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【#英语资源# 导语】童年数你最酷,招来粉丝无数,遇事最爱摆谱,高傲不屑一顾。六一,愿童心永驻!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  When June 1st comes every year, I am particularly excited because it is an annual international day. That morning, I came to school early. I'm so excited about performing on stage.

  Dress us up beautifully, all like blooming flowers. We came to the auditorium of the school and greeted all the guests with warm applause. Then I listened to the speeches of the Secretary of Wuzhong District Party committee and the principal of Baodai primary school. I was fascinated by the speeches of the two leaders. They mainly said some words to encourage us to make progress every day. Next comes the best part of the day, which is the wonderful performance. The students performed a special performance for the guests with beautiful songs and dances, and warm applause resounded throughout the auditorium. When I performed on the stage, my heart blossomed with joy. When I stood on the magnificent stage, I felt that all my eyes were looking at me

  After the performance, we went back to the classroom. I saw many colorful balloons hanging on the classroom window and colorful satins hanging on the blackboard, with "June day" written in the middle of the blackboard. After the students had a rest, they began to play games, and the teacher gave us many gifts. I got a book, a water cup, a pencil These things are my favorite, first grade composition. After school, we packed our schoolbags and went home happily. This year's International Children's Day is really unforgettable to me!


  "61" came to me with gentle steps and finally came to me, because today is "61".

  At eight o'clock, we all arrived at the school on time. The teacher took us to the class, issued a certificate of merit, and let us go to the food festival.

  Before I went downstairs, I saw a sea of people below. People were like black diamonds. I immediately rushed to the stall of our class, bought a walking toy and decided to give it to my sister as a holiday gift. I went to class 2 (1) and bought an ice cream. It happened to be a magic wand. I thought happily: give it to my sister again, won't my sister be very happy?

  Later, I bought two clusters of fruits and ate them with relish. Just after eating, Wang Yixiao took me to the "ice factory". Just after we finished eating, Zhang Tianle ran over and gave me a bunch of mutton, which made me full.

  I went back to the stall of our class. My mother gave me two strings of fruit for free, and my aunts gave me two bags of crystal babies. The food festival was over.

  The food festival is so happy!


  This morning, I was awakened by a sound from my dream. It turned out that my mother was telling me to get up. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my watch. It was only 6:30. I cried reluctantly, "why do you wake me up so early?" My mother asked me to look at the calendar again, and I was elated. Today is International Children's Day. I want to go to school early to participate in activities. Parents can also participate.

  Dad drove us to school. I was so happy all the way. As soon as I entered the classroom, I felt a festive atmosphere. The teacher held a one hour parents' meeting first, and then began the first game link - balloon blowing competition. My father took the balloon and blew it. I watched, but my father turned red and didn't blow it. Mother began to blow, and soon it was done. Now I know what the sentence "who says women are not as good as men" means. Finally, the moment I look forward to is the award. I only heard the teacher say, "congratulations to mother Jinyang on winning the first prize. Please come up and receive the award." Suddenly I felt very proud of my mother.

  Ah! How happy today!


  In the morning, we came to school with joy. The campus is jubilant, colorful flags are flying everywhere, and the slogan "celebrate June 1 International Children's Day" is hung high above the teaching building. The students gathered happily. It was very lively. There was a happy holiday atmosphere everywhere.

  When I came to the classroom, I saw that the teacher had been busy making up for the students for a long time. Everyone was chirping and very excited, and exchanged the beauty of makeup with each other.

  After a while, the teacher took the students to the sports art museum to participate in the June 1 celebration. Our class performed the group dance "find friends". Several other students and I beat the rhythm with the music. We clapped our hands red and kept beating. Warm applause came from our ears from time to time.

  In the afternoon, we also participated in the fun activity competition, and our class got many awards. The teacher also told us that our class won the "good class collective title". The students jumped up with joy. This year's "61" children's Day is really unforgettable!


  Childhood is the most wonderful stage of our life. At this time, we are a budding flower, a small seed, an ignorant intelligence and a never-ending activity. Last year's International Children's Day was more meaningful than in previous years

  On this day, my parents and I, Li Yueru, uncle Liu and Ruyi, went to the movies together, and then went to Mata lake to play. We went to the movies first. The movie was about huluwa, mainly about a grandfather who planted a magical seed, grew seven dolls of different colors, fought with bad guys, and finally huluwa won. After watching the film, we went to Mata lake. We first went out to eat. After dinner, we went boating in Mata lake. Green reeds were growing on both sides of the lake, green moss was floating on the lake, and a cool wind came out. Unknowingly, it was time for us to go before we had enough fun. The main reason for going was that Li Yueru's time for school was up. It's not enough!

  On the occasion of children's day, childlike innocence will always exist, maintain a pure heart and have a sweet smile. We live a carefree life and are full of fantasy and longing for the future.


  This year is my last children's day on June 1. What can I do? What makes the most sense?

  By the way, there are so many people in Nanshan park. It must be fun. But today, my father didn't know what was bothering him, so he said he wanted to sleep at home.

  Along the way, my mother and I took a picture, walked for a while, played for a while... Finally came to Nanshan park. When I got to the park, I found that it was all human. At first glance, although children accounted for the majority. But why are there so many adults? Plane thought: they are here to accompany their children. But he still has his own stroll. When you think about it, even if he is 7 years old and 8 decades old, in the eyes of his dead mother and father, is he always, never a child? Is it wrong that they came here to retrieve their childhood memories?

  Yes, no matter how tall you are, no matter how old you are, whether you are an adult or an old man in our eyes, aren't you always children in your parents' eyes?

  Here, I would like to state: June 1st children's Day is not necessarily for primary school students and children!

  I think this may be the most meaningful, valuable and touted International Children's Day in my life!


  Today, our Dongfeng West Road Primary School held a parent-child orientation activity in Yuexiu mountain park to celebrate our festival - "International Children's Day".

  My mother and I happily came to the park, found the guide map of the park at the gate, understood our location, looked for the place we wanted to reach, and chose a fast route. Today, because the sun is shining, I haven't gone far. I'm already sweating. On the roadside, I saw many uncles and aunts planting all kinds of flowers and grass in the hot weather, and their clothes were soaked. However, they still work hard to beautify the park and let tourists watch it. We should take good care of greening and protect the achievements of workers. Thinking of their hard work, I think I am very happy and don't feel tired. Unknowingly came to the first destination - beixiu song stage. I met my classmates. We were very happy. It was like we hadn't seen each other for a long time. In fact, it was only two days. We move forward to the second target zhenhailou together. We talk and laugh and stride forward. On the way, I met many students and soon arrived at Zhenhai building. After the seal was sealed, we set out for the last goal together. We ran in a race and came to Wuyang stone statue. Our teacher Liang was waiting for us and gave us gifts for International Children's Day.

  This year's International Children's Day is the most unforgettable. I can be happy with my classmates.


  Everyone should know what day it is on June 1st, right? Yes, it is the International Children's Day that belongs to our children! This June day, we had a particularly lively and happy mood!

  It was a sunny morning. My classmates and I came to the classroom with a happy mood, waiting for the beginning of International Children's Day.

  The first program of International Children's Day is running aerobics. When it comes to running aerobics, it is called a magnificent. The whole line of students entered the playground with neat smiles. At the beginning of running exercises, a sonorous and powerful music sounded, "one, two, three, four", "one, two, three, four!" The whole school moved, and the quiet campus suddenly became lively. The campus echoed with the students' neat running sound and the wonderful music sound. Many parents also come to our school to visit this magnificent running exercise.

  The running exercise was successfully completed. The following program is "classic reading competition", which made the students sweat. Through our joint efforts, we won the "special prize" in Grade 6. How much sweat has this medal condensed!

  In the afternoon, our class held another "June 1 celebration" in the classroom. We ate fruit and played games.

  This "International Children's Day" made us feel the great friendship of our sixth grade and "class 63". This International Children's Day will always be remembered in my heart!


  I like the jubilant Spring Festival, the lively Lantern Festival and the Mid Autumn Festival. But I like our festival most, that is, the happy International Children's Day.

  On International Children's Day, the school held a meaningful pitching activity. A total of 10 opportunities. If the score exceeds 7 points, the teacher will give a small gift. The students danced with joy and wanted to participate in the activity immediately. I think: I must rely on my own efforts to get the teacher's gift.

  Finally, it was my turn to throw the ball, but I missed it several times. The ball was like a naughty child running around and jumping around, but I didn't listen to me. But I'm not in a hurry. I always cheer myself up, because I won't give up. Then I used the later opportunities. Finally? I finally threw it in. At this time, I was overjoyed and successfully got my children's Day gift.

  This International Children's Day is really unforgettable. I received the gift because I only got it with my own efforts.


  Children's Day is celebrated every year, but it is different every time. This year's children's Day is the most special.

  Hope, wait, children's Day is finally here. When I walked into the party scene of our class, I saw beautiful ribbons and lovely balloons arranged all around. I think this June 1st party will be very wonderful. Suddenly, I found that all my classmates had come. I quickly found my partner to perform with me and carefully prepared our program - magic again. After a while, the party officially began. All the students sat down in their seats and were ready to watch the performance.

  There are many good programs in this children's Day party: the skits "through history" and "laughing class" made us laugh to the extreme; "The ball disappeared", "Poker possession" and "there are cards in the cards" are even more amazing; There are also songs and zither performances carefully prepared by the students... As well as the teacher's duet and the dance "treading the waves" brought by the mothers, which suddenly brought the party to a climax and made us applaud.

  This International Children's Day party, we are very happy. Not only did the students actively participate and the teachers actively join in and guide, but also took time out of their busy schedule to spend June 1 with us. This activity has enhanced the friendship between students, the friendship between teachers and students, and further sublimated the family affection. This June day is unforgettable for me all my life.

