

时间:2023-11-14 00:41:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Today is the first day that our flight crew moved into the space complex for the Shenzhou XI mission. It is 10:05 pm and we have not finished our work yet.   今天是我们宇航员进入航天组合体进行神舟11号任务的第一天。现在是晚上10:05,我们还没有完成今天的工作。   I am told people are concerned about our living conditions here in space. Tutuping’an, a netizen using the Xinhua mobile app, is curious about how we sleep and eat meals in the space lab.   我会告诉大家所关心的太空生活条件。网民“图图平安”通用新华社app提问,表示很好奇我们在太空实验室里怎么睡眠和吃饭。   Chen Dong and I have been working all day and we really want to go to bed now. As we were so busy in the morning, docking Shenzhou XI and Tiangong II, and then entering the Tiangong II complex, we had no time for dinner. We only ate one meal for breakfast and lunch.   我和陈冬工作了一天,我们真的很想现在就去睡觉。因为早上一直在忙神舟十一号和天宫二号的对接工作,然后进入天宫二号组合体,我们没有时间吃晚饭,只吃了一顿早餐和午餐。   Our food mainly consists of ready-to-eat foods, or snacks, but we did bring a few staples. Earlier, we heated some rice and noodles, but forgot all about them, so we will make up for the missed meal later.   我们的食物主要是现成即食的食物和小吃,我们确实带了一些主食。早些的时候,我们加热了饭和面条,但是又忘了吃,所以我们会晚点补上错过的那餐。   This is my third time in space. This is also my second time entering Tiangong. Tiangong I was not bad, but Tiangong II is much more comfortable. The layout and decor are perfect.   这是我第三次进入太空。这也是我第二次进入天宫。天宫一号不是不好,只不过天宫二号更舒服些,在布局和装饰方面更是完美。   I remember I told the media that half of the credit we get should be given to our family members. Chen Dong and I talked about it today and agreed on that.   我记得我曾对媒体说过,我们得到荣誉有一半应该属于我们的家人。今天我和陈冬谈论了这个话题,他表示很赞同。   Chen Dong and I miss everybody so much. I want to tell you, dear comrades from the astronaut brigade, that in the past 18 years, we have taken meals at the same table, attended class in the same room and played basketball on the same court.   陈冬和我都非常想念大家。我想跟你们说,亲爱的宇航员队的同伴们,在过去的18年里,我们在同一张桌子上吃饭,在同一间教室里上课,在同一个球场上打篮球。   In that time, we have worked together, lived together, received training together and chased dreams together. You are as dear to us as family members. I know you are standing guard, cheering us on, and on duty for us. We salute you all!   那个时候,我们一起工作,一起住,一起接受训练,一起追逐我们的梦想。你们亲切得就像我们的家人。我知道你们在为我们站岗,为我们加油,为我们值班。我们像你们所有人致敬!

