》模拟测试及答案(1)

1. Raising the temperature of blood flowing to the brain causes _____ feelings.

A. unpleasant

B. unpleasing

C. unpleased

D. unbreathing

2. I’d like to take _____ of this opportunity to thank you all for your co-operation.

A. profit

B. occasion

C. benefit

D. advantage

3. We have come to a critical moment. You must take immediate_____.

A. action

B. act

C. activity

D. doings

4._____, what he said at the meeting is true except that a few figures he quoted are not very reliable.

A. In general

B. In particular

C. In respects

D. As a matter of fact

5. Owing to the storm, the flight was _____ for one and a half hours.

A. stopped

B. given

C. delayed

D. cancelled

6. She will always _______ in mind what her parents told her when she left home.

A. place

B. keep

C. control

D. put

7. If you want to telephone him you will have to _______ the number in the book.

A. look at

B. look up

C. look through

D. look after

8. I looked at the window for three minutes, and then the light_____.

A. went down

B. went out

C. went up

D. went back

9. The room was so quiet that she could hear the of her heart.

A. hitting

B. beating

C. hurting

D. striking

10. There are four chairs in the room, one in each_____.

A. wall

B. corner

C. side

D. edge

11. It is impossible for us to ______ such a difficult task within a limited time.

A. fill

B. foresee

C. fulfill

D. forecast

12. Tom told his mother he was going to go over his lessons, but he went to bed.

A. almost

B. actually

C. immediately

D. hardly

13. We don’t think that his ______ ability has been well developed.

A. possible

B. potential

C. underneath

D. hidden

14. Staying in a hotel costs ________ renting a room in a dormitory.

A. twice more than

B. as much twice as

C. twice as much as

D. as much as twice

15. Before long he noticed ___________.

A. something interesting very

B. interesting very something

C. something very interesting

D. very interesting something

16. The _____ of the sugar is of course to sweeten the medicine.

A. reason

B. need

C. cause

D. purpose

17. We had a long meeting yesterday. It _____ four hours.

A. kept

B. spent

C. continue

D. lasted

