Future of Energy能源的未来
1.Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It's a privilege and an honor to participate in the second season of conversations hosted by the prestigious Harvard University Center for the Environment, and to share my thoughts on the subject of the "Future of Energy." Let me begin this afternoon by thanking Harvard University for its kind invitation, and the Center staff for their warm hospitality during my visit to Cambridge.
2.This affteron, I want to share with you my views on our energy future, to examine some of the most critical factors and trends we need to consider when addressing energy issues.
3.The decisions about energy taken here in the US, back in Saudi Arabia, and indeed across the globe are important, because energy touches every aspect of modern civilization and pervades our daily lives. Access to an economic and reliable supply of energy is essential to achieving greater prosperity and eradicating poverty, to raising living standards in our communities, and to fueling economic and social development at home and abroad. At the same time, we have a responsibility to both our current and future generations when it comes to the protection and preservation of precious natural ecosystems, meaning that decisions about energy, economic expansion and the environment must go hand-in-hand. That is both our challenge, and our opportunity.
4.Let me begin with a brief look at today's energy picture, and the factors that those of us in the energy industry grapple with every day, that influence our mental models about energy's future, and provide the basis for our strategies.
5.The world currently consumes around 210 million barrels per day of oil equivalent with most of that supplied by a fairly limited number of sources; a reality that applies equally to the United States. Oil meets nearly 40 percent of the world's total energy needs, coal and natural gas each account for just under a quarter of total demand, hydropower and other altematives for 8 percent, and nuclear energy for 6 percent of total energy supplies. In fact, for all of the attention garnered by renewables and alternative energy sources, fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas still account for a whopping 85 percent of total global energy supplies. In addition, because the number of currently viable energy sources is so limited, we have to recognize that the options that are realistically available to policymakers, producers and consumers are also relatively limited. Of course, the flexibility the world may have in terms of choices is also a function of the time horizon under consideration, and in future there may indeed be more options on the table.
6.We must also remember that each sector of energy use has its own source dynamics. For example, when it comes to power generation, there are a number of sources which contribute substantially. According to the US Department of Energy, the American power generation sector draws upon coal for about half of its energy needs, with gas and nuclear each supplying about 19 percent of demand, and hydro electricity accounting for another 7 percent. Oil contributes a modest 3 percent to this country's power generation pie, and the remaining 2 percent of demand is met through renewables other than hydro. In contrast to this relative diversity of sources in the power generation sector, oil currently supplies an overwhelming 97 percent of the transportation sector's energy needs, with the rest coming from compressed gas, bio-fuels and other minor sources.
7.There are distinct reasons why oil is the fuel of choice in the all-important transportation sector: oil technologies have been proven over almost 150 years,and continue to develop; its supplies are abundant; it has an extensive and highly developed infrastructure in every corner of the world encompassing exploration, production, processing, shipping, storage and distribution; it has a very high energy density; and it is readily portable.
8.These factors are important to remember as we look at and endeavor to shape future patterns of energy production and consumption, as well as tackle environmental issues both in this country and around the world.
9.Tuming to the future, we find a variety of scenarios about where energy use is heading. These scenarios are shaped by multiple drivers, ranging from global economic conditions and their impact on energy demand, growth in energy supplies, the state of alternatives and their associated technologies, the comparative economics of different energy sources, and assumptions about environmental policies. 'rhe supply and demand projections which these scenarios produce vary widely-a fact which makes my job considerably more difficult when it comes to business planning and investment decisions! However, the one thing all these estimates agree upon is that the next quarter-century will witness tremendous growth in demand for energy. For example, the Energy Information
Administration of the Department of Energy, predicts that over the next 25 years,global energy use will increase an average of 2 percent annually-meaning that total energy consumption in 2030 will be roughly 70 percent greater than today's level.
9、面向未来,我们制订出若干应对能源利用趋势的方案。这些方案受多种因素的影响,包括全球经济形势及其对能源的需求、能源供应的增长、替代能源的状况及其相关技术、不同能源的经济比较,以及对环境政策的预测。根据这些方案所做的供求设计与实际情况大相径庭以至于要做商业规划和投资决策的时候,这一事实给我的工作带来了不小的麻烦。然而,在所有这些估计中有一点是一致的,那就是,未来的25年里,我们将见证能源需求的大幅度增长。例如,据美国能源部下属的能源情报署预测,25年以后,全球的能源消耗将以平均每年2%的速度增长—这就意味着到2030年,能源的总消耗量会比现在大约增加70 %。
10.In other words, over the next several decades my industry colleagues and I must substantially increase the amount of energy available to consumers around the world.
11.Can we do it? Yes, without a doubt, as there is more than enough oil remaining to meet the world's needs for many decades to come. Why am I so confident? Because our industry has devoted tremendous efforts and resources to understand the earth's petroleum resource base, and based on these efforts, we know that the world's remaining petroleum resources are vast. Currently proven conventional oil reserves are approximately 1.2 trillion barrels, while recoverable non-conventional reserves-heavy oils and tar sands-are at least 1.5 trillion barrels. Upstream experts believe that with on-going advances in technology, we will find an additional 2 trillion barrels from yet-to-be-discovered fields and tbrough increased recovery rates in existing fields. Added together, we are looking at more than 4.5 trillion barrels of potentially recoverable oil and that translates into more than 140 years ,of supply at today's current rate of consumption. To put it another way, to date the world has only consumed about 18 percent of its conventional and non-conventional producible potential.
12.While technology holds much promise for enhancing our ability to find,develop and deliver these resources to consumers, I believe it also bas an important role to play when it comes to protecting the planet. We all recognize that mitigating the negative impact that energy production and consumption has on the natural environment is becoming increasingly important, and represents another vital imperative for suppliers, consumers, policymakers, regulators and other stakeholders. Whatever professional role or discipline, or the position we occupy along the energy value chain, each of us has a part to play in lightening energy's environmental footprint, and in making it possible to balance our responsibilities toward the environment with our commitments to the economic prosperity and well-being of our communities and their inhabitants. Achieving that balance is among the most significant challenges facing our planet today, and underscores not only the work of the Harvard University Center for the Environment, but also my remarks this afternoon.
13.So, where do we go from here? Well when it comes to energy, the immediate future looks a lot like the recent past, with hydrocarbons cont:inuing to account for the lion's share of energy supplies. In fact, fossil fuels will remain the bedrock of energy supplies for both the US and the wider world for many more decades to come, through the use of oil in transportation via significantly improved conventional engines, hybrids or eventually in hydrogen production; and with coal and gas when it comes to electric power generation.
14.The EIA also projects that renewables, including hydroelectricity, will be generating more energy over the next quarter-century. But even with anticipated technical advancements, that source's share of global energy supplies will only increase by one percent over the next 25 years, from 8 percent of total supplies at present to 9 percent by 2030. When we look at altemative energy, we find that sources such as ethanol are beginning to play a growing role, while hydrogen and fuel cells still have some way to go before they are viable in the market, and face a number of technical and commercial obstacles that need to be resolved.
15.But the escalating demand for energy that I outlined earlier means that we will need contributions from all sources, whether traditional hydrocarbons or emerging sources like bio-fuels and hydrogen. As an oil man, I not only welcome additional contributions from altemative fuels, but I believe these contributions will be essential if we are to meet the growing needs of global energy consumers.
16.However, this is a process that will take time, and because of the complex,multifaceted nature of the obstacles that altematives still face, this is not a transformation that can be rushed. We also have to recognize that the speed of adoption will vary considerably around the world, given each nation or region's relative resource base, economic model, level of energy intensity, degree of technological sophistication, and sunk infrastructure costs. Just as different countries have vastly different levels of things like mobile telephone penetration or automobile ownership, in my judgment various markets around the globe will adopt and adapt alternative fuels at rates, and only slowly begin to converge over time.
17.Because we face a future in which we will need energy derived from all sources, and since it will take some time for alternative energy to expand its contributions to global supplies, I think we also need to look more closely at the major sources of our energy supplies for years to come. In short, the sources that will make the most important contributions to the energy mix in the near-to medium-term must receive a suitably high priority when it comes to research and the development of technological enhancements. If we ignore the energy supplies that will matter most over the coming decades-and yes, oil is a prime example-we may inadvertently undermine both the environmental and economic goals this nation and the global community have set for themselves.
18.In order to protect the environment, to eliminate energy poverty in the developing world, and to enable men and women around the globe to realize their asprrations for better lives in the future, I believe we must work simultaneously on both altematives and on developing cleaner and more efficient hydrocarbon technologies. Even as we press forward on altematives, let us also direct our efforts toward finding additional reserves of oil and gas, and invest in the production, processing and transportation systems needed to deliver those resources to customers and consumers. In other words, We must recognize that our energy future depends on pursuing a dual track: the gains we make in the altematives laboratory or on the test track as well as advances at the drilling rig, in the refinery and along the automobile production line. In time, renewables and altematives can and will play a more substantial role in meeting the world's energy needs. But for the foreseeable future, our energy prospects hinge largely on the ability of hydrocarbon suppliers to produce more barrels of oil and cubic feet of gas in a reliable and timely manner, on the steps that consumers take to conserve that energy and use it wisely and cleanly, and on the efficiency of the thousands upon thousands of applications and end-uses to which that energy is directed.
19.Ladies and gentlemen, as I said at the outset, when it comes to energy we face both tremendous challenges and a wide range of opportunities. No company or country, no matter how large or capable, can face those challenges or seize those opportunities by working in isolation. Rather, meeting the world's growing demand for energy while protecting the planet requires a pragmatic approach which integrates both the concems and the contributions of producers, consumers,and all those who impact and influence energy policy.
20.Let us therefore press ahead with multifaceted and concurrent efforts to bring various alternatives to the market, work to develop cleaner and more efficient applications for existing hydrocarbon sources, and endeavor to reduce the environmental footprint of global energy use. By aligning our eafforts and building on a firm foundation of resources, reliability and partnership, I believe we can succeed in achieving the sustainable energy future this great country and the wider world deserves.